Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1005: , The kaleidoscope of holding!

"Amaterasu!" 2

Without warning, Zhang Xiang and Uchiha Itachi both activated the final ability of the Kaleidoscope to write the wheel at the same time. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

The two pitch-black black flames suddenly appeared in the air and collided with each other silently.

And the result is undoubtedly self-evident.

The black flames that had collided with each other were so stalemate in the air. The dark flame fragments splashed around, contaminated the fallen leaves and the ground on the ground, and began to burn raging.

However, this situation did not last long.

As the pupil power released from the kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes increased, the black flames of the ‘Amaterasu’ that conflicted to the extreme burst out suddenly.

It was like an explosion, but there was no sound.

However, those dark ‘Amaterasu’ flames were shattered into countless fragments, spreading towards the surroundings.

Along the way, no matter the ordinary fallen leaves or the thick trees, they were all infected with black inflammation.

It's just that it was already at the moment when the pupil power reached the extreme.

In order to end the difference, both of them regained their pupil power at the same time, and their bodies quickly retreated towards the back.

Zhang Xiang's body was in the air, and with the whistling sound from his ears, he was swiftly hiding in front of the big trees, avoiding the terrifying black flames that splashed around like raindrops.

Because of the explosion, the black inflammation that would have only burned in a fixed place, was splashed around.

That range is terrifying to the extreme. The range within a radius of more than two hundred meters in diameter is all within the main attack range of Black Flame.

Once something is contaminated with black inflammation, the terrifying temperature, and the attributes that cannot be eliminated at all, the black inflammation will turn into the most terrifying thing, and everything that has been contaminated by it will be burned. , Will finally stop. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

However, even in the dodge, the competition between the two of them did not stop.

On the contrary, as the dodge progressed, the battle between the two had entered a fever pitch.

Dozens or hundreds of cutting tools were swirling in the forest of black flames, even colliding with each other.

However, not even any ninja had appeared in front of Zhang Xiang.

Even if it appears, it represents a trap.

Because, under its shadow, or elsewhere, there must be another attack hidden.

This is a battle between two people who have mastered Uchiha's throwing skills with their blades.

At this moment, Zhang Xiang had already broken through the black flame.

However, at this time.

The sound of'swish' appeared in front of Zhang Xiang without any concealment.

There were a dozen cutting tools, and they attacked Zhang Xiang frontally.

It's just that these incoming cutting tools are just a cover up.

The real attack comes from the attack hidden in the shadow, or wrapped in the detonation talisman, or hidden in the knife of kunai.

Of course, this is just one of them.

More attacks came from behind him.

A large number of ninjas, without knowing how to bypass those forests, appeared silently behind Zhang Xiang.

If Zhang Xiang didn't pay attention to his back, even if he could care about his front, he could not care about his back.

However, Zhang Xiang was not depressed.

Because he can be sure that the other party must have encountered a similar scene.

With regard to his Uchiha's throwing skills, after matching his mental perception ability, it became even more threatening.

Blindly dodge is of no use.

Because once you fall into dodge, there will be more tools behind, which will surround you.

Therefore, Zhang Xiang did not intend to dodge.

The sound of ‘ding, ding,’ rang out one after another.

The'Shadow Demon Blade' in Zhang Xiang's hand turned into an afterimage, waved across the air, turning into an existence like a blood-red protective cover.

All the cutting tools close to Zhang Xiang will be knocked off by him in time.

However, just after Zhang Xiang cut off one of the endurance tools, he suddenly felt something wrong.

‘Is the detonator hidden? This thought suddenly flashed through Zhang Xiang's mind.

Immediately, he quickly backed away a few steps.

In the next instant, a violent explosion swept everything within ten meters in front of him.

I also blew a part of the ninja that came to me, and I didn't know where it was.

However, just when Zhang Xiang just jumped to the back ten meters.

A Kuwu wrapped in several detonating charms suddenly attacked the big tree behind Zhang Xiang from the blind spot.

In an instant, the burst of red-yellow flames covered a radius of ten meters.

Incidentally, Zhang Xiang's body was also wrapped in.

Just, in the next moment.

A vague figure walked out slowly from the burst of red-yellow flames.

Outside of his body, there was still a crimson, like a blazing flame, blocking the violent flame from outside.

Those bursting crimson flames couldn't help this crimson shield at all.

At this moment, Zhang Xiang suddenly looked in one direction.

"So, did you come here personally? It seems that it is just an extravagant hope to beat you on top of the Uchiha throwing skills you are good at." Zhang Xiang's pair of scarlet five-pointed star kaleidoscope wrote Lun Yan, glanced at it, but I don't know when, it was Uchiha Itachi who was already standing on a big tree.

Just now, in order to be able to scan all the attacks, Zhang Xiang has already launched a mental perception scan, scanning a large area once every four weeks.

However, he did not expect that his mental perception would have been noticed by Uchiha Itachi.

Then, after the opponent quickly dodges Zhang Xiang's attack, he conveniently used a method he didn't know about and quietly hid it.

He didn't notice the ten-meter radius of the distribution until the Kuwu he shot approached Zhang Xiang, and after Zhang Xiang converged his mental perception.

However, it was a little late at that time.

Because the detonator has already been detonated.

With no time to escape, Zhang Xiang decisively turned on "Xuneng Zuohu"!

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