Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 994: , One tail, catch!

Ten minutes later, a powerful round wave-shaped water barrier suddenly covered everything within a radius of 200 meters. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

"Shui Dun Shui Prison Shark Dance!" The ghost shark that had already transformed into a half-man and half-fish, cracked the corners of his mouth and laughed.

In the next instant, his figure has already turned into an elusive eye, only a water mark can barely distinguish the afterimage from the trajectory, and disappeared in the ellipsoidal water prison.

Then, there was a series of screams of Sha Ren who was wrapped in it.

Their bodies were all cut into two parts by extremely sharp things.

Scarlet blood and the smell of rust began to gradually fill the entire oval-shaped huge water cell.

Only the ninja protected by the sand pile that Gaara arranged in time can avoid being killed by floating in the water.

However, after all, the permeability of water is still very strong.

The water pressure of the oval water cell that occupies a radius of 100 meters broke through Gaara's defense in the next moment and involved him in the water cell.

Only when he was about to be swept away by the current.

A big hand made of pure crushed sand suddenly emerged from under the ground and grabbed his body that was about to be swept away.

However, before he had stabilized his body, the ghost shark who had been transformed into a half-man and half-fish had already split his mouth and locked him...

Behind him, Sha Ren, who was swept away by the current, had already turned into a corpse, floating in the water prison.

Their eyes opened wide, showing a trace of pain and indomitability...

But outside the water prison, watching the Sha Ren who came from a distance continuously, and the Red Sand Scorpion who was standing outside the water prison and hiding among the Scarabs, frowned slightly. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

"It's really troublesome, I have to clean up my hands..." The Scorpion of Red Sand said with a hint of dissatisfaction.

However, looking at the incoming Sha Ren and the familiar equipment on them.

In the heart of the Red Sand Scorpion, there was no idea why a strange feeling emerged.

"This time, I will probably meet her again..." I don’t know why, I have already transformed myself into a puppet, a red sand scorpion that can exist forever, but this thought has flashed in my heart. .

The so-called she is not someone, but his grandmother.

However, thinking of this, he felt a little irritable inexplicably.

So, this bit of irritability.

In the next moment, it evolved into a killing intent!

Because, the second wave of Sharen troops who came to aid had already rushed here not far.

"Red Secret Skill and Hundred Machines!" A sharp light flashed in the eyes of the Red Sand Scorpion.

He knew that if he was dragged here, he would surely evolve into a protracted red sand scorpion, and in that instant he had already displayed his strongest mass attack.

A huge scroll was manipulated by him to spread it flat on the sand, and a series of "pumpy" sounds continued to sound.

A continuous stream of smoke continued to emerge, accompanied by figures hidden in the smoke, constantly appearing in the field.

And at this time, Sha Ren, who rushed to the forefront, had already arrived before the "Hundred Machine Exercise" summoned by the Red Sand Scorpion.

"That, that's that?" Sha Ren who rushed to the front suddenly widened his eyes, revealing an incredible look from his eyes.

Because what appeared in front of him turned out to be puppets.

Although it was only a slight sweep, he had already judged that the number of puppets here was at least close to three hundred.

In Sand Ninja Village, a puppet master who can control two puppets at the same time is already a good puppet master.

If you can control the three puppets, you have the qualifications of forbearance among the elite.

If it is possible to have three puppets at the same time and make precise control, then they can be promoted to the upper end.

And the puppet masters of the elite Shinobu are at best the puppets with less than double digits.

But how many puppets are in front of him?

Ten, one hundred, or several hundred? !

What a terrible existence is a ninja who can manipulate so many puppets! ! !

Thinking of this, the puppet master who rushed out first couldn't help feeling a little more frightened.

And it was at this moment that a squeaky sound rang continuously.

That is the sound of the joint shaking when the puppet is connected to the Chakra line and is manipulated.

And the range of the sound is all the puppets in front of him.

"No...!" the puppet master yelled.

Because, a young puppet wearing a red cloak had already rushed in front of him.

With a sound of ‘呲’, an extremely sharp long knife suddenly ejected from the elbow of the puppet wearing the red cloak and pierced into his heart...


Fifteen minutes later, following the elliptical super-large water cell with an area of ​​about two hundred meters in diameter, it suddenly collapsed, forming countless water splashes that sprung up all around.

And just in the middle of the spray, a faint figure appeared.

"It's too slow...!" The Scorpion of Red Sand, manipulating Fei Liuhu, walked over slowly.

And behind him, as the torrent of water washed over like a large waterfall, the gravel on the ground stained with blood plasma and residual limbs was also washed away.

The barren sandy land is greedily absorbing the scouring currents and absorbing them into the ground.

At this time, we can see clearly.

The figure standing in the center of the spray is actually not just one person, but two people.

It's just that one of the thinner figures is hanging on the shark's muscle like a corpse.

Seeing this scene, the scorpion of the red sand could not help frowning.

"Did you kill him?" The Red Sand Scorpion asked hoarsely.

However, listening to the voice of the red sand scorpion, the ghost shark still opened its mouth in the same way.

"No, but he was too dishonest, so I knocked him out. However, it seems to be a little stronger. But it doesn't matter, as long as he doesn't die, it's fine." Gui Yao said with a smile.

"That's good..." said the scorpion of the red sand.

Afterwards, he walked back in the direction where he came.

And behind him, the ghost shark also carried Gaara's body with shark muscles, and walked toward the depths of the desert...

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