Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 974: , Vampires also have afternoon tea

Seeing such a cute Remilia, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but squatted down and stretched out his right hand.

"Okay, it doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt." Zhang Xiang just coaxed the child, stretched out his right hand and touched Remilia's Bailey bud hat, and touched her light blue mid-length hair. .

"Well, it doesn't hurt, but it still hurts." Remilia raised her head cutely and looked at Zhang Xiang with tears in her eyes.

"Then, don't play this game, shall we go back and rest?" Zhang Xiang asked concerned.

However, Remilia shook her head quickly.

"No, Remilia wants to get the first place," Remilia said, raising her right hand, waving her little hand.

Seeing Remilia's persistence, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but smile.

"Okay, then you stand beside me and throw the ball. If there is a ball hitting this side, I will block it for you." Zhang Xiang said to Remilia indulgently.

"Really?" Remilia looked at Zhang Xiang with big hopeful eyes.

"Huh!" Zhang Xiang smiled and nodded.

"Then, Remilia will definitely get first." Remilia said vowedly.

Immediately, she cheered up again, picked up the ball on the ground again, and quickly threw it into the cylinder erected on the high pole.

And I don't know why Zhang Xiang was unscrupulous in blocking the rebounding ball, or because Remilia really got serious.

To the back, even though there were many round **** accidentally bounced out.

However, there were still close to two-thirds of the ball, which she threw smoothly into the cylinder. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

This achievement is already considered a very good result among the surrounding group.

And just after Remilia’s laughter and hard work, Zhang Xiang and Remilia were in this team together, and finally successfully won.

Of course, Zhang Xiang has Zhang Xiang, which is equivalent to a cheating device, and it is very difficult to lose.

Two minutes later, Zhang Xiang and Remilia stood on the podium and received a bronze medal handed over by an elementary school teacher, as well as a package that looked very delicious and high-quality no matter it was packaged or packaged. candy.

And Remilia also made a gesture of success.

"Yeah! Remilia won!" Remilia happily hugged the pack of high-end candies and shouted excitedly.

Not just now, in her pitiful look when she hugged her head and squatted, she looked cute again.

Of course, Remilia is also very cute now.

Whether it is the pale blue hair, tiger teeth, blood red pupils, or her gothic loli outfit, or the beret hat that she often wears, none of them show her Cute come

Only when on the high platform.

Zhang Xiang suddenly had a hunch.

‘Is the next choice coming? A premonition suddenly appeared in Zhang Xiang's heart.

This kind of hunch is that since he started the system compass crossing, he has already possessed a special feeling.

Every time the system compass is about to appear, and when he takes him to the next world, he will feel a strange power in the dark.

However, at this time.

Zhang Xiang suddenly looked at the girl next to him.

‘Perhaps, her powerful destiny, and her five hundred years of knowledge, can help me solve my confusion. This thought suddenly flashed through Zhang Xiang's mind.

Regarding the existence of the system compass, is there any behind-the-scenes behind it, or something else.

Zhang Xiang really wants to know more and more.

As for telling the matter about his own system compass, Zhang Xiang originally had great scruples.

However, after seeing Kurorido, who has the ability to travel through the world, and Remilia, his worries about this aspect have also decreased a lot.

Coupled with what he felt, Zhang Xiang finally made a decision.

However, before that.

But he wants to continue to enjoy this rare happy life.


At night, the crescent moon hung high in the sky, emitting a faint bright light, illuminating this area of ​​Ikebukuro.

And Remilia, who was so familiar with Zhang Xiang and others, and who had nowhere to go, lived in Xiaoniaoyou's house without any surprise.

However, this time it was because of too many people.

Remilia had to sleep in the same room with Xiao Kong.

Of course, for Remilia, this is a very happy thing.

In the Crimson Devil Mansion, although she has a younger sister, for various reasons, she rarely spends time with her sister, and rarely sleeps in the same room with her.

And living in such a big place as the Red Devil Hall, she would inevitably feel a little lonely.

She was very excited to be able to live with others this time.

And, talking to Xiaokong late, only fell asleep together.

It's just that when the time came close to one o'clock, there was no voice outside the window, only the light of the street lamp.

Remilia rubbed her eyes, didn't know what she was muttering, got up from the bed, opened the window directly, flapped the bat wings behind her, and came to the courtyard.

At this time, in the courtyard, Zhang Xiang and the fireworks were already standing there.

"The big bad guy called me so late, what's the matter?" Remilia rubbed her eyes and said with some sleepy eyes.

While talking, she also flew to the ground not far in front of Zhang Xiang.

"Aren't vampires go to bed in the morning and come out at night?" Zhang Xiang stretched out his right hand somewhat amused, and rubbed Remilia's light blue hair.

And this time, maybe it was because of just waking up.

It is rare that Remilia did not wear her Bailey bud hat, which made Zhang Xiang's right hand feel the softness of Remilia's light blue hair.

"Huh, those low-level vampires like this. Master Remilia, but there are also those who like to drink afternoon tea. If you are touching my head, be careful I will bit you." Remilia revealed He came with his own little tiger teeth, and said'threat' Zhang Xiang.

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