Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 867: , The jade of the four souls!

Looking at Kikyo's begging eyes, Zhang Xiang frowned and took a step forward. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

"You talk about your requirements first..." Zhang Xiang took a step forward in a calm voice.

However, this step caused those people to show a slight expression of dissatisfaction.

In the eyes of these people who dared to fight the monsters, they were asking for the Kikyo Miko, not Zhang Xiang, and Zhang Xiang did not have the right to speak.

However, in the next moment, the dissatisfaction on their faces disappeared.

Because, at the moment Zhang Xiang noticed their thoughts.

Zhang Xiang raised his eyebrows, a powerful breath accompanied by a strong evil spirit flashed past Zhang Xiang's body.

That evil spirit doesn't seem so powerful in this world where people are not as dead as dogs, but it is extremely pure.

Not to mention, they could clearly feel that the powerful aura passed from Zhang Xiang was obviously not something they could match.

Feeling this, they dared to show dissatisfaction casually.

You know, this is the chaotic Warring States era!

"We just want to ask the bellflower maiden to help us purify and keep something. If such a thing is taken by a monster or someone with wrong intentions, the consequences would be unimaginable." The man who took the lead turned towards Zhang Xianghe. Kikyo said respectfully.

"Purify and keep something?" Zhang Xiang frowned slightly.

Because, from the other party's words, he seemed to recall something from that somewhat vague memory.

‘Jade of the Four Souls? ! Zhang Xiang's eyes widened slightly, and he suddenly thought of this heaven-defying thing.

And at this moment, the chief also said what that thing was. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

"Yes, such a thing is the'Jade of the Four Souls'" said the chief respectfully.

Immediately, he held a plate with black cloth on it in both hands and delivered it to Kikyo.

"The jade of the four souls?" Kikyo looked at the things on the plate with a trace of doubt on his face.

On the black cloth, a crystal shimmering with pink light was lying quietly on the black cloth.

But what you can see with the naked eye is.

There was a black air flowing in the crystal that shone with pink light.

Moreover, this black air is growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

If this is the case, I am afraid that after a month or two, the crystals that are shining with pink light at this moment will all be contaminated by that black gas.

"What a quintessential soul power..." Kikyo exclaimed.

There was a look of surprise on her little face.

"But, it seems to be being polluted... But the source of the pollution is..." Kikyo frowned slightly, thinking about something.

Then, she hesitated to look in the direction of the leader.

But at this moment, the leader who stood in front of Kikyo gave a wry smile.

"Yes, that's right, the source of the pollution is me. To be precise, it is my greedy heart." The leader pointed to his heart with a wry smile on his face.

"How come?" Kikyo was also a little confused.

Although she felt something was wrong just now, because the soaring demon aura they felt was transmitted from the bead in front of her.

However, more sources seem to be the human being in front of you.

Moreover, when she felt that the source of the bead in front of her eyes was the man in front of her, her doubts reached the climax.

As if seeing Kikyo’s doubts, the leader began to explain.

Not long ago, they got this ‘Jade of Four Souls’ in a mission to eliminate demons.

However, not long after they got the "Jade of the Four Souls", they began to be attacked by a large number of monsters.

Under the siege of many monsters, even if they were dedicated to the monsters eradication division, after being consumed a lot of physical energy, they began to reduce their staff.

In the midst of a crisis, as the leader, he suddenly remembered the legend of the'Jade of the Four Souls'.

——The Jade of the Four Souls has the power to realize any wish of the user.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help being a dead horse as a living horse doctor, and made a wish to kill the monsters in front of the'Jade of the Four Souls'.

And the'Jade of the Four Souls' also responded to him definitely, but responded to him in a twisted way.

——Turned him into a monster.

And as a result, just as he had promised, he successfully killed all the monsters that came, and he became more and more courageous.

However, afterwards.

He felt that something was wrong, because after killing those monsters, the impulse to kill everyone in front of him unexpectedly emerged in his heart.

It is also because of his strong willpower that he resisted this impulse.

At the same time, he also remembered another rumor of the'Jade of the Four Souls'.

That is, the jade of the four souls depends on the owner. It can become good or evil. In the hands of monsters or bad people, it will increase pollution. In the hands of someone with a pure soul, it will be purified.

And if it falls into the hands of a person who is not strong in his heart, he will be gradually attracted to fall, and eventually become the body controlled by the soul of Qu in the "Jade of the Four Souls".

Thinking of this, he couldn't help being startled in a cold sweat.

Fortunately, feeling the demon spirit here, a Taoist monk rushed over.

With his help, the "Jade of the Four Souls" in his hand was reluctantly purified.

However, the Taoist monk told them that if they don't want the "Four Soul Jade" to be contaminated again, it is best to send it to a person with strong spiritual power and pure soul to gradually purify it.

So, after some searching, they found the side of Miko Kikyo.

Only after they came here.

They were surprised to find that the Miko Kikyo was not in the village.

However, the'Jade of the Four Souls' is still tempting the dark side of the leader's heart, allowing his desire to continue to pollute the'Jade of the Four Souls'.

The reason why Zhang Xiang and Kikyo felt the demon was because the leader was almost demonized again under the pollution of the "Jade of the Four Souls" at that time.

Fortunately, he had a personal bead chain bestowed by an eminent monk, which helped him withstand that demonization.

Otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous.

And at this moment, Zhang Xiang appeared in front of them with Sakura on his back and Kikyo in his arms...

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