Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 899: , Sakura will die!

In the next moment, Zhang Xiang's brows frowned slightly. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

"Sakura, take out the two Kuro cards you just played." Zhang Xiang said with a serious frown on his face.

"Huh? Okay, okay." Kozakura's face has a look of confusion.

She was wondering why Zhang Xiang wanted her to take out the Kuro card.

However, she did not think that Zhang Xiang was coveting her Kuro cards, and wanted to take her Kuro cards as her own.

Because, before that, he had many opportunities to **** those Kuro cards from her at any time.

Therefore, she is not worried that Zhang Xiang will do bad things to her.

Following Zhang Xiang's words, Sakura quickly took out the two Kuro cards she had just used from her arms.

But at the next moment, even Kozakura felt something was wrong.

Because the aura of those two Kuro cards has been reduced a lot.

If she doesn't usually carry the Kuro cards on her body, then she still can't feel it.

However, the aura that had changed in just a few minutes was still not enough for her to distinguish.

"How could this happen?!" Sakura looked at the two Kuro cards in her hand, with an anxious expression on her face.

Because it is visible to the naked eye.

The color of the two Kuro cards seemed to be dimmed a little bit, and even the magic fluctuations transmitted from them were lowered by a level. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

It looked very similar to the Kuro card that Zhang Xiang caught when it was teleported.

It’s just that the aura of that one Kuro card is almost gone, and the two Kuro cards in her hand still have a strong magical aura, but compared to the original, it is undoubtedly a lot lower. That's it.

"Insufficient supply of magic power, this kind of situation will naturally occur. From now on, unless you encounter dangerous things, you are prohibited from using Kuro cards. Otherwise, for you, or for Kuro cards, it is both A heavy burden." Zhang Xiang said to Sakura with seriousness on his face.

"How could this happen, but... But, I used two Kuro cards in a row, and there was no such thing?" Kozakura asked with an anxious look on her face.

After all, this is related to whether she can continue to use Kuro cards in the future, or even collect Kuro cards.

"The reason, it should be because of the difference in the world." Zhang Xiang thought for a while and said to Sakura.

"The world is different? What does this have to do with whether I can use Kuro cards?" Kozakura's face showed a puzzled look.

And looking at the look of Sakura, Zhang Xiang also thought about it for a while, intending to tell some things he had guessed.

"Because, because we have crossed into this world, these Kuro cards are disconnected from their master's magical power. Therefore, once you use Kuro cards, all the magic power you use now is for yourself. I'm burdened." Zhang Xiang explained to Sakura.

"Master? Isn't their owner Kuroriduo? And, isn't the magic power always provided by me?" There was a puzzled expression on Sakura's face, and she didn't understand Zhang Xiang's words.

"Yes, their owner is Kurorido. Because they came to this world, those Kurorid cards have lost the supply of Kuroridor's magic power. So now, every time you activate the magical power of Kurorid cards, you need Your own. Because, when you activate the Kuro card originally, you only provide the magic power to activate. The magic power you maintain is not provided by you.” Zhang Xiang explained to Sakura in detail.

However, the more Zhang Xiang explained, the more confused Sakura felt.

"But... But Mr. Kurorido, isn't it dead already?" The doubt on Kozakura's face deepened.

"Who said he was dead?" A smile appeared on Zhang Xiang's mouth.

"Yes, it's what it said! Isn't it possible that Kurorido is not dead?" Sakura's small mouth opened slightly, and an incredible expression appeared in her eyes.

However, facing Sakura's shock, Zhang Xiang smiled and shook his head.

"I haven't said that before." Zhang Xiang smiled and shook his head.

"But, but, didn't you say that the magic of the Kuro card has always been provided by Mr. Kurorido? Since it was provided by Mr. Kurorido, then the fact that he is alive is certain?!" Sakura With a trace of doubt on his face, and a trace of perplexity asked.

"The magic power can be provided by Kurorido all the time. But this does not mean that he must be alive. Moreover, the Kurorido who provides the magic power is Kurorido, but it may not be the original Kurory. That's too much." Zhang Xiang continued to explain.

However, after listening to Zhang Xiang's explanation, Sakura's eyes turned in circles.

"It's complicated..." Kozakura sighed vaguely.

"Actually, it's not that complicated. Everyone is not clear about the life and death of Kurorido. After all, no one has ever seen Kurorido's passing. With his great magician strength, think If you don’t die, you can have many ways... However, the current focus is not on this one. Originally maintaining the magic power of the Kuro card, after you left the original world, it was because you cut off the source of the maintenance magic power. For this reason, it is beginning to absorb your own magic power. Therefore, you are now consuming magic power all the time. Therefore, your current magic power storage is at a historical low point, and at most it can only inspire a kuro It's just a card. As for the next Kuro card, it will consume your magic too much. Therefore, you will feel so hard now." Zhang Xiang explained in detail.

But in the next moment, his face suddenly became serious.

"I now give you a piece of advice, that is, if you don't want to die, then it's best not to cast Kuro cards in this world many times. The source of magic power is vitality. If you wear out too many times, you have certain There is a chance that you will die on the spot due to excessive consumption. Therefore, remember, if you are not in danger, you can never use the Kuro card again!" Zhang Xiang seriously grabbed Sakura’s shoulder and said to her .

Looking at Zhang Xiang's serious look, and those eyes that care about her, Xiao Sakura couldn't help but nodded seriously.

And after Sakura nodded, Zhang Xiang's face bloomed with a smile again.

"Well, give me the Kuro cards, I'll help you carry these Kuro cards to seal some magic power in." Zhang Xiang smiled and said to Sakura.

"Huh?" Sakura's face showed a surprised expression.

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