In fact, the purple-haired BBA with the passive skill "God Kill" can just restrain a divine hero like Achilles. Even if it is level A, it still has huge modified damage.

Coupled with the enchanting effect of the original rune, as long as Scathach needs it, you can enchant it with any effect you need. To deal with the heel, it is natural to enchant the defense-breaking effects of 'Divinity' and 'Penetration'.

Achilles's precious phantom, the Brave's Immortal Flower, has no effect at all in front of the melee mage Master Craftsman with two brushes.

"The small world surrounding the sky——"

Achilles, who has a keen fighting intuition like a beast, found that if the gun on the opposite side did not hit him, or if he was shot down, it would definitely hit him. He immediately made the most accurate response and took out his weapon. His most proud treasure, the 'World Shield', stood in front of him to defend himself.


The liberated world shield is like a sphere protecting Achilles without any blind spots. Even if the flying skill of the spear of death thorn slips again, it will not be able to pierce the enemy who is no longer in the same world.

However, Scathach, who has future vision, has long known the result of this shot, so the real meaning of this shot is not to hit the opponent, but to lock the opponent's position.

"Can't move?"

Achilles saw the bright red spear nailed in front of his world shield, and his original idea of ​​hitting someone with the shield would not work at all, because he had been pinned to death in the space by the opponent's spear.

When he realized this, Achilles began to inject a large amount of magic power into the "small world surrounding the sky", hoping to further liberate the Noble Phantasm and use the expanded small world to squeeze out the locked space.

It has to be said that Achilles was very thoughtful. Under his response, the space around him began to appear cracks like broken glass one after another. This was the space that was about to be shattered by the squeeze of the small world.

However, Scathach's secret meaning 'Penetrating Death Wing' is a two-stage secret. The Death Thorn Spear is used to lock the opponent, and the Death Wing Spear is used to bombard the enemy.

Therefore, Scathach had two brushes, and the second brush also flew out with strong magic waves under her projection, directly hitting Achilles who was still locked.


A huge mushroom cloud became angry!

When the black smoke dissipated, it was Achilles who was still standing there holding the World Shield, but his condition looked a bit miserable. Except for the places blocked by the shield, many exposed areas were scratched by broken space debris.

"What a lovely woman!"

Achilles thought he had been cautious enough, but he didn't expect that the opponent's ability was far more powerful and difficult than he thought. He was obviously just a caster, but he used the secret of the Lancer mode. Even he was able to do everything at a low level. The World Shield, which was unable to cope with the 'Anti-realm Noble Phantasm', was easily broken by the opponent.

If the other party showed up as a Lancer, the secret just now might have broken his world shield and caused him heavy damage.

"I was careless, Achilles——"

At this time, Achilles discovered that after throwing out the brush in his hand, Scathach was actually holding a staff and seemed to be chanting some mysterious spell.

"Oh no--"

At this time, Achilles remembered that the opponent's real class was caster, and caster's unique method was to build positions, creating positions that strengthened oneself and weakened the enemy.

"Is this your real purpose——"

With the predictive ability of the passive skill 'Mirror's Wisdom', it can only be said that everything is part of Scathach's plan. First, he uses the simulated treasure 'Penetrating Death Flying Spear' to block the opponent's movement and consume the opponent. defensive skills and treasures, and then take advantage of the opponent's defensive world to build your own position and drag the battle to a rhythm that is beneficial to you.

One link after another, when Achilles first dodged the first blow, the outcome was already determined.

This is exactly the battle between warriors and magicians. Often when they are evenly matched, it is the magicians who use tactics to defeat the warriors in various unexpected ways.

"The door to the devil's realm overflowing with death!"

When Scathach's staff was inserted into the ground, a huge black magic circle and countless runes appeared on the ground, and then the things under his eyes seemed to be transformed, disappearing, turning into a desert, only the night world.

The only thing that existed was the ancient black door that stood behind Scathach and reached into the sky, with all kinds of ancient and incomplete words painted on it.

"Welcome to the world, the Kingdom of Shadows!"

"(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~"

Achilles felt the constant loss of magic power from his body, as well as the malice coming from everywhere around him. If he hadn't still held the world shield in his hand, he might have just been pulled into this dark world, and it was completely different from the main world. Different world laws kill.

Faced with this situation, Achilles could only hold a shield in one hand and a gun in the other to continue fighting.

"Another trick was thrown at me. Sure enough, the so-called wise men all like so-called strategies."

In order to resist the erosion of the laws of the Kingdom of Shadows, he had to fight with the "small world surrounding the sky", which required a lot of magic power every second. In addition, the opponent ignored his immortality, and it seemed that he was about to be defeated.

However, this was indeed an extremely vivid battle. In a sense, Achilles's wish to respond to the Holy Grail was almost fulfilled, but he was taught another lesson, which always made him feel very unhappy.

In addition to this, Achilles, who was in a desperate situation, couldn't help but think of Atalanta who was fighting with Illya and Hero Emiya outside.

It's so rare to meet a good woman like my eldest sister, but we don't have much time to get to know her. It's really a pity!

"Queen of the Kingdom of Shadows, come!"

Achilles smiled helplessly, this is probably the so-called hero!

Face your destiny calmly and launch a final fearless charge towards the known outcome.

"It seems you are mentally prepared."

When his plan was realized, Scathach felt a little annoyed and regretful. Why did it become like this?

He obviously wants to find a warrior who can kill him and kill him.

But every time I see an opponent worth fighting, I can't help but use all my strength, and my mind can't help but think of all kinds of best strategies to defeat the opponent.

He clearly said that he didn't want to use the power he had finally suppressed.

This feeling is probably the difference between before and after masturbation. In the beginning, you are so impatient and can no longer bear it. When you achieve your goal, you will fall into the emptiness, loneliness and coldness of the sage state.

Moreover, this is not the first time, but it has happened countless times, and it keeps repeating in the boring life.

And Scathach now feels empty after being satisfied and defeating another strong man.

However, seeing Achilles in a desperate situation, Achilles was still full of fighting spirit. Facing the impending fate of failure, Haska couldn't help but admire him, reminding her of some kind of unsatisfactory disciple. At this moment, the two of them People's eyes seem to overlap.

Towards the established and lonely front, embrace it without fear.

I really envy them!

What about your own end?

What kind of posture and expression will I use to welcome the final outcome? Will I cry ugly, or accept it with relief?

In any case, for a warrior as worthy of respect as Achilles, Scathach decided to use the most respectful way to send him to the Hall of Valor, that is, to attack with all his strength!

So, Scathach let go of the staff inserted into the ground, took out two bright red spears from her gauze skirt again, strode forward, and attacked Achilles, who was holding a shield in one hand and a gun in the other, and was also charging towards her. .

Although Achilles' class is Rider, it is undeniable that his main method of attack is the spear. He can be said to be a hidden spearman. This is probably the fate of all Lancers. At least he did not die by suicide. Well, given Lancer's fate, it can be considered a blessing.

————The dividing line that Achilles took away——————

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