Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1009: , One tail, the plunder is complete!

Under the accelerated tracking of Kai and others, Kakashi and others were soon followed by the third squad led by Kai. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

And, in the eyes of Neji, they also accelerated the efficiency of tracking Akatsuki.

With the efforts of Ning Ci, he found out the cave that was hiding the members of the Akatsuki organization ten miles away.

After having a goal, everyone couldn't help speeding up and rushing to that side quickly.

For the ninja, the distance of tens of miles is only a time of less than ten minutes, and he has already passed through smoothly and came to the cave that was blocked with stones.

Outside the cave was a small lake, and a stream of water from the top of the mountain turned into a small waterfall, pouring down from the air.

Vaguely, we can still see the faint rainbow of seven colors reflected by the splash of a large number of water droplets and the bright sunlight.

However, at this time everyone is not in the mood to appreciate these.

"Gaara...!" Naruto yelled, trying to shatter the boulder to pieces.

However, when he condensed Chakra and swung his right fist and bombarded the boulder, an even stronger recoil suddenly bounced back, almost making his right hand reach.

However, even if it did not arrive.

But under the action of that powerful recoil on his right fist, it has also become a little bloody.

"Damn it, just a stone, do you want to stop me?!" Naruto roared. After knowing Gaara was still in the cave, he couldn't help it anymore and was controlled by anger. reason. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

It's just that when the beast pupil appeared in Naruto's eyes, he lost his mind and wanted to continue waving his right fist out.

Kakashi was a flash, and quickly came to Naruto's side, grabbing his wrist with one hand, preventing his irrational movement.

In Naruto's anger, even Kakashi was almost taken down by the power of Naruto's wrist.

‘A lot of strength, is Naruto already that powerful just by his physical strength? ! In Kakashi's mind, when he was almost taken down, he couldn't help feeling a little surprised.

However, he also knew that this was not the time to think about it.

"Naruto, calm down, we need to think of a countermeasure, we can't use brute force!" Kakashi said to Naruto seriously.

"But Gaara is inside!" Naruto shouted excitedly.

However, Kakashi did not back down.

"Because of this, it makes you calm down. This one is obviously a barrier. If there is no special technique, it is impossible to open it with your power!" Kakashi continued.

"But..." Naruto continued excitedly trying to say something.

However, at this moment, there was a bang.

But Sakura on one side couldn't see it and gave Naruto a slap.

"Little, Sakura..." Naruto was a little dazed.

But at the same time, the beast pupils in his eyes also returned to the original blue.

"Calm down, didn't Mrs. Kakashi say it? Only by calming down can I better rescue Gaara!" Kozakura said loudly to Naruto with a trace of anger.

Under Sakura's reprimand, Mingren calmed down.

Watching Naruto calm down, Kakashi turned to look in the direction of Kaiban.

"Nenci, did you find it?" Kakashi asked.

"Well, I found it. There are a total of five charms posted in different places ten miles away. Also, the runes on those charms are like this..." Ning Ci drew out what he was in the middle of the sky. The rune on one of the spells I saw.

And at the moment he finished painting, Kakashi and Kai looked at each other and called out the name of this enchantment technique.

"Five enchantments!" 2

The so-called five enchantment is a kind of "forbidden talisman" that is connected to the caster Chakra and attached to the five places centered on the stronghold, so that the range of the "forbidden talisman" is transformed into an enchantment. Space, ninjutsu transformed from enchantment art.

"Then it will be troublesome." Kakashi rubbed his chin.

However, at this time, Kay stood up.

"Don't worry, just leave it to us Kaiban!" Kai stood up and said to Kakashi.

And listening to Kay's words, although Kakashi flashed a solemn expression on his face, he nodded.

"Then, be careful...!" Kakashi patted Kai on the shoulder and said to him.

"No problem, our Kaiban will definitely complete the task perfectly!" Kai made his signature action, and a bright flash of light flashed past his teeth.

And at the next moment, Kaiban followed one of Sha Ren's people and rushed in the five directions Ning Ci pointed out...


At this moment, in the darkness of the cave, with the last trace of the chakra guarding the crane pulled out of Gaara's seven orifices, he was sealed into one of the eyes of the outgoing golem.

Gaara completely lost his breathing body, and fell heavily to the ground, without a trace of movement.

"Then, this time the mission will be here." Xiao's leader'Zero' put his hands together and completely sealed the tail, and said slowly.

At this moment, the ghost shark picked up his shark muscle and asked a word.

"So, what about those ninjas out there?" Guiyu asked.

"It's up to you. Even if you kill them all, I have no objection. Just let the little devil in Kyuubi leave his life." Akatsuki's leader'Zero' opened his eyes without mercy. Said.

"In this case, I understand...!" The ghost shark opened his mouth, revealing the bright white shark teeth.

Where did Zhang Xiang's aggrieved aggrieved just now come out? He hasn't come out yet!

"Then, disband!" Akatsuki's leader'Zero' said coldly.

Those circles of patterns form the eyes of reincarnation, and there is infinite indifference.

It's like... the **** high above, looking down on this world.

Then, the illusory figures standing on the outer golem disappeared one after another, and even the outer golem sank into the earth, leaving only two figures...

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