Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 964: , Picnic place

And the time passed quickly. After Remilia woke up, everyone walked toward the playground again.

After all, the competition on this side of the swimming pool is only this 20-meter swim.

And, before, the men's competition was also completed.

And after waking up from a coma, Remilia was obviously restrained a lot, but when she returned to the playground, her vitality was back again. Often something happened, it must be There is her presence.

Moreover, every time he met Zhang Xiang, a blush flashed on his face, and he just avoided it.

It's like Zhang Xiang has done something heinous.

Zhang Xiang didn't even have the opportunity to apologize.

And time passed slowly, and time came to noon.

Since it is late autumn, the sun does not look dazzling, nor is it hot.

Therefore, many families choose to be in school, right on the playground, and eat the lunch they bring.

Of course, Zhang Xiang's family is no exception.

However, under Zhishi's suggestion, Zhang Xiang and others did not choose to eat lunch under a row of trees beside the playground, but led everyone to the back of the teaching building.

"It's weird, where is it?" Meiyu looked at the dense woods around with a hint of curiosity on her face.

It's not like someone is here.

In addition, it seems to be a bit tending towards the primeval forest. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

Of course, this can't be a real virgin forest, it's just that there are many types, and the ground is covered with a thick layer of fallen leaves, so it looks more like it.

However, in the heart of the family, there will still be a moment of doubt: how can there be such a small forest behind the elementary school?

After all, if there is such a small forest, it is easy for children to get lost in it.

There may be other dangers.

However, in the next moment, they already understand.

Here, it's not a primitive forest, but a park.

Because, after a few rows of trees.

Zhang Xiang and others saw a road, a road that was paved manually and paved.

At the end of this path, there is a small lake, a very pure lake, reflecting a little bit of crystal light.

"Here?" Xiaokong's face was also surprised, looking at the surrounding environment.

"This place was originally a small park, but due to management problems and the expansion of Tomoe Town Elementary School, this small park was closed. However, every year when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, Many people come here to admire the cherry blossoms. However, it is strange that there are a lot of cherry blossom trees here. Also, it became clear that there are still a lot of cherry blossoms, so why are they gone now?" Zhishi is telling everyone It introduces the surrounding environment.

However, when speaking of Sakura, her face still showed a trace of confusion.

Because she just wanted to bring everyone here to eat lunch because of the beautiful scenery here.

Imagine that everyone put together colorful plaid cloths and spread them on the grass full of green grass. Listening to the crowing of the birds around, admiring the pink flowers falling down in front of you. Take a look at the sparkling surface of the lake.

How wonderful is this feeling

If you have lunch in this environment, I am afraid everyone will feel relaxed and happy.

This is the idea of ​​knowing the world.

It's just that the cherry blossom trees not far away are inexplicably missing, and even the beautiful cherry blossoms that were in full bloom have disappeared without a trace.

This made her feel a little lost.

It's just that, looking at the somewhat lost Zhishi, Zhang Xiang and Sakura looked at each other.

As for why the cherry blossoms in full bloom disappeared, Zhang Xiang and Sakura will naturally know.

Because Zhang Xiang took the Huakuluo card, the cherry blossoms that were spawned by the magical force against the laws of the seasons would naturally decline rapidly.

Not to mention, in order to be able to fight Zhang Xiang, that Hua Kuro card also draws a lot of power from the cherry blossom tree.

Therefore, there are so few cherry blossoms on the cherry trees, only a few.

As for the cherry blossom tree that disappeared inexplicably, it was naturally because Zhang Xiang was innocently affected when he was fighting the Hua Kuro card.

In order to prevent others from being suspicious, Zhang Xiang randomly transplanted a few densely-grown cherry trees to the place of battle.

Therefore, the cherry trees here are a little scarce.

However, after looking at Sakura, the Hua Kuro card that was originally placed in the sleeve of Zhang Xiang's sleeve had already appeared on Zhang Xiang's right hand without knowing when.

As his right hand lightly touched the surface of the card, a burst of bright light followed the trail of the Kuro card rune and began to shine.

But at the same time, an unknown magic power began to spread from the flower Kuro card in all directions.

Only three people felt this slight fluctuation.

Remilia was the first to find out, then it was Sakura, and finally it was the little Lolita who felt it.

But at this moment, the tender voice of Xiao Chi rang.

"Ah, my uncle, sisters, it's blooming." Xiao Xiao Na was originally curiously looking at the small faces around her, and a joyful smile appeared on her face. He pointed with her little finger and pointed it quietly again. In between, the cherry blossoms are slowly blooming.

"Yes, it's really blooming again" Meiyu's face showed a surprised expression.

"How can it be so strange? In the morning there was a cherry blossom floating inexplicably, and now it is the cherry blossom tree blooming again" This is the puzzled Xiao Ai muttering to himself.

However, feeling the beautiful environment around her, her research mood gradually disappeared.

"What about him, I'm just a scientist who studies biological genetics, not a scientist who studies plants" Xiao Ai thought so.

Immediately, she began to sink into the beautiful cherry blossoms around her...

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