Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 861: , My name is Kikyo!

And the moment Zhang Xiang saw the other party, the other party also saw Zhang Xiang. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

However, when she saw Zhang Xiang and the Sakura in his arms, she was slightly stunned, and a blush appeared on her face.

However, she soon recovered her calm again.

"Hello, are you travelers going to the village?" The girl opposite said first.

Her words are very nice, yet she does not lose the unique liveliness of a girl.

At this time, Zhang Xiang was able to see the opposite side clearly.

The other party was about fourteen or five years old, and his height was about 1.5 meters. He was also unusually pure. His **** and bright eyes seemed to be able to speak, and his skin was white.

But it's not the sick white, but the healthy white with a little red in it.

And at this time, Zhang Xiang found out.

The long bow she held in her hand looked so big to her now.

The long bow of a full 1.2 meter, held in her hands only about 1.5 meter, looked a little abrupt.

And watching Zhang Xiang look in the direction of her longbow, the girl also seemed to understand Zhang Xiang's eyes, and a blush appeared on her face.

"Um... Um, I only took the uncle's bow and arrow temporarily to make it look so big..." The girl said, blushing, hiding the longbow in her hand behind her.

However, with the girl's slender figure, it still seemed a bit difficult to block the figure of this longbow.

Therefore, the longbow standing behind the girl is in sharp contrast with the girl, making the girl a little shorter. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

However, in all fairness.

The height of the girl is among the girls, but it is not short.

Especially relative to her age, it actually happened to happen.

It's just that a girl her age is usually very sensitive to her figure.

That's why the girl showed such an anxious look.

It's just that, looking at the girl's face, a familiar feeling emerged in Zhang Xiang's heart.

It's like, this young girl in front of him, he has seen it somewhere.

‘Impossible, it’s impossible for me to come to another world and still know people in this world. So... it's more likely... She is the girl in an anime I have ever watched. Otherwise, it would be impossible for me to have such a familiar feeling... But why can't I remember who she is..." Zhang Xiang looked at the familiar girl in front of him, and a thousand thoughts flashed in his heart.

While Zhang Xiang continued to watch, the blush on the girl's face became more and more red, as if she was a little scared, she quietly shrank back, and took a step back.

Except at this time.

I was thinking about the girl in front of me, who was Zhang Xiang, but he felt the sleeves of her clothes being pulled.

"Big brother...this sister is asking you something...!" Sakura pulled Zhang Xiang's sleeve and said to Zhang Xiang.

However, the expression on Kozakura's face was a bit strange.

Her small face was bulging, as if she was sulking, and she looked at Zhang Xiang with a little angry eyes, which made Zhang Xiang feel a little strange.

But on the other hand, Sakura's face still has a little blush.

She held Zhang Xiang's arm in both hands and looked at the surrounding corpses of wild wolf, showing a timid expression, not daring to leave Zhang Xiang for half a step.

However, Zhang Xiang didn't have time to pay attention to Sakura at this time.

Facing Sakura's prompt, there was also the blushing face of the girl opposite.

He knew that if he didn't have a reasonable explanation, the **** the opposite side might shoot an arrow, even if she didn't, she would turn her head and leave, ignoring Zhang Xiang.

Why did Zhang Xiang stare at the little girl's face just as he was thinking? !

"Ah...cough cough... I'm sorry, I just lost my mind...because, I think you are very similar to someone I used to know. So, it is inevitable that you are a little surprised." Zhang Xiang pretended that he just woke up. Like, scratching his head, he explained to the girl opposite.

And the **** the opposite side seemed to have never seen the world before. After listening to Zhang Xiang's words, she believed his words.

"Is that so? No wonder you are like this. By the way, what is the name of the person you know?" The girl in the witch costume showed a curious look and asked Zhang Xiang.

And listening to the girl's curious look, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but feel a little headache.

Although he felt that the other party was very familiar, how did he know someone who looked like a girl, and how did he say the other party's name?

Not to mention, if you continue to tell a lie, you will be easily exposed.

Because, a lie is undoubtedly rounded up with countless lies.

So, think of it here.

Zhang Xiang couldn't help but turn his eyes and immediately changed the subject.

"Um... I'll talk about this question later, let's get back to business first. Do you know where the nearest village is? We were going to the village, but we didn't expect to get lost. We still met halfway through. This group of wild wolves was lost." Zhang Xiang asked the girl with a wry smile.

"Ah, so you are lost...? I thought you were going to our village as travelers," the girl said with a little embarrassment on her face and said to Zhang Xiang and others.

"Really? The nearest village is the one you are in? So, if you can, can you take us back?" Zhang Xiang's eyes lit up and said to the girl in front of him.

It is undoubtedly more convenient for someone who is familiar with the village to bring it into the village, whether it is to communicate with people or other things.

After all, no matter which place, the people in the settlement will be extremely wary of the foreign population.

After thinking for a while, the girl agreed to Zhang Xiang and others.

"Okay." The girl nodded and agreed to Zhang Xiang's request.

"Then, I will trouble you." Zhang Xiang showed a smile on his face and nodded towards the other party.

"It's okay." The girl showed a sweet smile.

At this moment, Sakura, who had been holding Zhang Xiang's arm timidly, asked a question.

"Sister, what's your name?" Sakura asked curiously.

"Ah... I'm sorry, I almost forgot to introduce myself, my name is Kikyo, I am a witch..." The girl, no, it was Kikyo's face with a look of embarrassment on Zhang Xianghe Sakura said.

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