Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1007: , Shocked Itachi!


Powerful energy fluctuations swept all around in an instant, sweeping away within 20 meters of where Zhang Xiang and Uchiha Itachi were. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

The crimson energy beam and the crimson ten-fist sword froze together.

The fierce crimson beam of light, blocked by the ten-fist sword, split towards the two sides, turning into two tents full of explosive power, and bombarded both sides behind Uchiha Itachi into a long contract. A passage of hundreds of meters comes.

The whole scene is like Gundam in science fiction spraying laser cannons.

However, neither of the two people present advocating the existence of violence, but the existence of advocating technique.

At the moment when the stalemate was held, Uchiha Itachi made a choice in an instant, and made the "Ten-Fist Sword" on his right hand slightly deflected to one side.

In this way, to reduce the impact of the crimson energy beam spitting out from the fire unicorn on his mustache.

At the same time, the left hand of the "Xuneng Zuohu" outside of his body took over and replaced it, changing his own attributes according to the attributes of the attack, according to the legend of that side, which can have all the properties. Invalidating it, the Yata Mirror stood in front of him.

Then, he removed the'Ten Fist Sword' on the right hand of the'Xuneng Zuohu' and pierced towards the huge body of the fire Qilin'Xuneng Zuohu' outside Zhang Xiang's body.

It's just that while he was doing such a thing, Zhang Xiang was also doing something else.

Zhang Xiang's kaleidoscope of pentagrams writes round eyes, one of them widened slightly.

The scarlet five-pointed star kaleidoscope pattern in his pupils suddenly rotated, gradually showing signs of shrinking.

At the same time, a key-shaped pattern suddenly spun out of his pupils, followed the pattern of his pentagram and approached each other, and finally hit together. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

In an instant, in Zhang Xiang's pair of kaleidoscope writing wheels, a key-shaped pattern appeared on the pattern of the pentagram.

But at that moment, Zhang Xiang's figure became illusory.

And at this moment, Uchiha Itachi was already controlling the "Ten Fist Sword" in his hand, and pierced straight into the burning unicorn "Susanohashi".

And that ‘Ten Fist Sword’ is indeed one of the legendary swords, one of the divine artifact Kusanagi Swords. It has the power to release the person it stabs into the dreamlike world of illusion, and it also has the power to permanently seal it.

At the moment when the ‘Ten Fist Sword’ pierced Zhang Xiang’s red body with the red ‘Shu Neng Zuo’.

An illusory horror vortex has already appeared, distorting the space, wanting to completely seal the fire unicorn "Xue Neng Zuo Hu" into the world of illusion.

What's even more terrifying is that the attack of the'Ten Fist Sword' did not stop there.

The real red energy sword body, after breaking through the body of the fire Qilin'Xuneng Zuohu', it directly pierced forward, completely submerging Zhang Xiang's body in the fire Qilin'Xuneng Zuohu'.

But at the next moment.

Just less than 20 meters to the left of Uchiha Itachi’s body, a huge black hand suddenly emerged from the void and held a hand made of scarlet energy, which was ten meters long. The long giant sword slashed down in one fell swoop.

In the silence, it splits the ubiquitous air, creating a vacuum in the place where it has been slashed.

Just in the blink of an eye, the scarlet energy giant sword had already slashed a distance of 20 meters, completely slashing to Uchiha Itachi's red ‘Suto Left’.

Like jelly, Zhang Xiang used the scarlet energy giant sword projected by the repaired'Shadow Demon Blade' in his hand to turn it into a burning red long knife, and in one fell swoop, the'shoulder can be left' The shell was completely cut apart.

Then, he continued to chop toward the Uchiha Itachi standing on the ground, and directly chopped the entire body of the "Suto Zuohu" in half.

However, Uchiha Itachi, who has rich combat experience, reacted in an instant.

He instantly lifted the red ‘Shu Neng Zuhu’ outside of his body, and he slashed down with a huge force of bombardment. He was a little stagnant because of such a sudden move.

And it was with this moment that he instantly displayed the technique of substitution, allowing a piece of wood to instantly replace him and be involved in the endless stream of scarlet energy.

In the next instant, he also appeared in the air.

"Fire Escape Phoenix Immortal Fire Art!" Uchiha Itachi in mid-air quickly formed seals, and spit out dozens of fierce flames from his mouth, transforming into an illusory phoenix-like shape, towards that one. The pitch-black giant suddenly appeared in midair and attacked.

Only at this time.

At one end of his eye, there was a ray of red light suddenly appeared.

A thick crimson energy column spewed out from the mouth of the fire Qilin'Xuneng Zuohu' that should have disappeared, and rushed in his direction.

‘How is it possible, since people have already left, how can ‘Xuneng Zuohu’ stay in place? ! This incredible idea flashed through Uchiha Itachi's mind.

He even gave birth to the idea of ​​whether he had been illusionist or not, the crimson energy beam was basically an illusion.

However, although he was so shocked thinking.

But his heart is calm, accurately assessing the situation of both sides.

In the next moment, he made a decision.

'hide! Whether it is true or false, you must hide it! Uchiha Itachi thought carefully.

So, in the next instant, two darts flew out from his hands, and they fluttered towards the forest, entwining them on the trunks of two big trees.

Then, his hands slammed hard.

His whole person accelerated incredible in the mid-air, successfully dodge the crimson energy beam.

It's just that, looking at the crimson energy beam that wiped past his eyes.

Uchiha Itachi felt that his hair was erect.

'it is true! This feeling of facing life and death will not deceive me! Itachi Uchiha looked at the scarlet light in front of him, and there was a hint of shock in his eyes.

‘But if it’s true. So, what about the **** hand and the great sword of scarlet energy? ! Uchiha Itachi rolled his eyes in the air, and instantly looked in the direction of the source of the huge black hand.

What surprised him was that Zhang Xiang's figure appeared vaguely inside.

The discovery of this made him roll his eyes once again, looking at the fire unicorn ‘Suzonoh’ who was still breathing a fatal attack.

And what shocked him even more was that the fire unicorn ‘Shu Neng Zuo Hu’ turned out to act freely without anyone showing up.

This discovery made him feel even more shocked.

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