Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 979: ,Late at night…

"Yeah. Look at 1 Woollen 3 Chinese Net" Zhang Xiang nodded gently.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's familiar voice, Bai's tight body finally relaxed.

Then, she hugged Zhang Xiang abruptly and did not let go.

"I...I thought..." Bai's voice choked a little.

And listening to Bai's voice, Zhang Xiang was slightly taken aback.

But immediately, he understood that it should be his own business to mute, and he told Bai them.

Feeling the slight trembling of the tender body that embraced him, the expression on Zhang Xiang's face could not help but soften even more.

But at this moment, the sound of "Ka La" rang.

In the direction of the kitchen not far from the door, the girl with black hair and white eyes, surrounded by a white lace apron, was already standing there.

On the ground, there was a spoon still trembling slightly.

Obviously, Hinata was cooking in the kitchen.

Then, Hinata couldn't help it anymore. There was an expression of surprise on her face, but tears flowed from the corners of her eyes. She flew towards Zhang Xiang and rushed into Zhang Xiang's arms. , Was embraced by Zhang Xiang in another direction.

However, Hinata didn't say anything, just crying in Zhang Xiang's arms.

And Zhang Xiang didn't say anything, just patted the back of the two gently.

Under this kind of situation, he had experienced a lot of things, and he recovered quickly. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

"Well, didn't you go to perform that task?" Bai asked with a trace of doubt.

In her dark eyes, there was confusion and a trace of worry.

A breeze blew in, causing her black and blue silk to dangle slightly, emitting a faint fragrance.

After hearing Bai's voice, Hinata, who was on tiptoe and crying in Zhang Xiang’s arms, also raised his head, holding Zhang Xiang’s clothes nervously, as if worried about Zhang Xiang Will disappear at any time. (At this time, Hinata was 1473 cm high, and Zhang Xiang was 178 cm high.)

However, Zhang Xiang smiled slightly.

"It's done, don't worry, you... and I won't leave you again." Zhang Xiang said with a smile.

Although his words were only faint, they showed firmness.

However, in the next moment, Zhang Xiang showed a smile.

"But, will we be a bit conspicuous when we stand here? I'm very hungry, and there is still such a fragrant smell in the kitchen, I can't help it anymore!" Zhang Xiang used a hint of it! Said the teasing voice.

At this moment, Bai and Hinata realized that they were now on the street.

Moreover, they each occupied the side of Zhang Xiang's arms. Although there were not many people in the shop not far away, they were still attracted by the movement of this side.

Thinking of this, the two of them couldn't help but become blush.

Especially for Hinata, who is very easy to be shy, the blush on his face is extremely thick, and it is almost as if the steam is coming out of his head like before.

However, fortunately, after having close contact with Zhang Xiang, Hinata's tolerance for this kind of thing has already greatly increased, barely reaching the level of a normal person.

At least, I won't faint at every turn because of my shyness.

However, they did not leave Zhang Xiang's arms as Zhang Xiang imagined.

Instead, one person took Zhang Xiang's hand and walked toward the house.

Half an hour later, Zhang Xiang, Bai and Hina Tian were already in front of the dinner table.

Regarding his past experience, he also selectively told Bai and Hinata the content, and also told Bai and others his idea of ​​coming back this time.

This surprised Shiro and Hinata.

However, they were just surprised.

For them, the presence of Zhang Xiang by their side and the fact that nothing happened to Zhang Xiang is what they care about most.

Because, even in Konoha Ninja Village, a place in the Ninja World, it is relatively clear and open.

After a woman gets married, her husband is still the main one.

Specifically, it can be seen from the fact that after Uzumaki Nakki married the fourth generation of Naruto, he no longer served as a ninja.

After all, education in this world is still biased towards tradition. (Therefore, it can also explain why there are so few female ninjas in the ninja world, especially female ninjas above the middle ninja. In addition to the original physiological differences, there are also such reasons.-personal settings.

"Well, Hinata's craftsmanship has really improved a lot." Zhang Xiang put a piece of cooked cinnamon roll into his mouth, and couldn't help but praise Hinata.

"Husband... That, I just do it like Sister Bai taught me. Actually, I'm not familiar with cooking... Everything is due to Sister Bai..." Hinata's face was flushed and his hands were flushed. Rebelling, feeling slightly shy for Zhang Xiang's praise.

However, we can see her joy from her face.

"Where is it? Sister Hinata learns fast... Sister Hinata, she works very hard to learn this dish..." Bai also showed a smile, holding the small hand of Hinata next to her with her right hand. She was talking.

"Well, it's all taught by Sister Bai. Otherwise, I can't make such good dishes with my short-term skills..." Hinata blushed, shaking his hands, thinking Give credit to Bai.

And seeing Bai and Hinata get along so well, Zhang Xiang couldn't help showing a warm smile on his face.

He likes such a warm family the most.

Two hours later, when Zhang Xiang came out of the bathroom and opened his room.

In the room, Shiro and Hinata had already flushed flushed and made the beds, and put on a fitted pajamas.

Zhang Xiang walked over slowly, turned off the light that was on, and with the help of the faint moonlight shining in through the curtains, walked to the edge of the bed and gently embraced the two of them.

The night is already very deep...

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