Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 945: ,small world

Half an hour later, Zhang Xiang sat in the hall of the ruined temple. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

And outside the hall, the dark clouds in the sky have completely disappeared.

Time, also unconsciously, came to around seven o'clock.

After the rain, the sky was fresh, the stars in the sky were clearly visible, and the moon began to gradually hang up into the sky.

Of course, the moon at this time is no longer as large as it was not long ago, but has returned to its original appearance.

And under this night sky, in front of Zhang Xiang, there was a white light like an oversized incandescent lamp, shining in the air.

In the bright light, we can also see a three-sided crystal floating in the air and spinning round and round.

That is, after teleporting Zhang Xiang out of the almost completely collapsed world, he has been floating in the air, exuding a dazzling white light, while rotating on its own'God's power plus hundred'. Column's position.

It's just that its state has lasted for a long time.

Even Zhang Xiang wanted to put it away, but he felt a strong rejection.

In desperation, Zhang Xiang had to stay in place, waiting for the small world to be swallowed up by the ‘position’ before putting it away.

By the side of Zhang Xiang, I was already a little drowsy because I was worried about being scared for the whole afternoon. He lit his head and half leaned on Xiao Sakura on Zhang Xiang's body.

Seeing her exhausted look, Zhang Xiang felt a burst of heartache.

In the afternoon, Xiao Sakura's eyes were filled with tears, and Zhang Xiang would never forget the surprise face running toward her.

Above her cute face, her eyes were still a little red and swollen.

From this, we can see that Sakura was crying in the afternoon, and how long she was worried about Zhang Xiang.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but stretched out his right hand cautiously, gently hugged Sakura's shoulder, who was already slowly sleeping, and adjusted her shoulder slightly to allow Sakura to be able to Sleep more comfortably.

Perhaps it was because the night in the forest was a bit cold, after Zhang Xiang's right hand gently embraced Sakura's shoulder.

However, Xiao Sakura curled her body slightly, rubbed against Zhang Xiang's arms, and got closer to Zhang Xiang, with a comfortable smile on her mouth.

In this scene, Zhang Xiang couldn't help showing a warm face slightly.

Only at this time.

The triangular prism-shaped crystal that was steadily rotating suddenly burst out with a burst of dazzling to the extreme. In the night sky, I am afraid that it can be seen clearly even a few miles away.

Unsurprisingly, Sakura, who was about to fall asleep just now, was also dazzled by this dazzling light, her eyelids trembling slightly and opened.

"What's the matter...?" Kozakura asked in a daze.

Kozakura, who had just woke up from sleep, still had some sleepy eyes, flashed into her eyes by the white light in front of her, her hands could not help being blocked in front of her eyes.

But at the next moment, Sakura suddenly realized something was wrong.

Because she could clearly feel that her shoulder was being embraced by a big hand.

And his body curled up in a warm embrace like a little squirrel.

In the ruined temple, there was only one other person besides her.

Thinking of this, Sakura couldn't help showing a blush on her face, and her body shrank slightly.

Feeling the movement of Sakura in his arms, Zhang Xiang also seemed to have reacted, quietly removing his right hand from Sakura's shoulder.

" just fell asleep, I'm afraid you fell and bumped into something, that's why you leaned over..." Zhang Xiangqing coughed, as if to explain with extra effort.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, the blush on Sakura's face became thicker.

However, she responded softly.

"Um... Um." Kozakura blushed and nodded lightly.

The atmosphere between the two suddenly became a little ambiguous and a little embarrassing.

It was a little ambiguous because even if Sakura was already awake, the two were still clinging to each other, while some embarrassment was because the two suddenly lost the topic and stopped talking.

However, this atmosphere did not last long and was broken by Zhang Xiang.

"That, that, it should be about to end..." Zhang Xiang said with an embarrassing flush flashing on his face.

He couldn't find a good topic, so he could only say something related to the status quo.

"Hmm...Hmm." Kozakura still blushed, nodding softly with a mosquito-like voice.

"As long as it is over, we can immediately make a house outside. Then, you can rest." Zhang Xiang continued.

"Well, use the tree bank sign." The blush on Sakura's face began to diminish during the conversation.

"At that time, build two rooms, one for you and one for me. Moreover, I have probably mastered part of the meaning of the magic pattern on the'Tree Kuro Card', and I can start experimenting and participating in practice... "Zhang Xiang said softly.

At this moment of silence, in such a barren mountain, his heart calmed down.

Only at this time.

The light that was originally like a large incandescent lamp suddenly shrank and converged to a point.

Then, with lightning speed, he shot over at Zhang Xiang.

Just like a beam of light, Zhang Xiang didn't even have time to react, but that beam of light had already lased in front of Zhang Xiang.

However, Zhang Xiang still seemed to be frightened and stupid, or just stayed in place without moving at all.

However, his face is still as calm as that.

Because not only his tempered feelings told him that there is no danger, but also because Zhang Xiang could feel that the connection between himself and that ‘status’ has never disappeared or weakened.

Even as time goes by, it is slowly increasing.

By this time, Zhang Xiang had already controlled about three-fifths of the power of the'position'.

Therefore, he is not afraid that this ‘status’ that is almost symbiotic with him will do something unfavorable to him!

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