"Although there is only one caster, since it is the master's order, I have no choice but to erase you all."

Achilles looked at Medea with disdain, and said to Atalanta standing beside him:

"Just leave it to me, eldest sister."

After all, for a ceiling-like servant like him, except for the British Boxing Champion, the Ancient Babylonian Axe, and the Great British Sword Master, the other casters are just insidious villains who hide in the dark and use intrigues, especially when he knows each other. Caster is also a character in Greek mythology, Medea, the witch of betrayal.

To put it simply, he can defeat a hundred opponents without divinity like this!

Because he has the name "The Brave's Immortal Flower", except for the heel, any attack that does not contain divinity is ineffective against me!

After that, he summoned his mount Noble Phantasm, the Immortal Chariot of Wind and Raging Waves, launched a charge, and directly crushed Medea and the others.

Well, this fighting method is very Achilles, simple and crude.

"Oops, it's Achilles—"

Medea's first human recognized the identity of the other party. Although the other party's tone made her very unhappy, the other party's frontal combat ability was indeed far superior to that of herself and others.

Especially without restraining the opponent's immortality, facing Achilles would be a nightmare.

You know, in the world of Xingyue, divinity is the biggest negative buff, and it seems that it can only be effective against Achilles.

Therefore, Achilles's seemingly only B-level Noble Phantasm 'The Brave Man's Flower' is his signature ability, and this is his title of 'Heel'.

Although everyone knows that his weak point is his heel, as long as his heel is damaged, his invincibility will be broken. However, except for using the invincibility, Achilles usually fights undeadly in the fierce wind and waves of the chariot. There is no way to attack him in the car. After he leaves the chariot and lands on the battlefield, another Noble Phantasm, the Comet Running Technique, will also be activated. The ability of this Noble Phantasm allows Achilles to have the fastest running speed among all heroic spirits. Speed, plus the ability to move and freeze regardless of obstacles.

You clearly know that his weakness is his heels, and he keeps running around in your eyes, but even if you hit him, it's hard for your eyes to keep up with his movement speed.

To a certain extent, when the heroic spirits in the forefront meet Achilles or their father, they can only be hammered by him, but it is difficult for them to even hit the opponent. Even if they hit, they cannot break the defense.

"give it to me--"

Medea's mouth trembled rapidly, it was her special spell-casting skill 'High-speed Divine Word'——

"Group teleportation!"

Before Achilles was about to hit them and the others, Medea and the others instantly disappeared before his eyes.

"(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~"

Achilles was very unhappy when he hit the air. The reason why he was summoned was to find someone who could fight and have a good fight. Naturally, he longed to fight head-on with other heroes for 300 rounds. When he saw Medea It must be unpleasant to be so wretched and run away without even firing a magic cannon.

"You rats can't get away."

After that, he took up the flying chariot and flew into the sky, using the broad field of vision to find Medea and the others. After all, the temporary group teleportation technique could not teleport them too far.

"I found you—"

Soon, Achilles saw a small black dot in the distance and pursued it.

"It seems that the other party has discovered our traces, and the rider's pursuit speed is much faster than ours, so escaping is of no use."

The shredded rake with the highest tactical knowledge on the field also instantly saw the strange movement of Achilles in the sky, and deduced that the opponent had also discovered the position of himself and others.

According to the plan, Achilles' opponent should be King Da Mao, who possesses advanced weapons, or Karna, who possesses high-level divinity. Unfortunately, neither of them are here.

"Shirou, Illya, do you have any weapons that can hurt Achilles?"


Under the cultivation of Grandpa Mo Yi and Chisi Raake, the strength of Hero Emiya in this world is much higher than that of Shirou Emiya in other worlds. In addition, after learning skills from each other these days with Red A, he also learned A Noble Phantasm that can be projected by Red A.

"Durex on——"

With the magic circuit fully open, Hero Emiya finally regained the golden sword in Red A's memory in his hand——


"The golden sword that must win!"

After all, this was the first time to project a divine weapon like the Holy Sword. Even though he had been training himself for ten years, Hero Emiya, who had eight-pack abs, couldn't help but feel weak and almost fell down.

"Is this Saber's holy sword?"

As a Saber controller, Medea instantly recognized the origin of the golden sword in Hero Emiya's hand, and it was also the legendary Sword of the Chosen King that had been broken!

The woman's sixth sense was activated instantly. According to her understanding, if Hero Emiya wanted to project a certain Noble Phantasm, he must have a deep understanding of it, and the more mysterious the Noble Phantasm, the higher the understanding required. And now, even the divine weapon such as the Holy Sword has been perfectly projected, so the problem arises!

Why does Hero Emiya know Saber's Holy Sword so well?

Could it be that there is some story in it that I know? !

"Shirou-sama, why are you so proficient in Saber that you can even project her past holy sword?"

Hero Emiya: "..."

I chose to stand in the middle. No, it was my witch. Is this the time to care about such small things?

The BMW on the opposite side is about to hit you!

Thinking of this, Hero Emiya, who was not yet a seasoned man, was instantly stunned by Medea. Do I have to tell you that I learned it in the memory of Red A? In another time, this was what I and I were doing. What is your favorite love token from Saber?

I always feel like if I say it, I won’t survive the sunrise tomorrow.

Ilia, who had already read the script of "Xingyue World" written by Mo Yi, naturally knew what was going on, so she had no choice but to interrupt the idle atmosphere and said:

"Shirou, let's free the Holy Sword together later——"

Having said that, Illya also took out a card with the picture of King Da Mao from the card slot on her thigh, and said with relief:

"Dream Summons!"

Then he transformed into Artoria Lily (Illya limited edition), and the Curry Stick, the Noble Phantasm of King Silly Hair, appeared in his hand.

"Is this Saber's Sword of Victory?"

Medea saw that even Illya had made a sword master of Artoria, and her suspicions were completely eliminated. She thought that this was a coincidence, and that both siblings knew it, which meant that it was the magic of their Emiya family. Just the results of genre research.

And as a magician, she also knows that even those who are close to her cannot easily explore other people's magic schools. This is a taboo.

In fact, the card thing started when Illya suddenly fell in love with magical girls, and Grandpa Mo Yi, who doted on Illya, would naturally satisfy Illya's ideas. According to a certain magical girl movie he had watched in his previous life, The memory of the anime creates a similar transformation wand and a set of matching transformation cards.

Is this going too far?

Of course not. Just like girls like to buy clothes, no matter how beautiful they are, they are not for the boy they love to see. As a qualified boy, of course he must support his hobby.

And what Grandpa Mo Yi did is similar, there are dozens of modes such as magical girl appearance, Artoria Lily appearance, Medusa Lily appearance, etc. If you like that look of Illya, just hug that look of Illya. Use Yadang as a pillow to sleep on all night, letting Grandpa Mo Yi choose. This is the uniform temptation that Grandpa Mo Yi likes.

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