After all, the present world is no longer the Age of Gods, the world where mysterious forces are rampant. In the new world where mystery has withdrawn from the stage, the power of Scientology is the mainstream.

And Jin Shining's nuclear explosion attack is a truly scientific ultimate move, so it can exert 100% of its power in the real world.

"Is it no longer possible?"

Joan felt that her whole body was about to lose consciousness. It was an incredible miracle that she was able to block it just now. Thinking about it, she felt that it was an incredible miracle.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Mo Yi!"

That's right, when she was almost unable to hold on anymore, in addition to the belief in protecting her teammates that stimulated her potential, there was also the effect of the buff that Mo Yi helped her. At the moment when she was about to fall, Joan felt a wave of The warm current shoots out from deep inside the body, and then spreads in the limbs of the body like a warm ocean current.


Looking at Gilgamesh who was still able to defend with ease despite being besieged by King Silk, Scathach and Karna, Jeanne felt very unwilling. She never thought that she would have to solve the anomaly in the Holy Grail War by herself. , now I can only watch helplessly as my teammates defeat the boss.

In addition, there is also the matter of Jin Shining just insulting the god he believes in. He obviously wants to knock the opponent's head off with a battle flag, but he is really unwilling to do so! !

"Haha——she is really a useless woman!"

"That's right, you are nothing more than what Gilgamesh said, an ignorant village girl."

An unusually familiar voice interrupted Joan of Arc in her abnormal state.

What's wrong with me? Didn't I have so many negative emotions before? !

However, what Miss Joan of Arc is most concerned about is the voice that suddenly appears in her mind. Isn't that her own voice?

"Who are you? How did you appear in my mind?"


The voice in his head seemed to hear some funny question, and laughed devilishly. He laughed for almost ten seconds before continuing:

"It's really useless to accuse you of being stupid--"

"Have you not discovered who I am yet? You hypocritical guy."

Joan of Arc became more and more confused as she listened. After a moment of silence, she finally thought of a reliable guess and said:

"Are you a demon in your mind who specializes in tempting believers to fall, similar to Mephistopheles?"

Black Joan of Arc: "..."

Damn it, Aqua, my beautiful voice doesn’t sound like that clown-looking guy!

Moreover, I can't even recognize my own voice, and I really don't want to admit that this is another one of my ninety.


The voice in my head roared:

"I am Joan of Arc Dacre, the real Joan of Arc, not a hypocritical fake like you, a stupid woman who always deceives herself!"

"That's right, you must be the legendary devil. You can't fool me, devil!"

Miss Joan of Arc said to herself firmly.

Heizhen: "..."

"Forget it, I am also a fool for expecting something from you. After all, it is just a Joan of Arc."

"I still came out in person."

After saying this, Jeanne found that a Heroic Spirit Summoning Formation appeared in front of her, and then a servant who looked similar to him, but wore black armor and had timbre-colored hair appeared in front of her, looking at herself in confusion.

Joan of Arc: Meow? When did I gain a ‘dual existence’ Noble Phantasm?

"Who are you anyway?"

Looking at Hei Zhen's face that was almost exactly the same as her own, Jeanne had to come up with a bold idea and asked:

"Could it be that you are my long-lost sister in other parallel worlds?"

Hei Zhen: "MDZZ"

"Shut up, you stupid faker, and listen to me, I am the real Jeanne d'Arc!"

While quietly watching the show, no, Red A, who was vigilant, was very innocent. He was doing his best here, so why did he insult me, the faker?

Did Faker eat your rice?

"It's you?"

Joan finally woke up from the shock, suddenly distanced herself from Heizhen, and said to the other party with the battle flag in her hand:

"The devil that was in my mind just now, trying to tempt me—"

"Don't think that becoming like me can shake my heart!"

"What mistakes did I make in my previous life that led to this other me?"

Hei Zhen was prepared for the other party to deny his existence, and even prepared to take action - first knocking the other party down, then looking at the Jeanne who was knocked to the ground by him from a forty-five-degree overlooking angle, and then using an evil and awe-inspiring Smiling and talking to each other, she is the real Joan of Arc, not the stupid woman who was deceived by the gods to the point where her IQ became ⑨.

He even remembered a few sets of lines and matching postures for him, but he never expected that the other party would not cooperate at all and would not give him a chance to show off.

"No time for you idiot."

Hei Zhen pressed her forehead with a headache, looked up to the sky at 45 degrees and sighed——

"It's better to solve Gilgamesh's problem first."

After saying that, he looked back at Joan of Arc who stood up again and looked at him dubiously and emphasized:

"Let me state in advance that I have no intention of helping you. The reason why Gilgamesh is here is because he can't stand his attitude and your useless appearance."

"After all, you stupid woman is also my other side."

Red A, with a smug look on her face, complained softly:

"What a standard arrogant statement. I thought I would only see it from Rin."

"shut up!"

However, Hei Zhen's hearing is extremely good, or in other words, she has been paying attention to other people's reactions, manifested her black battle flag, pointed at the red A and shouted:

"You are the tsundere, and your whole family is tsundere!"

"If you keep talking nonsense, believe it or not, you might die if I fight under the flag!"

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