Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1000: , The ghost shark!

Zhang Xiang and his party were moving fast in the forest. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

But at this moment, Zhang Xiang suddenly raised his head and looked at a place not far ahead.

"Come!" Zhang Xiang snorted.

"What?" Naruto was still a little confused.

In the next moment, he understood what Zhang Xiang meant.

In front of them, from the depths of the forest, there was a big wave bursting out in their direction.

"Water escape, the technique of the big waterfall!" A slightly excited voice came from behind the big wave.

Then, that big wave had already spread to Zhang Xiang and others.

"Stop!" Kakashi yelled concisely.

In an instant, the entire team was divided into several afterimages and spread out towards the surroundings.

"Haha...I'm here to play with you, Konoha ninjas, and the sand ninja guys!" Wearing Akatsuki's black robe embroidered with blushes, the ghost shark stood on the tumbling waves. Said to Zhang Xiang and others.

"That's it, submerge me in the water! Shui Dunyu Four Sharks!" Ghost Shark slammed the waves under his feet.

In an instant, a four-headed shark-shaped water bomb was suddenly formed in the wave, and it impacted from the huge wave that swept away, toward the Zhang Xiang and others who were fleeing towards the two sides of the huge wave. Attacked away.

However, due to the quantity, the four-head shark-shaped water bomb did not cover everyone, but only four of them. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

And among those four people, there is a person like Zhang Xiang.

It's just that, looking at the shark-shaped water bombs that are opening with jagged teeth and are rushing towards him.

Zhang Xiang did not have any worries.

"Small bugs!" Zhang Xiang snorted softly, and the body in the air suddenly rotated and kicked out with his right foot.

The shark-like water bomb formed by chakra and water was kicked and exploded into splashes in the sky.

But at this time, that huge wave also swept through Zhang Xiang's body, and the impact broke a lot of trees, involved them, and took them to the distant forest.

Looking at the huge wave, the ghost shark who saw this scene cracked his mouth instead.

"It's really good. Among the people who came to chase this time, the strength is very good! But, boy, my uncle's ninjutsu is not that simple!" Guiyu erected his right hand and made a mark. Come.

"Huayu!" Guiyu yelled.

But as his voice fell, the shark-like water bomb that had been broken up by Zhang Xiang suddenly stopped in midair.

Then, they merged together suddenly, forming about dozens of pocket-sized shark-like water bombs, twisting in the air, but attacking Zhang Xiang again.

Such an attack made Zhang Xiang's brow slightly raised.

"It looks interesting, but it's of no use to me." Zhang Xiang slowly stretched out his right hand.

Just when those dozens of pocket-sized shark-shaped water bombs were about to impact Zhang Xiang's body.

"Penetrate me, soil thorn!" Zhang Xiang shook his right hand.

As an inexplicable force emerged from Zhang Xiang’s body, there were no less than hundreds of slender soil thorns suddenly appeared on the ground, slamming that one towards Zhang Xiang. The pocket-sized shark-like water bomb came pierced through.

Then, the dozens of pocket-shaped shark-like water bombs all turned into a shed of water and scattered on the ground.

This time, the water is not able to form those pocket-sized shark-like water bombs again.

Because, the chakra that the ghost shark injected into it has been exhausted.

It's just that Zhang Xiang's hand made the ghost a little startled.

‘I didn’t feel the fluctuation of Chakra. Could it be that this is what special blood succession limit, or his strength has reached this point? ! Even though the ghost shark's face still maintains that kind of cracked mouth, seemingly disdainful smile.

But in fact, this idea had flashed through his mind, and he began to really attach importance to Zhang Xiang.

"It seems that among the people who came this time, besides Kakashi, there are still good people!" The ghost shark gripped the ghost shark in his hand, and a smile appeared on his face.

But at the next moment, his body looked like a cannonball, jumping off the huge wave and attacking in the direction of Zhang Xiang.

"Let me see how powerful you are!" The ghost shark gripped the ghost shark in his hand, and the shark-like eyes stared at Zhang Xiang, but the corners of the mouth opened wider.

He is irritable, but he has always been used to venting his irritability on the enemy.

However, Zhang Xiang did not put his gaze on him, but placed it in a forest not far behind him.

"Is Itachi also here?" Zhang Xiang said lightly.

Then, his figure jumped to the rear a few times, avoiding the attack of the ghost shark.

There was a ‘bang’.

The shark muscle in the hand of the ghost shark bombarded the ground heavily, opening a hole in the ground.

"So what? So what?" The ghost shark pulled the ghost shark in his hand from the deep pit and carried it on his shoulder.

"If it is, then please don't get in my way. Because I still have something to talk to Itachi." Zhang Xiang said indifferently.

Immediately, he fixed his gaze on Uchiha Itachi who appeared in front of Naruto and blocked their advance.

At this time, Uchiha Itachi is still the same, wearing a black robe embroidered with red clouds, wearing a forehead with a mark on his head, and his nails are dyed purple, and he wears a symbol of "Suzaku". A position of the ring.

Moreover, although it is not like the original plot now, Uchiha Itachi's body has already collapsed, relying on willpower and medicine to maintain it.

However, Zhang Xiang can still see beyond this distance.

Uchiha Itachi's eyes, under normal conditions, were already infinitely close to a thousand degrees of myopia as blurred.

This can be seen from his godless eyes.

And his body is probably beginning to close to collapse!

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