Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 962: , Remilia drowning

Let's go back to a minute ago, looking at Kozakura and the others who were swimming quickly in the pool, Remilia's face couldn't help showing envy.

She put her hands on her chest, and the light of stars bloomed in her eyes.

Because she is a vampire, although she is not afraid of crosses, she is not afraid of silver or anything.

However, she was still a vampire, she was still a little afraid of the sun, and when the rain hit her, she couldn't be isolated.

Therefore, although Remilia has survived nearly five hundred years old.

However, she has never swam in a swimming pool.

In other words, she is actually a land duck.

However, due to the character of her little child, she would go there every time she saw the sea or the swimming pool.

It's just that every time she goes out, she is accompanied by her maid.

Otherwise, he would be with other people in Gensokyo.

And this time, she came to the pool as she always did, intending to observe the pool water up close.

Although she can't enjoy the pleasure of swimming, she still likes to enjoy the pleasure of getting close to the swimming pool.

But what she didn't expect was.

She was walking to the pool and was about to touch the water in the pool with her hand when she was about to squat down.

The accident happened at this time. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

She slipped under her red boots, and she fell into the pool.

There was a ‘puff’, and she fell into the pool.

Because of being exposed to the sun, her magical powers have stagnated.

Coupled with her carelessness, she fell into the pool without having time to activate the magic.

In the splashing water, Remilia's body was completely submerged in the water.

Although she was struggling violently, she didn't have any good results. She couldn't even hold on for a while. The whole person was still falling toward the bottom of the pool.

‘Death, am I going to die? This thought suddenly flashed through Remilia's mind.

But immediately, she was amused by this idea.

Being a vampire is not so easy to die.

To kill undead creatures like vampires, it is possible to destroy all their bodies.

Otherwise, even if there is only a piece of tissue left in their bodies, as long as they have enough magic power, they will recover in an instant.

This is the powerful vitality possessed by vampires.

As for nailing silverware into the heart of vampires and killing them, this is pure nonsense.

Those vampires who were killed in this way were all diluted to a certain extent after more than ten generations.

But Remilia is different. Although she is not the legendary first-generation vampire (ancestor), she can only be reborn with a drop of blood.

However, it would be extremely difficult to kill her.

Therefore, when faced with the existence of this type of vampire, those who can defeat the vampire but cannot kill their existence are choosing to seal them up.

And as we all know, a thing like a vampire is stronger as you get older.

——According to the legend, as one of the powerful forces in Gensokyo, she has the power to change her destiny to some extent, but she does not possess this ability at birth.

This ability was also revealed in her long life.

(To explain here, some of my settings are cut from the records of vampires in "The Story". The older the vampire, the stronger the power and the less likely to die. However, The long life will make them abnormal. Most of the existence will be in the long life, for various reasons or suicide, or voluntary killing. And which kind of Remilia The young lady’s arrogant and out-of-the-line character is that she instinctively hides her inner loneliness and prevents herself from committing suicide. After all, according to the setting in "The Story", most of the vampires transformed from humans are When I was two or three hundred years old, I committed suicide or died because of loneliness and other reasons.)

However, in the next moment, her thoughts turned to other things again.

"But, is this the feeling of being in the water?" After the fear in her heart disappeared, Remilia began to observe the surroundings with some leisurely interest.

She was in the water, but it was a little difficult to move.

But at this moment, she suddenly felt a change in the water flow in the swimming pool, and even the direction of her body's landing was slightly changed by this water flow.

Not far away, an illusory figure suddenly plunged into the pool, swimming in her direction.

But at this time.

Remilia suddenly felt dizzy. It was the lack of oxygen, which began to blur her consciousness.

If she was awake, or shortly after she fell into the pool, she would use magic to draw oxygen from the water.

Well, she has nothing to do at this time.

However, the inexplicable fear caused by the accidental fall into the pool, and the random thoughts, wasted a lot of her time.

Coupled with her special physique, even though her body has already begun to instinctively squeeze the surrounding air, she has begun to fall into a coma.

At the moment her eyes closed slightly, she felt a pair of big hands embracing her in her arms.

Then, hugging her body, swimming vigorously upwards.

She can feel that the body is so warm, the arms that hold her are so powerful, and the speed of swimming is so fast...

On the other side, seeing Remilia accidentally fall into the lake, she already jumped in quickly.

Moreover, in just two seconds, Zhang Xiang, who had already swam to Remilia, felt a little anxious.

Because, he could feel that the heartbeat of the girl in his arms seemed so weak, as if it was possible to stop at any time...

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