Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 948: , I, I'm not a kid

In its words, it is clearly stated that you have already painted my wings like this, are you bullying me?

This sentence does not need to be translated by Zhang Xiang, and everyone has already guessed it. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

"That, that, that, I just want to add different colors to your wings, they are all golden, flying in the sky, it is too conspicuous. It is easy to be attacked...good intentions , By the way, I am here with kindness!" Although the girl was a little lacking in confidence at first.

However, when it comes to the back, it seems that I have found a reason, and I started to get a little ‘righteous’, and my hands were on his hips.

"Woohoo!!!" The golden young dragon retorted.

"You said I was just for pranks, how could it be possible? The great'Crimson Devil', how could he be a tsundere kid who likes pranks!!" The little girl seemed to be hit by the point and started to jump. .

Her red boots were constantly trampling on the ground, her face showed a trace of anger and anger, and there was a trace of tears in her eyes.

Except at this time.

A warm little hand touched her head.

"Well, my little sister is a good boy." I don't know when, Sakura has already walked up to the child in a lace dress, squatted on her body, and stretched out her right hand on her face. With Hexi's smile, he spoke softly as if he was facing his own sister.

I don't know why, maybe it's never been touched, or maybe it's because the little girl's heart is full of children's willfulness, and she feels shy after meeting her gentle big sister. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

There was a blush on the little girl's face.

"Then, that, I'm not a kid," the little girl said with a blush on her face, somewhat proudly.

However, after she finished speaking, she looked in Sakura's direction with some anxiety, as if she had broken the vase and was afraid of being scolded by her parents.

It's just that Kozakura seems to understand children's psychology very well.

He didn't laugh at the little girl's pretentious mature appearance, but showed a gentle expression.

"Yeah, yeah, it's not a little girl, she's already a big sister, right?" Sakura smiled and touched the little girl's head, and said to her eyes.

And looking at Sakura's sincere look, although the little girl's face didn't change much, her heart was inexplicably relieved.

"Yes, Remilia is a big sister, Remilia has a younger sister!" The little girl, no, it was Remilia with a proud expression on her face and nodded towards Sakura. A happy smile came.

Because, someone finally admitted that she was an ‘adult’.

Well, although the big sister is not an adult, she is also an elder, right?

This is the thought that has flashed in Remilia's heart full of pride.

However, Remilia, who was waiting for Sakura to continue to praise, did not see that a nostalgic smile appeared on the corner of Sakura's mouth.

Because, when she was a child, she seemed to have such an arrogant and lovely appearance.

"But since you are a big sister, you have to have the demeanor of a big sister. Xiaolonglong is already so sad, and you painted those pictures again. Then, as a big sister, you , Should I take the initiative?" Sakura's words turned, persuading Remilia to come from the side.

"But..." Remilia's face showed an awkward expression.

However, she quickly changed into a tsundere with a trace of bewilderment, and she wanted to say something stiffly.

"No, but Xiaolei is a big sister. Xiaolonglong hasn't been long since she was born. As a big sister, you should bring Xiaolonglong with you. Since you have done bad things, let Xiaolonglong cry Should I apologize? And, after apologizing to Xiaolonglong, you can become good friends and have fun together." Sakura continued, looking at Lei with eyes full of expectation. Miria's big red eyes.

I don’t know if it was changed by the sentence that I could become a good friend with the golden young dragon, or because of Sakura’s big eyes full of expectation. In short, Remilia finally made a decision after hesitating for a while. .

Then, she walked in front of the golden young dragon with some twists.

"That, that..." Remilia's face was flushed, and she wanted to say something.

However, her arrogant character made her somewhat unable to tell.

However, looking at Sakura who was squatting next to her and giving her encouragement, she really couldn't say what she wanted not to apologize.

So, after her heart was cruel, she said an apology.

"Um, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, I just...I just wanted to play with you after I came into this world without friends. But, but I don't know why, you didn't play with me. I was angry , I just did these things...No, I'm sorry..." Remilia put her hands in front of her, with an embarrassing flush on her face, she mustered up the courage to tell the truth.

On the other side, looking at the little girl named Remilia, after finally apologizing

Zhang Xiang couldn't help but show a smile, the personality of the tsundere girl is like this.

Looking at the little girl in front of him, he thought of Mikoto and the bee-eater when he was young.

As a result, his original alert to this little girl has dropped a lot.

"Okay, boy, since the other party has already apologized. Then, can you forgive the other party, okay?" Zhang Xiang touched the head of the young golden dragon who was resting his head in his arms, comforting it. .

And looking at Remilia who apologized to her a little bit twistedly, the golden young dragon hesitated.

However, the hatred of children comes quickly and goes quickly.

After hesitating a little, the young golden dragon also nodded.

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