Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 852: , Wolves...

"Sakura, come closer." Zhang Xiang looked around warily, walked two steps in the direction of Sakura, and shielded her into his inner guardian range.

Because he felt an unusual breath in those wolves, especially the wolf.

It was a kind of power that made him feel a little familiar, but it was not the same power that he had come into contact with before.

But after the wolf roared and launched the offensive order, the wild wolves who surrounded both Zhang Xiang and Sakura did not attack quickly.

Instead, they continued to circle the circle, narrowing the encircling circle.

At the same time, as if to better threaten Zhang Xiang and others, those wild wolves with gray-brown fur also began to appear vaguely in the vision of Zhang Xiang and Xiao Sakura, wanting to use this method Disintegrate Zhang Xiang's resistance.

However, these wolves did not expect it.

Although the powers they possessed seemed to be familiar, Zhang Xiang felt slightly wary.

However, relying on the strength of the wild wolves he perceives, even the strength of the wolf, it is impossible to harm Zhang Xiang.

Even whether he can touch his body is a question.

However, Zhang Xiang had forgotten, this time he was not alone.

"Ah...wolf..." Seeing the gray-brown wolf that loomed in the grass and appeared from time to time, Sakura's face was pale, her eyes closed, and she hugged Zhang Xiang tightly. There was a look of fear on his face.

At this time, Zhang Xiang remembered. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

Although Sakura possesses magical powers that ordinary people don't have, she is only a girl who is just ten years old. (It seems to be twelve years old... I'm sorry...)

In ordinary people, at this age, I’m afraid it’s just a girl who can only play coquettishly with her parents at home, and she will be frightened when she sees a big dog.

Such a girl, when she saw the real wild wolf surrounding her, she didn't even move around without being frightened. That was pretty good.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but stretched out his hand, gently hugged Sakura into his arms, and stroked her dark brown soft medium and short hair with his left hand.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here..." Zhang Xiang gently patted Sakura's back, comforting her softly and letting her not be afraid.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words that seemed to have magical powers, Sakura gradually calmed down, and the expression of fear on her face gradually decreased.

‘Yes, there is a big brother here, I don’t need to be afraid. Moreover, you are a magic card girl, how can you be afraid of these wild wolves? Kozakura was cheering for herself in her heart.

Then, she opened her eyes timidly and looked forward.

However, when she opened her eyes, she was still shocked.

Because, those wild wolves are already silent, reducing the encirclement to a distance of only ten meters.

At this distance, as long as these wild wolves make two or three leaps, they can directly rush in front of them.

Thinking of this, although Sakura was still scared, she reached out her hand and held tightly the seal key that hung on her neck.

"At least, I have to protect myself and don't let my elder brother worry about me..." Sakura glanced at Zhang Xiang who was holding herself, but secretly made up her mind.

However, just when she wanted to lift the seal and use Kuro cards to help Zhang Xiang, Zhang Xiang spoke up.

"Sakura, close your eyes." Zhang Xiang's gentle voice sounded in her ear again.

"Huh?" Xiao Sakura held the seal key in her hands, with doubts on her face, she looked in Zhang Xiang's direction with some incomprehension.

"Hey, in the next scene, it's not that children can see things." Zhang Xiang said to her with a gentle smile at the Sakura in his arms.

Because Zhang Xiang had already covered the seal key in Sakura's hands, seeing the determined expression on her face, he already knew Sakura's decision.

Seeing Xiao Sakura's effort to help herself, Zhang Xiang couldn't help feeling warm.

However, he couldn't really let such a girl who was only ten years old and the size of Miyu face this **** scene.

Therefore, he said such a word in a gentle voice.

But after listening to Zhang Xiang's words and looking at Zhang Xiang's gentle face, Xiao Sakura was shocked for a while before she understood Zhang Xiang's intentions.

However, she blushed with a smile.

"I'm not a kid!" Sakura said something childishly like a child who lost her temper.

However, she closed her eyes obediently.

At the same time, it was as if it had been agreed upon, amid the roar of the wolf again.

Wolves, attacked!

The first is a wild wolf with a height of more than one meter at both ends and a slightly thin body. Its eyes emit a green light. After passing around Zhang Xiang silently, it suddenly leapt out from behind Zhang Xiang, towards Zhang Xiang's neck bite away.

It was like the first blow, like Zhang Xiang's throat was torn.

I don't know if the wild wolves originally had such a strong jumping ability, or because of the addition of the strength of these wild wolves, the two wild wolves both jumped from five meters away.

When they leapt in front of Zhang Xiang, their bodies still maintained a strong impact, their height did not change much, and they aimed precisely at Zhang Xiang's throat.

However, when the two wild wolves rushed not far behind Zhang Xiang.

There was a sneer at the corner of Zhang Xiang's mouth.

"Naive!" Zhang Xiang snorted coldly, and naturally stretched his right hand into the void.

Then, as if it were natural, Zhang Xiang led Sakura's body, turned her body slightly, and exposed her right side in front of her.

At this time, the faces of the two wild wolves were already completely exposed in front of Zhang Xiang.

The green eyes are full of bloodthirsty, thin but full of streamlined body, smooth and supple, but with a few old scars, all of which are not explaining, the two looks a little old The wild wolf that has gone through the **** storm.

However, this does not mean that they have the power to hurt Zhang Xiang.

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