Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 923: , Send? Past and future?

So, inexplicably, Zhang Xiang was among the monks and rushed out of the hall.

It's just that the moment he stepped out of the hall.

An inexplicable golden Buddha light illuminates again, which makes Zhang Xiang slightly startled, his whole body tense up, vigilant for possible attacks at any moment.

But at the next moment.

He suddenly appeared in a village, to be precise, it should be said that the periphery of existence.

Around him, dozens of corpses of monsters lay lying down, and around him, those monks were also guarding all over the village. They were also surrounded by corpses of monsters.

Obviously, these corpses were killed by ‘him’ and other monks.

However, besides the corpses of the monsters, there were also a lot of human corpses lying on the ground.

Those are the corpses of some villagers. The number is about fifty to sixty. There are children from infants to elderly people in their fifties. They include people of all ages in the village. .

However, to say that it was an inclusion, it would be better to say that all the humans in this village had already been killed.

Most of the human corpses on the ground were incomplete, and even some people were eaten with only one protruding eyes and unwilling heads.

"Damn it! We are still a step late! If it were earlier, they wouldn't..." The little monk standing not far from Zhang Xiang slammed the stick in his hand to the ground.

Under his angry blow, there was even a hole slightly sunken in the ground, showing that his strength was not weaker than that of an adult.

But on his body, it was stained with the blood of a lot of monsters, and in conjunction with his angry red eyes, it rendered his face a bit hideous.

And at this time, the brother named Honda also came out.

"In my mind, now is not the time to be angry. Now, we should bury those corpses. Otherwise, it won’t be long before another group of monsters or beasts will be attracted. Even, there may be It breeds other monsters." The man named Brother Honda, put his right hand on the shoulder of the little monk, and said to him.

Under the persuasion of the other party, the emotion of the little monk gradually calmed down.

"Okay, Brother Honda." The little monk held back his anger and nodded at the other party.

At the moment when the little monk agreed, a monster with sharp claws and teeth, and a monster with only one eye, hidden in the house, suddenly rushed out of the house. Come out and rush towards the back of the little monk.

Seeing, the little monk without any defense was about to be ripped apart by the opponent's sharp claws.

But at this time.

Two people suddenly took action. One was the Honda monk standing not far from the little monk. As he stood in front of the little monk, he could naturally see the attack coming out of the little monk’s house. monster.

His right hand suddenly clenched a round stick holding the Dharma in his hand, and swept towards the body of the monster.

And the other one who shot is naturally Zhang Xiang.

Originally, Zhang Xiang was unwilling to make a move.

However, after his eyes flickered for a while, he suddenly decided to take action.

Because, he suddenly thought that he could use this opportunity to tell whether he was in the environment.

He can judge whether he is in an illusion based on whether he has energy transferred when he uses the "Shadow Demon Blade" to kill the monster.

If there is, it is naturally not, if not, it is very likely to be!

So, at the next moment.

His body suddenly disappeared, a scarlet glow of blood disappeared in a flash, accompanied by Zhang Xiang's figure to the other side of the little monk.

The monster in the air was suddenly split into two halves while a trace of blood appeared on the waist.

Then, he was smashed into the air by the blessing stick of the belated Honda monk.

But at this time, the little monk called the original mind was considered to have discovered what happened.

"Thanks...Thank you Brother Benyuan...and Brother Honda..." The little monk secretly thanked Zhang Xiang and the Honda monk in fear.

However, Zhang Xiang didn't pay attention to this point, just nodded.

Because he still has another more important thing to deal with.

——When he beheaded that monster, he did absorb a wave of power.

But that is a slightly strange power, full of demonic energy, but also mixed with a kind of unpleasant power, just like Buddha light?

This feeling of contradiction suddenly caused Zhang Xiang to frown slightly.

And at this time, the Honda brother also made a sound again.

"Okay, it's getting late, you can go back first... Let's stay and clean up these corpses. It takes a lot of time to dispose of the corpses of these monsters..." The Honda monk's face Up, showing a trace of helplessness, glanced at the corpses around.

However, Zhang Xiang found out.

This person called a Honda monk, the place where his eyes stay the most is not the corpses of the humans, but the corpses of the monsters.

And in his eyes, there is also an inexplicable urgency and desire.

This made Zhang Xiang couldn't help but put most of his attention on him.

After hesitating for a while, the little monk nodded.

"Well, then we will leave." The little monk nodded towards the other side.

But in the next moment, although Zhang Xiang's body did not move, a burst of golden light appeared inexplicably before his eyes.

‘Oops, are you going to ‘fast forward’ again? This thought flashed through Zhang Xiang's mind.

However, before he was completely swallowed up by that golden Buddha light, he still made a seal.

A figure suddenly emerged from his body, and dodged toward the village.

In the next moment, Zhang Xiang's figure once again appeared in the magnificent hall.

But at the next moment.

He frowned.

Because his shadow clone was crushed into pieces by a powerful force, and that force was the same as the Buddha light that transmitted him.

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