Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 992: , Two years later, the return of the Son of Prophecy...

One day two years later, there were pure white clouds floating in the sky, under the sunshine, drifting away slowly with the breeze. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

And just outside Konoha Ninja Village, on the road leading to Konoha Ninja Village.

"Yeah, I'm finally back! Sakura, my Sakura, I'm about to see Sakura!" She was wearing an orange dress with the family emblem of the Uzumaki clan hanging behind her head and a Konoha forehead guard. , Naruto who has grown to 165 centimeters tall, is happily jumping on the spot.

Then, he strode towards the door.

"Konoha, I'm back...!" Uzumaki Naruto stretched out his right hand, blocking the sunlight shining at him, and looked at the head of Hokage on the mountain behind Konoha, and he couldn't help but smile. coming.

And the ninja's footsteps were undoubtedly very fast, and Konoha Gate appeared in front of him very quickly.

Before long, after checking his identity, he was let in.

Along the way, Naruto, who has not come back for two years, looked left and right, and stretched out his right hand to touch some novel things, and bought a lot of snacks, holding fish **** in one hand. Skewers, holding a water polo in one hand, walked toward the depths of Konoha.

Only at this time.

His ears moved, as if he heard a familiar sound.

Gradually, his face began to stretch.

"Sakura!" He heard the familiar voice, what it was.

But at the next moment, when he moved his feet, his whole body slammed up the roof, flashing towards the other street.

Then, after jumping over two buildings, the familiar short pink hair and the familiar face appeared in front of him again. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

At this time, the clothes on Sakura's body were not much different from the previous ones, but they became a little more capable, and the height was a lot higher, reaching 160 cm.

On top of her arm, there was also something to protect her elbow.

There is also a pair of gloves on her hands.

"Sakura!" There was a hint of uncontrollable joy at the corner of his mouth. He jumped onto a telegraph pole, squatted over, waved his right hand and shouted at the walking figure below.

When she heard a slightly familiar voice calling her name, Sakura's face also showed a trace of confusion.

She was wondering how this voice called her name was a little familiar.

But at the next moment, as she raised her head, she looked at the figure on the telephone pole.

And, after slightly adjusting to the influence of the dazzling sunlight on her, she suddenly recognized who the familiar voice was.

"Naruto...Naruto?!" Sakura's face showed a surprised look, and she looked in Naruto's direction in disbelief.

"Yeah, it's me, Sakura, it's been a long time since I saw him." Naruto held the food he bought in one hand, but he jumped off the telephone pole.

"Yes, yes, but, aren't you cultivating outside with Teacher Jilaiya? How come you are here?" Sakura's face showed a look of confusion.

However, although she was puzzled, she was still very happy to see her familiar partner.

However, after Naruto heard Sakura's words, he was slightly taken aback.

"Didn't you write to call me back? You also said that it was Grandma Tsunade's request?" Naruto released the cuttlefish ball he was biting, with a puzzled expression on his face, and said to Sakura .

"I'm writing to call you back? And, it's Tsunade-sama's request?" Kozakura pointed her finger at herself, with a puzzled expression on her face.

But immediately, her face changed.

"Hurry up and follow me!" Kozakura's face changed, and she pulled Naruto's right hand and rushed towards the Hokage Building.

"Small, Sakura... slow down! My cuttlefish **** are stuck, stuck..." Naruto groaned as she covered her throat with her hands.

Under Sakura's sudden pull, Naruto who was eating the cuttlefish ball accidentally swallowed a whole cuttlefish ball.

Moreover, Naruto, who hadn't eaten the food in Konoha Ninja Village for a long time, chose which cuttlefish ball or the extra-large one.

So, the result is self-evident.

Naruto choked sadly.

However, at this moment, Sakura, whose face was changing, did not wait for Naruto to react, she already rushed towards the Hokage Building with Naruto.

On the head of Hokage thousands of meters away, Zhang Xiang leaned on a big tree that grew closer to the edge of the cliff, and the scarlet three-god jade writing wheel eyes scanned the direction of the Konoha Ninja Village.

"In this world, the'Son of Prophecy' who will raise the storm also returned to the place where the storm started at the scheduled time. Is the prologue of the Ninja world about to begin?" Zhang Xiang Said slowly.

At this time, Zhang Xiang's image has undergone a lot of changes.

The original Zhang Xiang, from the outside, was just a relatively handsome boy with a short black hair and wearing a gray and silver coat.

Although, after experiencing a lot of fights in the Ninja world, there was a touch of evil spirit on his body.

But in general, it still seems a bit naive.

But at this time.

After several world trials and two years of precipitation, Zhang Xiang's appearance has not changed much.

However, the kind of impetuousness that is peculiar to young people in him, and the kind of feeling that is easy to see through, has disappeared.

Now, all he could feel from his body was the decisiveness and firmness.

Only occasionally when he thinks of something, will his face show the original look and a warm smile.

And it was at this moment when Zhang Xiang took his gaze back from watching Naruto and Sakura in Konoha Ninja Village in the distance.

An illusory root figure appeared behind him.

"Report Captain, the team of Akatsuki organization has already set off towards Sand Ninja Village. Everything is developing according to plan!" The root that moved by using the instantaneous technique, half kneeling on the ground said.

"I know, go down!" Zhang Xiang nodded slightly and stood up.

With his right hand, he pressed a short blade inserted in the quaint scabbard.

And with the afterimage of that root, it appeared and disappeared again.

Zhang Xiang couldn't help stretching out his right hand.

"The wind is rising, Yang Hang is..." The light whispered, as the wind dispersed...

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