"Contestant Yae Sakura has lost the ability to fight——"

The referee, who had been hiding for a long time, looked at Yae Sakura who was pushed off the ring by the purple-black sword energy, and announced with a loud voice far beyond ordinary people:

"The winner is Mianyue Yiji from Dongda High School!"

In fact, the so-called ring has disappeared. The referee's ability to judge that Yae Sakura left the ring is naturally due to his eyesight, which he has developed over many years of playing soy sauce.

After all, not everyone can be a referee. Without the corresponding vision and foot strength, he has long been sent to the hospital due to the aftermath of confrontations between athletes in various professional competitions.

In fact, many referees are practitioners of the mysterious side. Otherwise, how can we stop those athletes who get angry, don't listen to the referee's words, and just roll up their sleeves?

After hearing the referee's decision, Yae Sakura naturally felt uncomfortable.

You know, in an ordinary school like Fuyuki High School, how much effort she put in to cultivate such a team that can compete with Dongda Affiliated High School to a 50-50 draw.

Obviously, as long as you defeat the last person on the opposite team, you can win!

Although this is just a 100-school exchange competition and not a formal 100-school competition, the performance of myself and others will still affect the school's support for the kendo club and the morale of its own team.

But, what can be done about this?

Even though she was not hurt, she still felt the opponent's overwhelming strength. The opponent did not use his true strength at all, but defeated her with every strength in his body.

"I lost-"

Yaezakura looked at each other on the stage, with her sword sheathed, and after a few seconds, she said with a tone of unwillingness and excitement:

"Looking forward to our next meeting."

This meeting naturally refers to the official Hundred Schools Competition.

After saying that, Yae Sakura also sheathed the long sword in her hand, leaving behind a desolate and stubborn back.

"Yae Sakura!!"


The audience in the audience saw Yaesakura turning around and leaving, and they all shouted, cheering for this Yaezakura who brought them such a wonderful and exciting game.

"Will do--"

Mianyuki Yiji originally didn't want to participate in this kind of inter-school competition. After all, she beat up the members of her own school, the nominally strongest team. Although it was a bit interesting, in her eyes it was still far behind.

So, I lost my initial interest.

As for why she appears here, it is naturally her sister Toyuki Toyohime's opinion.

After three months of being bombarded with information on the Internet, Toyohime Watuki knows that in this kind of campus drama, the team that is most famous at the beginning and theoretically the strongest is definitely not the protagonist team. It would be too arbitrary to think that there are no real masters in other schools.

You know, the high school students in District 11 are three destined pigs. How could there not be a big shot behind the scenes?

Therefore, whether it was to find an opponent that interested Mitsuyuki Yoshi, or to find a way to return to Yue Capital, he had to participate in the Hundred School Competition.

Even though the reason "the strongest people in the world are often high school students" makes no sense, Mitsuyuki Yoshi finally believed in her sister's opinion. No matter how much she denied it, her sister was stronger than her in terms of resourcefulness and luck. Up a few points.

This is probably the natural law that neither fools nor cute creatures have bad luck.

Unexpectedly, today's game really allowed her to meet a good opponent. After playing against Yae Sakura, Watuki Yoshi finally felt the long-lost sense of satisfaction.

"I'm really looking forward to our next meeting -"

Mitsuyuki Yoshi looked at the disappearing Yae Sakura and muttered.

Because the venue was too badly damaged, the next game did not start immediately. Seven or eight professional staff walked to the shattered ring to perform temporary maintenance.

————The dividing line of a short break————

"Senior Sakura——"

Teammates gathered around Yae Sakura to comfort her. Mei Yi clenched her fists and said:

"Let's try harder next time and we won't lose next time!"

"That's right——"

The male number one, Musashi-san, also clenched his fists and said:

"Next time I'll use big moves and waves randomly."

Kojiro, the second male lead, then said:

"When you get back, please train us to your heart's content."

"Mo Yijun, why don't you go over?"

Mianyue Fengji, who was standing next to Mo Yi, looked at Mo Yi who did not go over to make a fuss, and said with feeling:

"Being unsociable is not a good behavior."

Mo Yi naturally knew that the correct way to behave at this time was to walk over and stir up emotions with everyone.

If Mo Yi was a formal member or an ordinary high school student, others might not mind if he joined at this time, but it would definitely alienate others afterwards.

Others may not deliberately act to alienate others, but the relationship between people is naturally divided into different distances. There are close friends and ordinary friends. In a small group, everyone except yourself When we are good friends who talk about everything, the remaining person is naturally alienated and isolated by everyone.

This is the magic of interpersonal communication. Many times, everyone is unknowingly isolated without knowing it.

However, I am only a temporary worker, and even the schoolgirl I am most familiar with is just an acquaintance. At this time, I would feel very embarrassed even if I walked over to flirt with her.

Moreover, the Master is destined to become the spiritual savior of all mankind!

The savior never needs friendship, a girl is enough!

Even though I know that I am just a temporary worker, I have not lost yet!

Should we start sensationalizing so soon?

Forget it, I won’t complain anymore.

Facing Mianyue Fengji's words, Mo Yi didn't say anything in the end. Smiling and saying nothing was the best way to deal with it.

"Mo Yijun——"

At this time, Yae Sakura, who was still wearing a broken protective suit, walked up to Mo Yi, suddenly showed a warm smile and said:

"I'll leave it to you next."

Mo Yi: "..."

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