Your dad is still your dad!

Arturia was holding the invisible sword, not afraid of Mo Zai who was rushing towards her. She aimed the curry stick at Mo Zai and fired the King-Sealing Hammer.

With Grandpa Mo Yi providing magic power, let alone tricks like the King's Hammer, even the EX Curry Stick, you can use it however you want!

Mo Zai, who was as excited as a child, just raised his sword and looked at it, how could he expect that his father would come up and attack with a noble phantom, knocking her out of defense.

"Ha ha ha ha--"

After falling to the ground for a few seconds, Mordred stood up again and laughed loudly and said:

"Yes, this is the battle I imagined!"

In fact, Mordred was really deceived by King Da Mao's hammer blow. According to his father's temperament, after seeing him, he should not give him a lesson first and then start fighting seriously. Of?

What about the spirit of chivalry mentioned?

It's a despicable act to use your ultimate attack at the first disagreement. In the past, father, didn't you always say to the enemy, "Next, I'm going to be serious" before you start using your skills?

Seriously, Father, you have changed!

No matter how painful the baby was in his heart, or even the pain that was almost gone all over his body, Mo Zai still had a lot of backbone. He stood up like a real man of steel and ignored the hammer being hit with all his strength. The armor must be cracked, standing up is a scene.

After saying that, Mordred emitted red electric light, which was the release of her thunder magic power. Then, with the blessing of electric light all over her body, she rushed towards Artoria. Under the blessing of electric light, her momentum was even overwhelming. Stay at King Mao.

After all, the special effects on the opposite side are far better than hers.

Of course, even her Mo Zai can release such a skill with magic power. As her father, King Da Mao naturally also knows this trick, but hers is a skill that releases wind magic power.

In the final analysis, wind is just air, an invisible thing. No matter how lethal it is, the special effects are inconspicuous compared with lightning, which can only be used at the level of the Four Heavenly Kings.

However, in terms of practicality, the magic power of Daimao King is far better than Mo Zai's. It can be used to cover up his curry sticks. When necessary, he can release the Wind King's barrier and retreat it, which can be used to defend the enemy. When attacking, it can be used as a magic bomb to knock away enemies.

In addition, in terms of assistance, Mordred also has unparalleled advantages in terms of thunder and lightning abilities. For example, when riding a motorcycle, it can be used as a spray barrel to accelerate. Using a motorcycle to catch up with a Lamborghini is simply a matter of course. Basic operations.

When necessary, you can also use magic to release it, put the tip of the sword back, then blow out the air, and then fly up under the reaction force, and the speed is quite fast.

Can lightning-type abilities do these things? !

Of course, no matter how many functions it has, all it has to do now is just pick up the sword and start slashing.

As a result, Mo Zai and King Da Mao clashed again. Both of them were good at swordsmanship of wide opening and closing, and combined with the rough fighting method of releasing magic power, plus neither of them had to worry about magic consumption, they were able to compete in the battlefield of the streets. It was soon destroyed to pieces by the lightning and storm of the two men.


Under the helmet, Mordred did not forget to shout her father's name when she was fighting against the King of Silly Hair. Despite this, her disadvantage gradually became apparent in the confrontation with the King of Silly Hair.

Of course, this is inevitable. Her sword skills were learned by herself in the wheel sword technique, and her mother is Morgan, a magician. Even if she is good at close combat, it is the crazy wand technique that makes her extremely powerful, not the sword. Law.

And what about King Da Mao?

Her master is the legendary swordsman Merlin of Great Britain. He is a magician with the title of "Starburst Air Slash" who dual-wields the holy sword. His swordsmanship can be said to be unrivaled by anyone in Great Britain. right.

Besides, in terms of ability value, it is obvious that the Du Mao King has the upper hand. The last thing to count is the combat quality and experience. If it had not been for the Du Mao King fighting continuously and traveling all night, plus the news that my Great Britain was destroyed as soon as he came back. After getting confused and a series of debuffs, Mo Zai, who was recharging her energy, really couldn't defeat her father.

"Sir Mordred, your sword is still so violent, it seems that your temper has not changed much."

With the blessing of his family's intuition, King Da Mao came forward with one move and one sword, slashing upward from the direction where Mordred's defense was open.

"But did you forget to come?"

"A relentless attack will only expose your fatal flaw. I seem to have told you this many times!"

Facing such a sword from King Da Mao, Mordred's family instinct also activated. In desperation, he used his magic power to block the sword regardless of consumption.

"Wind King's Hammer——"

However, just because the sword blocked it, it didn't mean everything was fine. Arturia took the opportunity to release the Wind King's barrier, and the violent wind knocked Mo Zai away again. He knocked down many public facilities before he successfully stopped.

Chapter 312: My baby, why don’t you let me get close to you?


Under the outburst of his silly father, Mo Zai was once again beaten away by Artoria like a baseball, sending up a cloud of smoke in the sky.

After being influenced by Grandpa Mo Yi, Dai Mao Wang naturally knew the principle of "nothing happens when there is smoke", but she finally found the time to face the Yukinoshita family's second son who was riding a Sesshōin lady not far away to clear the little soldier Ryuga. The lady said:

"Yukino, leave Mordred to me!"

"You go do what you want to do. When you need me, just use the command spell. I'll get back to Mashan."

After Yukino fired magic bullets to clear away the surrounding Dragon Fang Soldiers, he turned to look at Artoria. At the same time, he thought about the relationship and experience between the other party and Mordred in his dreams these days. When Great Britain fell, the other party's heart felt Pain and remorse.

For her, this battle may also be a kind of self-salvation!


Xue Miao said to Artoria:

"Leave it to you, Saber!"

After that, he said to the Sesshōin lady who was riding:

"Let's go, Miss Sesshōin."


The Sesshōin lady responded unmotivated, and then ran towards the sky garden with Xue Miao.

Saber, I'm sorry——

Xue Miao looked at the sky garden in the distance and thought:

"I also have something I must do, and I can only leave it to you here."

Thinking of this, Yukinoshita Harano's annoying appearance appeared in Xuemiao's mind again. Although it was still annoying, Xuemiao didn't want to imagine it anymore after thinking that she might never see him again.

So, no matter what, I have to feel where it is - the hanging garden fading away in the distance.

"Miss Sesshōin, please help me rescue my sister——"

Seeing that the opponent's flying speed was much faster than Miss Sesshōin's running speed, Xue Miao became anxious, but she also remembered what Mo Yi had told her. The Miss Sesshōin who was hacked to death was just a black and white bear. In fact, her Her real strength is the strongest in this Holy Grail War, and after being turned into a panda by him, she also added various skills that Grandpa Mo Yi helped her install out of interest, so the combat power she unleashed was not much worse than the original one.

As for why such an awesome Miss Sesshōin became Snow Mew's mount immediately after coming to this battlefield?

The answer is of course fishing!

You must know that fishing can make people happy, and fishing can improve one's character. This is probably one of the few good qualities that Miss Sesshōin learned from Grandpa Mo Yi.

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