Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1003: , Stop Uchiha Itachi!

In the cave two kilometers away, the ghost shark suddenly opened his eyes and snorted, revealing a trace of scarlet blood from the corner of his mouth.

"Damn it!" The ghost shark snarled, with a fierce look in his eyes, as well as a trace of hidden fear.

Because for him, the shock that the avatar just now caused him when he died was a bit too big.

Zhang Xiang's blow seemed slow, and it seemed that he could dodge the past blow.

He didn't even have time to dodge, and he was already killed by the opponent. How could this not make him shocked and scared? !

You know, as a super S-level shadow-level powerhouse, even if he is against the strongest member of this organization,'Zero', he can still hold on for a short period of time. How could he lose to Zhang so quickly? Where is Xiang's hand?

However, this thought of his just passed away in a flash, and was deeply buried in his heart.

But what he didn't know was.

Zhang Xiang did have a move that would kill him in seconds, but it was a move that required a lot of energy, and might even make him desperate in a short time.

The reason why he was just killed by Zhang Xiang so quickly.

Except that after he gained the upper hand, he was somewhat careless.

It's even more because the clone created by him using the'xiang turn clone' only possesses the power of about 70 of his body. (Original version 30)

Facing the unfamiliar body and the power distribution that needs to be re-familiar, he can only dodge.

If it were his body, maybe he would not be able to dodge it.

However, he would never be killed in a single move, at most he would suffer some serious injuries. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

Facing him with powerful Chakra power and shark muscles to provide Chakra, there is no big problem if he wants to quickly recover from his injury and then continue to fight.

And just as the ghost snorted, the leader of Akatsuki, ‘Zero’, who was standing above the main position, opened his eyes again.

"Failed?" ‘Zero’ was opening a circle of reincarnation eyes, looking in the direction of the ghost shark.

"Yes, the enemy's power is too strong." Guiyu said unwillingly.

"Haha... It's not long before you met the enemy, right? You were killed so quickly, did you let the water go, or did you really only have that strength?" The flying section on the side also began to ridicule.

"Shut up, you're great, go!" A fierce flash flashed in Guiyu's eyes.

He had already endured to the extreme the flying segments that provoked him repeatedly.

However, the leader of Akatsuki, "Zero" spoke again.

"Fei Duan!" Xiaozhi leader'Zero' looked in the direction of Fei Duan.

He just watched, but he made Feiduan shut up a little unwillingly.

Then, he looked in the direction of Uchiha Itachi.

"How? How long can it be blocked?" Chief Akatsuki "Zero" asked Uchiha Itachi.

And following this questioning sound, Uchiha Itachi also opened his eyes.

However, as he opened his eyes, everyone present was slightly surprised.

Because they haven't met it for a long time, Uchiha Itachi who has become so serious.

"I can't stop it..." Uchiha Itachi opened his scarlet kaleidoscope and said slowly.

His eyes were a bit misty, which proved that in another direction, he was in a hard fight.

"However, don't worry. They are still some distance away from here. If they find it, and then remove the barrier and seal, this period of time will be enough for us to complete the seal." Uchiha Itachi said indifferently.

However, as he finished speaking, he slowly closed his eyes again and turned his mind back to the battlefield.


And two minutes ago...

The voice of ‘ding, ding...’ rang out one after another.

Uchiha Itachi threw it out, and the kunai that flew towards Naruto and Sakura, but they were all accurately stopped by the other four kunai.

At the same time, Zhang Xiang's figure is slowly approaching this side in the forest.

However, it is said to be ‘slowly’, but in fact the speed is very fast.

It was just a blink of an eye, Zhang Xiang seemed to shrink into an inch, and he came to Uchiha Itachi.

"You go first... Here, leave it to me!" Zhang Xiang said slowly.

At the same time, he also threw the simple scabbard he held on his left hand onto the ground.

In the face of Uchiha Itachi, who is close to omnipotence, illusion, ninjutsu, and physique are all proficient, it is not so easy to defeat the opponent.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Kakashi and Naruto couldn't help but glance at each other.

In the end, they nodded.

"Then, I'll leave it to you here, we'll go ahead first." Kakashi nodded, and pulled the protective forehead off his forehead, covering the three-gou jade chakra he had just opened. .

And as Kakashi's voice fell, both Kakashi and others, or the thousand-year-old mother-in-law of Sand Ninja Village, began to rush in the originally planned direction.

However, at this moment, Uchiha Itachi moved suddenly.

His whole body turned into an afterimage, and he rushed in the direction of Kakashi.

From his hand, he threw out several successive roots of karma, colliding with each other in an extremely complicated manner in mid-air, changing the trajectory of each other, making it difficult for Kakashi to predict where Kakashi would attack.

However, facing the kunai who was flying towards him, Kakashi did not change his face and continued to run forward without any movement.

But the next moment, Zhang Xiang's figure suddenly appeared in front of Kakashi.

The voice of ‘ding, ding...’ rang continuously.

All the kunwu was knocked off by Zhang Xiang's "Shadow Demon Blade".

And the'Shadow Demon Blade' in his hand has undergone many changes after two years.

On the sword body that originally circulated scarlet light, it was now a scarlet crystal, but it was no longer a crimson streamer, but the sword body was developing in the direction of crystals. .

However, this did not affect the use of'Shadow Demon Blade'.

Moreover, the hardness has increased.

"I said, I'll be your opponent!" Zhang Xiang put down the'Shadow Demon Blade' in front of him, lowered his head and said slowly.

Behind him, Kakashi, Chidai mother-in-law and others rushed over quickly...

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