Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 960: , ‘Dead Reservoir Water’

Moreover, as if to verify something, she also stretched out her right finger and lightly clicked on the place where Zhishi slightly raised her chest.

"Ah...Xiao Lei, you can't click here." A blush appeared on Zhi Shi's face. He glanced at Zhang Xiang next to him, blushing and said to Remilia.

"Well, why? Everyone is a girl, right?" Remilia's face showed a puzzled expression.

Perhaps, to her, such behavior does not appear to be very ‘abnormal’.

"Even if everyone is a girl, you can't do this. And...and, there are men here...!" Zhi Shi blushed, holding his hands on his chest, and said to Remilia.

"Can't it... I wanted to know for a long time what the girls wear for swimming..." Remilia's eyes showed a disappointed expression.

And seeing Remilia showing such an expression, Zhi Shi couldn't help but speak again.

"Well, that, if you don't dislike it, if the sports meeting is over, I can accompany you to buy it." Zhi Shi hesitated and said this sentence.

"Yeah, we can also accompany you. Our swimsuit should also be changed." Beside, Xiaokong also bent down slightly and said to Remilia.

With her words, Zhang Xiang not only swept his eyes slightly across Xiao Kong's chest.

But it was discovered that almost a year had passed, as if unconsciously.

And Xiaokong, who was in the developmental age of junior high school, had grown up a little bit without knowing it.

It's just that, as if he had noticed Zhang Xiang's gaze, Xiao Kong couldn't help showing a blush on his face, but he did not avoid it.

However, he did not notice that Mei Yu, who was next to him, noticed this incident.

"By the way, brother, you can take us with you when the time comes." Meiyu's eyes rolled, and she came up with the attention she didn't know what to play with Zhang Xiang.

By the way, he stood in front of Xiao Kong and covered Zhang Xiang's aggressive gaze for her.

And Zhang Xiang, who looked at Mei Yu smiling without any malice, but told him that he was dangerous by his sixth sense, had to show a slightly embarrassing smile.

"Well, where you girls go to pick swimsuits, I'm a big man, don't go?! Also, those who accompany girls to pick swimsuits are usually not close female friends or boyfriends. You group of women Wouldn’t it be okay to go together?" Zhang Xiang scratched his head, wanting to refuse this matter.

After all, as he said, in the women's swimsuit store, accompanied by a large group of beautiful girls to choose swimsuits, that would be regarded as a perverted rhythm!

Not to mention, his tempered sixth sense has slightly sensed the malicious maliciousness.

"Brother, you also said, isn't there a close man among the people who accompany girls to choose swimsuits? As our uncle, wouldn't it be okay to accompany us? Also, you can rest assured that our large group will not be able to fight back. Girls, are you in the swimsuit store? If you encounter some perverts who sneak into the swimsuit store, what should you do?!" Miyu's eyes were filled with mist, showing a worried face.

‘Hey, you seem to have changed a concept. My boyfriend, not a close male! Moreover, as your young uncles, taking a large group of you beautiful girls to buy swimsuits, this will be the rhythm of doubt in the eyes! Zhang Xiang complained in his heart.

He seemed to have thought that he would be like the last time, because he bought clothes for Little Lolita, he almost never got caught by the clerk.

However, Miyu's words also have some truth.

After all, this world is not as simple as he had thought before.

Not to mention, when a large group of beautiful girls go out, the attention they receive will definitely be greater, which will cause some malicious people to be targeted.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but hesitate.

However, at this time, it was Xiao Chi who helped Zhang Xiang make up his mind.

"Ah, my uncle, do you want to buy clothes for my chick? My chick, want very beautiful and beautiful clothes, will my uncle help me pick it?" Xiao chi blinked her big shiny eyes, and clicked her left hand on her lips. , Holding Zhang Xiang's trousers with his right hand, and asked Zhang Xiang.

And watching his niece, the most adorable in the universe, said, how could Zhang Xiang refuse to agree!

"Okay, there is no problem. My little uncle will definitely help Xiao Chi buy a very beautiful, very beautiful dress. No, not just one, my little uncle will buy a lot of them." Zhang Xiang showed a smile on his face. He picked up the little chick who was pulling his trousers.

"Ah, thank you, Uncle!" Xiao Chi's face showed a surprise smile, and he gave Zhang Xiang another kiss on the cheek.

And at this time, the primary school students' lower-grade women's competition is about to take an exam.

Little girls of about seven or eight years of age, all dressed in navy blue "dead reservoir water", stood on the jumping platform.

"Ah, it's Sister Sakura!" The chick who was held by Zhang Xiang found Sakura in the first place.

Zhang Xiang found that Sakura was standing on the third platform, wearing a tight-fitting navy blue "dead reservoir water", revealing her green body, coupled with the vigorous sunlight The smile is really a little beauty.

And on her head, perhaps to reduce the effect of water resistance, she also wears a blue and white headgear, which hides her dark brown short and medium hair, showing that she has another lively beauty. .

"Ah, is it Hina? Have you come to cheer for Sakura? And big brothers and sisters, are you here too?" Listening to Hina's voice, Sakura was really happy. Waved to the young chick.

And watching Sakura's wave, everyone started to wave their hands.

"Ah, Sister Sakura, you must be the first one." Xiao Hina put her hands in front of her mouth, made a trumpet, and shouted in a tender voice toward the direction of the platform.

"Well, Sister Sakura will definitely cheer!" Sakura smiled brightly, and made a promise to Xiao Chi.

And at this time, the elementary school teacher acting as the referee also signaled everyone to prepare.

Kozakura moved for a while, bent the front part of her petite body slightly, and made a preparatory movement.

But at the next moment, the whistle for the start of the game sounded.


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