Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 859: , Blew!

At this time, Zhang Xiang also knew why he felt something was wrong. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

Because the sound of insects that had been silent nearby appeared again.

It's just that he didn't notice it just now.

‘The reason why the sound of insects disappeared is because of the arrival of wolves. Then, the sound of insects will appear again, which means... plus the roar just before it spoke...’ Zhang Xiang suddenly scanned the surrounding area with mental power, but found that it was within a hundred meters.

Except for the remaining corpses of wild wolves, there is no more wolf.

"Not good!" Zhang Xiang's face changed suddenly.

He already understood from the words of the giant demon wolf that the person the other party wanted to deal with was Sakura.

However, at the moment when the giant demon wolf's voice just fell.

The ultimate move of the giant monster wolf is already activated!

I saw the giant demon wolf that was blocked by five shackles of different sizes, and a **** mist burst out of his body.

It's just that this smog of blood, both in quantity and quality, far exceeds everyone's imagination.

Because the amount of blood fog turned out to be half the size of the body of a giant demon wolf.

And how big is the body of the giant monster wolf?

It stood up, but it was more than four meters high and its body length was close to ten meters. It would not be an exaggeration to describe it as a monster.

Even if it had a half of its body's blood volume, it was about the size of a small swimming pool.

And at the moment when the blood mist appeared, the look in the blood-red eyes of the giant monster wolf completely dimmed. Even its body became skinny and fur in an instant. Got dull.

Because, for a moment.

All the vitality of the giant demon wolf, including most of the blood, has been extracted by it.

But in the next instant, the blood mist sprayed from the giant monster wolf's body suddenly shrank.

The blood mist suddenly formed a reduced blood-red demon wolf, with strong hatred in his eyes, and in that illusory state, a retaliatory smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he rushed in the direction of Sakura. .

And these things were all completed in less than half a second.

But at this time, it was time to just figure out what was going on.

But at that instant, the blood-red demon wolf had already turned into a fast existence that had surpassed the sound barrier, leaving a few blood-red afterimages in the air, and suddenly came around in front of Zhang Xiang. Next to Kozakura, he swooped toward her.

Sakura only felt that a blood-red phantom flashed before her eyes. Before she could react, a blood-red demon wolf exuding a **** smell had already opened its huge mouth, revealing its blood essence and demon power. Li Ya, bite towards her throat.

"Ah..." Kozakura had only time to let out an exclamation, and put her hands in front of her.

"You fooled me!" Zhang Xiang gritted his teeth and said something word by word.

"But, you haven't seen my speed!" Zhang Xiang's eyes flashed with infinite killing intent.

At this time, he had no idea of ​​regaining this giant monster wolf in his heart.

It doesn't matter to play him, the key is that it wants to hurt Sakura, which is something he doesn't allow.

And at the moment his voice just fell, he suddenly exploded with a powerful speed that he had never exploded in this world, as well as in the world of Little Birds.

It is like a giant elephant charging, and like a fish swimming into the water.

It only took Zhang Xiang less than 0.1 second to break the state of the sound barrier, but there was no such violent explosive sonic boom.

Because, at the moment he successfully broke through the sound barrier.

He was like a swimming fish. Hundreds of muscles in his body began to tremble at a certain frequency, and he began to remove the wind that had hit him.

And it was this specific muscle jitter frequency that allowed him to successfully remove the oncoming wind from breaking through the sound barrier.

So, in the next moment.

Zhang Xiang's figure appeared on the side of Sakura, and there was no wind to bring him up, as if he was standing there.

At the same time, he slashed out the "Shadow Demon Blade" in his hand without hesitation, and slashed towards the body of the blood red demon wolf.

You know, the'Shadow Demon Blade' in Zhang Xiang's hand can absorb blood essence to strengthen itself and transform energy.

Once the ‘Shadow Demon Blade’ comes into contact with the blood red demon wolf, if it is a body composed entirely of blood essence and demon power, then it goes without saying.

The body of the blood red demon wolf will definitely be absorbed by the'Shadow Demon Blade' automatically.

And at this moment, the ‘Shadow Demon Blade’ shining brightly scarlet, also seemed to feel the blood red demon wolf in front of him, it was a rare burst of strange scarlet light.

From the mysterious scarlet light, a powerful suction power against the blood-red demon wolf was actually conveyed.

This made the blood red demon wolf who rushed not far in front of Sakura couldn't help but give birth to a sense of fear from the bottom of his heart, wanting to change the direction of the impact.

However, at this time it is completely too late.

At the same time, from a place hundreds of meters away, a bit of bright white light was released from that place, rushing in this direction.

At the moment when that little light appeared, Zhang Xiang also found the other party at the same time.

It's just that Zhang Xiang's sight was attracted by the bright light.

In his perception, that bright light, although the power contained in it is not very powerful, but it is exceptionally essence.

It's like a concentrated essence, which can purify everything.

This seemed a strange feeling, which made him feel slightly surprised.

Then, he speeded up his slash once again without hesitation.

Because, he could feel that the target of that bright light was also the blood red demon wolf...

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