Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 921: , Little monk

"Impossible!" Zhang Xiang looked around with shocked eyes. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

In his calculations, he should be able to get rid of the environment and reach the outside world!

But how could he continue to stay here?

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but flashed a thought in his heart: Isn't this a fantasy world?

However, in the next moment, he himself denied it.

"Impossible, just in such a short time, how could I be transferred to another place. Besides, is it still exactly the same place as that hall?" Zhang Xiang smiled and shook his head, trying to deny his thoughts .

But in his heart, there was a trace of anxiety.

Because, after being shrouded by the dim Buddha light, he felt a wave of fluctuations similar to a spatial shift.

But just as his thoughts turned, the surrounding environment changed for a while.

In the surrounding hall, a slightly noisy sound suddenly appeared.

Moreover, that noisy sound was very similar to the sound of a monk chanting Buddhist scriptures.

Zhang Xiang's heart was slightly startled, because he had searched all of them before, and there was no one at all. There was no noise, let alone reading Buddhist scriptures.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help being extremely vigilant, and hurriedly looked around.

However, at the next moment, he was taken aback.

Because he could truly hear the sound of chanting Buddhist scriptures from his side.

Moreover, it was still not far behind him. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

He turned his head abruptly, grasped the hilt of the'Shadow Demon Blade' with his right hand, and was always prepared to attack first when there was any danger.

However, in the next moment, he stood still.

Because behind him were a row of monks, all of them dressed in monk costumes, sitting on the soft cushion, chanting a Buddhist scripture with unknown name.

But the moment Zhang Xiang discovered the other party, the singing voice became louder.

Zhang Xiang quickly turned his head and looked around, only to find that he did not know when, he was already ‘surrounded’.

On both sides of him, on the soft cushions spread on the ground, a lot of them appeared, wearing white clothes on the inside, and an orange dress similar to a cassock on the outside.

However, it is not correct to say that it is surrounded.

Because, after the monks suddenly appeared, they didn't seem to see Zhang Xiang.

He even lowered his head and chanted various Buddhist scriptures.

Although their voices are irregular, and the Buddhist scriptures they are chanting are not the same, they give Zhang Xiang a sense of peace and compassion.

And with their chanting, the faint light of Buddha emerged from the Buddha statue not far in front of them, and enveloped the monks, making their expressions more peaceful and compassionate.

The poems that are like chanting are echoed in the entire hall along with the golden Buddha light that appears faintly.

At this time, a hand suddenly reached Zhang Xiang's shoulder.

"Brother, what's the matter?" A slightly younger male voice rang behind Zhang Xiang.

Feeling the hand on his shoulder, Zhang Xiang felt his hair stand up, and he was extremely vigilant in an instant.

Because, the other party broke through all Zhang Xiang's guard without any sound and put his right hand on Zhang Xiang's shoulder.

He even ignored Zhang Xiang's sweeping eyes and the mental power perception that spread all over him.

What if the opponent just chose to attack?

The result is self-evident.

At this moment, Zhang Xiang turned his head stiffly.

"No, it's okay..." Zhang Xiang warned, while looking at the right hand on his shoulder.

It was very white, but it had cocoon marks, which showed that the owner of this hand was always working.

In the next instant, Zhang Xiang could see the opponent's face clearly.

That was a man who was about eighteen years old, and he looked like a ‘pink jade jade’, and he was slightly shy.

After hearing Zhang Xiang's answer, the man nodded slightly on his face.

"Since the brother has nothing to do, then, should the brother go to eat a fast? Our morning class is about to be completed, and the meal is about to start." The little monk showed a bright smile on his face, toward Zhang Xiang An invitation was sent.

It's just that Zhang Xiang's complexion has not changed at all.

But his heart is actually turned upside down.

Because, real, the surrounding environment is so real that he can't regard it as an illusion at all.

Moreover, looking at this kind-eyed little monk in front of him, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but feel a good feeling in his heart.

Because Zhang Xiang could see that the request of this little monk was in his heart.

However, Zhang Xiang can be sure that this is definitely an illusion.

Even though, in his heart now, there was such a sway in his heart.

But in the next moment, Zhang Xiang suddenly realized that whether he agreed or not would determine what treatment he would receive next.

He can deny the other party and leave this place.

However, it will lose the opportunity to get closer to the other party, making the chance of knowing what a place here is even more slim.

However, if you agree to the party.

Then, he didn't know if this was a trap, a trap that made him fall silent and unable to break free from the mud.

It's just that when Zhang Xiang was wondering whether or not to agree to the respondent.

The development of the incident made a choice for him.

"'s not good...youkai...youkai has begun to slaughter the villages outside. Two villages have been breached." A panicked monk broke in from the outside of the hall and shouted to the people inside the hall. Up.

However, Zhang Xiang didn't even notice how the opponent appeared.

Then, Fang Yi appeared at the door of the main hall and rushed in.

This made Zhang Xiang even more surprised.

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