Artoria took advantage of the moment when Lancelot dodged her sharp holy sword, used the skills she learned from Quetzalcoatl, and swept away with her kick, kicking the unprepared Lancelot away.

However, Lancelot, the strongest member of the Knights, was not easily defeated even if he fell into madness. King Da Mao's kick did not have much practical effect.

Lancelot, who flew upside down, quickly stabilized himself and landed smoothly in an inverted position.

"This is--"

King Da Mao couldn't help but think of something that Grandpa Mo Yi mentioned in a casual chat during dinner, that is, the correct way to use Lancelot's Noble Phantasm 'A Knight Will Not Die with His Unarmed Hands' - to stand upside down and grab the earth. As long as you recognize the earth as a weapon, then If you add enough magic power, you can turn the entire earth into your own Noble Phantasm!


As Amakusa turned around, she felt that the magic power in her body was being sucked away crazily. She fainted and almost fell to the ground.

Amakusa stood up again, took a breath and muttered:

"Sure enough, even with the magic power supplemented by the gem sword, it is still too reluctant for one person to provide the magic power of all the servants."

"However, our long-cherished wish is about to come true. We must not fall down here!"

With strong willpower, Amakusa endured the pain of being constantly drained of magic power and being constantly poured with magic power in her body, and walked firmly thinking about the room where the Great Holy Grail was.

Chapter 314: Please stop fighting


Lancelot let out his own special roar, and then threw out a huge stone that was turned into a Noble Phantasm from the ground and blocked the sky. The target was of course Artoria.

Although Amakusa has the magical blessing of the second ritual jeweled sword, it is impossible for him to support Lancelot to turn the entire earth into a treasure, and then use the earth as a weapon to hit King Da Mao.

Even if Istarin's Noble Phantasm is to hit people with gold stars in name, it is actually just a special effect. For example, Jin Shining's Sword of Deviation opens the world in the explanation, but in fact it only creates space turbulence and destroys an inherent barrier. With this level of combat power, it is simply impossible to blow up the entire District 11.

Therefore, it is amazing that Lancelot can do this.

Artoria: "······"

Because she had already fought solo with Lancelot in the Fourth Holy Grail War, Artoria naturally knew the opponent's ability "Knights will not die with bare hands". As long as he thought it was a weapon, it could be destroyed by his hands. T`R passes and turns into the opponent's Noble Phantasm.

The source of this move is probably the legend that Lancelot once fought with others undefeated with his bare hands, and got it from the queen who cheated on him.

However, King Da Mao did not expect that Lancelot had become so insane that he would not even spare Mother Earth. He would pick up stones and throw them away. Isn't this a shameless trick that only children would use?

No matter how despicable Lancelot's tricks were, he had to admit that the opponent's bombardment with a huge stone was really powerful.

Cut with a sword?

This is a stone that has been transformed into a Noble Phantasm. It doesn't matter if it can be cut open. After seeing it, it still can't dodge the kinetic attack of the whole stone.

But when he transformed into the Wind King Iron Hammer, it felt very forced.

In just one second, Artoria thought a lot, and finally chose to use the card Grandpa Mo Yi left for them.

It's too late, but it's soon - Arturia took out a picture from her arms depicting a dog demon holding a machete, and said silently in her heart:

"The seal is lifted - wind injury!"

Then, with the blessing of the card, she used the Wind King's Hammer to evolve into a combat tornado, chopping up the oncoming huge rocks, and then rolled them back to Lance Luoyang.

——————The dividing lines of other battlefields——————

Of course the boss needs to be fought, but the constant stream of minion dragon tooth soldiers is also extremely annoying. After all, she only has one mount, Miss Sesshōin, and the others can only run and fight the minions at the same time.

At this time, the eldest lady of the Tohsaka family has been made very irritable by the countless Ryuga soldiers——

"There's no end to it!"

No matter how much she complained, she could only avoid the encirclement of the Dragon Tooth Soldiers while accurately firing magic bullets with both hands, killing one of the Dragon Tooth Soldiers in one shot.

And Red A, who was protecting her, was also wielding two swords, one with a dragon tooth soldier.

Punching a Dragon Tooth Soldier or something like that sounds very powerful. Compared with the Dragon Tooth Soldiers that are constantly being produced and dropped in the Sky Garden, in fact, their clearing speed is already very slow. Even Matou Sakura who is with them The speed is not comparable.

In the Xingyue world, Matou Sakura's imaginary number attribute is very precious, but without skill learning, it depends entirely on comprehension, so it is naturally difficult to develop.

However, this is not a big deal for Grandpa Mo Yi, who is a traditional magician. Sakura, who goes to Emiya's house almost every day, must have learned a lot of suitable magic from Mo Yi, such as the shadow system. membrane method.

Therefore, Tohsaka Rin and Red A were sweating profusely as they looked at the gentle and virtuous Sakura in their memories. Her shadow left the ground and turned into countless sharp shadow whips, which severely hit the Ryuga soldiers who were ten meters away from her. Smash it to pieces, its ferocity and weirdness are more in line with the abilities and moves of the villain bosses in traditional light novels.

"Sakura, where did you learn magic like this?"

Tohsaka Rin looked at Matou Sakura with envy, what a cool magic. Although the romance of magical girls is magic cannon, and he is taking this route, he also wants to learn this trick, so that he can be far away when the time comes. The magic cannon suppresses them, and they can be strangled by shadows at close range.

Looking at the attack speed of the shadow controlled by Sakura, it is simply not something that humans can react and resist. Even if you encounter a person who knows magic and face a shadow attack with no blind spots, wouldn't you just explode his anus if you want to?

That's right, the person in Tohsaka Rin's fantasy who she transformed into a shadow treasure was none other than the abominable Grandpa Mo Yi.

She seemed to have heard the pitiful, unwilling and weak screams of Grandpa Mo Yi!


Hearing Tohsaka Rin's question, Matou Sakura suddenly became vigilant. What strange thing does her sister want to do?

That's right, it's the weird sister.

Could it be that a sister who likes to collect notebooks cannot be called a strange sister?

However, Matou Sakura still answered readily:

"This is the shadow magic taught to me by Senior Mo Yi."

"it is as expected--"

Although he had already guessed that Mo Yi had taught him the skill, Tohsaka Rin couldn't help but feel disappointed after being tested. It seemed that he couldn't learn such a handsome, powerful and useful skill.

How could that hateful guy Mo Yi take the initiative to teach me?

No, even if the other party teaches me, I won’t learn. I, Tohsaka Rin, am a true woman who doesn’t eat what she eats!

Even if the other party catches you with a shadow, hangs you in the air, and does all kinds of strange things to insult you, you can never change your strong heart!

"elder sister--"

Matou Sakura looked curiously at Tohsaka Rin who turned red inexplicably and even had symptoms of panting. She guessed that the other party had fallen into some strange fantasy and interrupted:

"We are still fighting."


Then, the eldest lady of the Tosaka family woke up from the daily drama of the Tosaka family's family affairs and concealed:

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