Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 977: , A familiar landing method

Inside the resident of the Hyuga Clan in Naruto Village.


The silhouettes of Zhang Xiang and Sparkle Lori holding hands suddenly appeared above the familiar bath.

Then, the sound of the two falling into the bath at the same time sounded.

The warm pool water waved in all directions along the place where the two fell into, overflowing outside the bath, and wet the floor in the bathroom.

However, it is at this time.

A series of footsteps also sounded from outside the house and the door.

Then, there was a sound of ‘thorn’.

The door to the bathroom was opened by two female ninjas who were separated from Hyuga.

In many places outside the door and outside the house, there are many ninjas hidden. If there is any other movement in the bathroom, they will rush in together.

"Second Miss, are you okay?" One of the female ninjas, who was about 30 years old, quickly glanced at the entire bathroom, and shouted anxiously into the bathroom.

Then, her gaze shifted to the direction of Little Lolita who was beside the bath and was wearing a white bath towel.

Since the last time Otoninja Village and Sand Ninja Village invaded Konoha, especially the last time Zhang Xiang forcibly broke into the residence of the Hyuga clan, the alert of the Hyuga clan has been elevated to a very strong level.

Not to mention, since Hinata was taken away by Zhang Xiang, the members of the Hyuga clan clan are only Huahuo Lori.

But listening to the vigilant words of the female ninja who rushed in, Xiao Huahuo Lori shook her head slightly. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

"No, it's okay, I just accidentally fell into the bath." Little Lori Huahuo shook her head slightly.

Listening to Xiao Huahuo Lolita’s answer, although the female ninja had some other questions, she believed her a little bit after seeing that she was indeed wearing wet clothes under the bath towel. Of this statement.

Although, she was a little confused that the clothes Little Lolita was wearing, it seemed that it was not a kimono, but something else that she hadn't seen before.

But she still retreated.

"Then, if the second lady has other things, please tell us." The female ninja said to Xiao Huahuo Lori, and then she retreated and closed the bathroom door again.

And the ninjas of the Hyuga clan who had rushed because of the call of Xiao Huahuo Lori gradually dispersed.

At this moment, Little Lori Huahuo was relieved.

At the bottom of the bath, near the side of the wall, Zhang Xiang's figure slowly emerged from the water.

Just now, he hadn't just pushed his body close to the bath, close to the wall, making it difficult for him to see.

He also closed the chakra flowing through his body, so that the other party did not catch it.

After all, here is the Hyuga clan.

Although it is not very likely that someone will scan this place with blank eyes in disrespect, he is still careful.

"Is it finally gone?" Zhang Xiang said with a sigh of relief after opening the eyes of Sangouyu writing wheel and scanning the surrounding area.

Although the writing wheel cannot see through, it can be done easily by observing the surrounding environment slightly.

"Yeah." Little Lori Huahuo nodded.

"But, I finally came back..." Zhang Xiang glanced at the bath, the familiar strangeness made him a little emotional.

Because, here he has come more than once.

And, except this time, every time I came here because of the ‘random delivery of a security scroll’.

And every time he comes here, Zhang Xiang will receive some benefits without surprise.

Whether it’s the tender body of Hinata bathing in the bath the first time he came here, or the tender body of Little Lolita wearing a bath towel when he came here for the second time, or this time The delicate body with wet clothes and clinging to the body is full of welfare.

However, these are only fleeting in Zhang Xiang's mind.

After returning to the world of Naruto, there was an impulse in Zhang Xiang's heart, wanting to go back soon to see Bai and Hinata.

And this impulse is accelerating and increasing with the passage of time.

Because Bai and Hinata are Zhang Xiang's first women.

Although for Shiro, Hinata and Silent, time has only passed less than half a day.

However, for Zhang Xiang, he has not seen the three of them for nearly a year.

Originally, because he knew it was impossible for him to return to this world on his own, he just buried this thought in his heart.

But when he returned to this world.

That longing burst out again with a weight of thousands of times.

Let Zhang Xiang have an urge to wait.

At this time, Little Lolita Huahuo looked at everything around her with complicated eyes.

Because, for her, time has also passed almost two years.

However, what Zhang Xiang didn't notice was that Xiao Huahuo's eyes stayed the longest when she scanned Zhang Xiang.

"Then, then I will leave first. You should familiarize yourself with the environment at home first, and I will come to you after a while." Zhang Xiang said to Xiao Huahuo Lolita with a smile on his face.

"Um..." Little Lori Huahuo nodded.

And immediately, Zhang Xiang already disappeared in this bathroom.

For him who had already been promoted to the shadow rank, and his strength in other areas had already surpassed the shadow rank, he wanted to leave the resident of the Hyuga clan, that was not a simple matter.

Even if he swaggered out, no one could stop him.

Not to mention, he escaped with a hidden figure.

What he didn't know was that after he left, Xiao Huahuo Lori opened her lips slightly and wanted to say something.

But in the end, she sighed lightly.

Because, for Little Lori Huahuo, returning here not only means that she can see her family, but also means that she must once again bear the burden of the future Hyuga clan...

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