Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1014: , The most superb puppeteer!

In Zhang Xiang's mental perception, the blue chakra lines that originally spread from the red sand scorpion suddenly broke apart under his slash. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

At the same time, the three generations of Wind Shadow Puppets that were originally floating in the air, under the control of the Red Sand Scorpion, were quickly forming a seal, like a robot suddenly losing energy.

The whole body floating in the air suddenly stiffened.

Then, he fell to the ground.

However, the opponent is indeed the strongest puppet master in the Ninja world.

At the moment that the blue chakra lines broke, they controlled the broken blue chakra lines and turned into a number of flexible snakes, facing the three generations of wind shadows that fell from the air. The puppet chased it.

But at this time.

Zhang Xiang, who was originally standing among the Scarlet Scorpion's Scarlet Scorpion, slammed on the Scarlet's foot, giving his body a powerful recoil.

In an instant, he appeared next to the fallen three-generation Fengying puppet. With a pull on the empty left hand, the third-generation Fengying puppet was successfully pulled into the hand by Zhang Xiang, and continued to the rear. Leaped away.

However, the Red Sand Scorpion still did not give up.

The several blue chakra lines suddenly tightened, turning into a needle and thread-like existence, and directly directed towards the body of the three-generation Fengying puppet.

However, these are the crystal clear scarlet'Shadow Demon Blade' on Zhang Xiang's right hand, which turned into a stream of light and was suddenly chopped into a piece of blue cracked apart. Carat fragments.

But at this moment, Zhang Xiang's feet leaping towards the back touched the ground with an embarrassment. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

On the ground full of fine gravel, two scratches more than one meter long were made, and they stopped in an embarrassing manner.

On the opposite side, the Red Sand Scorpion that flew upside down from the Scarlet Hu was also standing on the wall of the cave.

At this moment, he was able to reveal his puppet body.

It was a young man with short flaming red hair and a handsome face, like a fifteen or sixteenth person.

He even looked younger than Zhang Xiang who didn't wear a mask.

"How is it possible!" The thousand-generation mother-in-law standing not far away couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

Because, the Red Sand Scorpion in front of her is too young.

Even if the Scorpion of Red Sand is her grandson, but after so many years, her grandson is at least thirty-five years old. Why is it the same as the Scorpion of Red Sand when he defected? !

"Mother-in-law, what's the matter?" As for Sakura, she asked with some uncertainty.

Although she was very surprised, she originally thought that the appearance of a middle-aged man with a hunchback suddenly became a puppet. Instead, she found a young man who was not much older than her.

However, in her understanding, the Ninja World is so big, it is understandable that there are such young and powerful people.

"His looks, how could he stay so young...Could it be?!" A hint of shock was revealed in the mother-in-law's eyes.

At this moment, the Scorpion of Red Sand also spoke.

"Yes, I have already turned my body into an eternal existence." Unexpectedly, a beautiful young voice came from the mouth of the puppet in front of him, nothing like it. Just like when the other party was hiding in Fei Liuhu, it was a hoarse voice.

"Puppet...Puppet..." The thousand-generation mother-in-law's words were a bit bitter.

A deep sadness flashed in her eyes.

"Yes, I have already transformed my body into an eternal existence, which will not disappear so casually. This is eternal art! Right, grandma!" The Red Sand Scorpion raised up. With his hands, he said to the thousand-generation mother-in-law.

For the first time, the Scorpion of Red Sand has called out this name again since he defected.

His voice was steady and calm, as if he had met a stranger.

However, no one knew what he was thinking in his heart.

"Milk...grandma?!" Sakura held her mouth and looked at the thousand-generation grandmother next to her, with a look of shock in her eyes.

Because she only knew now that the red sand scorpion in front of her was the grandson of a thousand-generation mother-in-law.

"Yes, he is my grandson. My only grandson. It's just that, 20 years ago, he secretly left Shayin and became a betrayer..." The voice of the grandmother thousand generations was a little bitter, she said The past of the Red Sand Scorpion.

"Then, how did he act on you just now..." Sakura still had a shocked expression on her face, looking in the direction of the Red Sand Scorpion. .

"Hey... this is not what a ninja should say... Even if the old woman who was related to me dies, I won't feel anything... My heart... and body are the same... I have killed thousands and hundreds so far. People, she is just like one of them. Things are so simple." The Red Sand Scorpion said in a steady voice.

At the same time, he also took off his cloak, revealing his puppet body and the three scrolls behind him.

Just like when Zhang Xiang fought, the three final scrolls on his body had not changed.

At this time, Zhang Xiang also remembered that nearly half of the body of the three generations of Fengying's puppets was destroyed by him in the last battle between the opponent and him?

How can it remain intact.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but rely on his memory to touch the arm that should have been broken on the three generations of Fengying.

Then he understood something.

"Using the metal that can transmit chakras, has it been remade with something mixed with it?!" Zhang Xiang whispered slightly in amazement.

You know, because of the special characteristics of the three generations of Fengying Chakra and Xuejixianjie, it is a very good thing to be able to use metal and other things mixed with other things to repair the three generations of Fengying's body to the ground that does not affect the battle. Difficult things.

However, the Red Sand Scorpion in front of him did it.

However, Zhang Xiang just exclaimed.

Then, he took out a seal scroll from behind him and spread it out in front of him.

Then, the puppets of the three generations of Fengying were placed on it.

"Seal!" Zhang Xiang pressed his right hand on it.

With a burst of white mist, the puppets of the three generations of Fengying were sealed in the scroll.

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