Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 938: , The Dark Scepter!

The powerful dark aura instantly filled the entire hall. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

And at the next moment, an extremely dark scepter appeared in front of the opponent out of thin air.

In the darkness, even the robe was already dyed with a layer of lacquer black color, and his face became very strange. The handsome little monk stretched out his right hand to hold the scepter.

Then he said a word.

"Disperse!" The little monk took the dark scepter in his hand and moved a little forward.

Suddenly, a burst of great power came and applied to the pure white beam of light that hit him.

Then, in the midst of the sound of ‘Peng’, the entire beam of light broke apart, forming countless fragments of light.

At that moment, the pure white wings behind Zhang Xiang flapped slightly, and the whole person moved a few meters away.

But in the next moment, on the roof behind Zhang Xiang's original position, a void appeared silently.

"Is it an attack directly on the concept?" Zhang Xiang's golden indifferent eyes scanned the opponent's dress.

I saw the opponent's body, and I didn't know when, he was already wearing a black robes that only the abbot could wear, and he was holding a dark scepter in his hand.

And his originally immature face, I don't know when it turned into an extremely handsome young monk with a strange smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Amitabha Buddha, why force me to do this. Isn't it good to be the number one fighting Buddha under my seat?" The young monk holding a dark scepter showed a strange smile and pointed towards Zhang Xiang. Said in a frivolous tone. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

In his mouth, the phrase ‘Amitabha’ seems to have become a general greeting.

"Hmph, I haven't lived enough yet! Moreover, I don't want to be your kind of recognition, ghosts or ghosts. If you say you become a Buddha, you should become a devil!" Zhang Xiang snorted coldly. He looked directly at the other person and said.

After all, Zhang Xiang had already seen clearly, if the other party was really a Buddha, then he would not be trapped here, and he was planning to launch an attack.

Not to mention, in the illusion, Zhang Xiang already sees clearly what the other party is doing.

That kind of behavior is not something that a Buddha should do at all, but is something that a demon can do.

"Buddha is a demon, a demon is a Buddha, one thought becomes a Buddha, one thought becomes a demon. Didn't you see? As long as I want, I can turn into a Buddha whenever I want." The strange young monk opened his hands and used In an arrogant tone, he said to Zhang Xiang.

"Is this really the case?" Zhang Xiang said to the other party in a mocking tone.

"Since this is really the case, then, when you were a Buddha, why did the subordinates who were created with your thoughts have a bad thought at the core? Not the kind thoughts that a Buddha should have?" Zhang Xiang's mouth The sarcasm intensified.

The other party didn't seem to know that Zhang Xiang's observation ability was so great, and even such details were paid attention to.

Suddenly, the look of the strange smile on the opponent's face changed for the first time, and a trace of anger flashed in his eyes.

"Since you are still so obsessed with enlightenment, only if I save you to become a Buddha can you know what a wonderful thing to become a Buddha!" ​​The demon young monk spoke again.

It's just that this time his words haven't fallen yet, and the attack has already come.

He waved the dark scepter in his hand, several fist-sized dark energy balls, suddenly shot in the direction of Zhang Xiang.

"With these, do you want to kill me?" Zhang Xiang snorted coldly, and squeezed the'Shadow Demon Blade' with scarlet light in his right hand, his entire body was waving under the pure white wings behind him. , Turned into a light and shadow.

Dodged most of the dark energy **** in an instant and rushed towards the opponent.

It's just that in that moment.

Zhang Xiang felt that something was wrong for a while, and a sense of crisis passed from both sides of the side at the same time.

Following instinct, Zhang Xiang would flap the pure white wings behind him and let himself dodge to one side.

But at this time.

In the silence, a very black line suddenly split from his left half of the wing.

In an instant, as the pure white feathers were flying away, Zhang Xiang’s left half of the wings, which were purely composed of angel power, was cut apart, forming feathers formed by scattered angel power, falling downwards. Away.

Crisis, big crisis.

Zhang Xiang, who had lost one of his wings, instantly felt the strength of his control of the angel's power, and couldn't help but drop a level.

After all, he used this pair of wings to communicate the position of ‘God’s Power Gabriel’ in a different dimension, instead of directly extracting the power from the position.

Moreover, because of the loss of one wing, he also lost his balance.

In that moment, the whole person felt like flying over to one side.

What's more serious is that the sense of crisis is getting stronger and stronger. After losing his balance, he has no time to dodge.

In the silence, the dozens of pitch-black energy **** already surrounded him.



Two consecutive sounds sounded, and the smoke and dust filled up again.

On the side of the smoke and dust, Zhang Xiang continued to fly steadily in the air.

His left wing, which had already disappeared, was also rapidly recovering under the massive indoctrination of angel power.

On the other side, one of the wings of water behind him was deeply submerged into the ground, and even penetrated the past.

The reason why Zhang Xiang was able to be safe is the water wing behind him.

At that critical moment, he used the wings of water behind him to blast the ground violently to obtain a powerful recoil to escape the attack.

And in the low place of Zhang Xiang's field of vision, a black cage suddenly appeared somewhere.

A dozen pieces of pitch-black energy all emitted a line of thin hair, connecting them all.

But at this moment, a piece of pure white feathers accidentally drifted past one of the dark lines.

Suddenly, that piece of pure white feather was already divided into two halves.

And it continued to fall downward at a constant speed as if it had not been affected in any way.

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