
After the illusion ended, the opponent couldn't help but make a strange sound, and could no longer maintain the output of magic power. The binding magic cast by the magic eye was instantly disconnected, and even the opponent's treasure phantom in his hand could not be held, and it fell directly to the ground. land.

Immediately, the effect of the illusion that lasted for four days and three nights was finally reflected on the opponent's body. First, his whole body softened, and he lay half-ly on the table. His skin turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye, like a cooked crayfish. , followed by beads of sweat like pearls, flowing down from his forehead. Simply put, he looked like a useless cat whose body had been hollowed out. I'm afraid it would be difficult for the other party to stand up.

This is only a symptom visible to the naked eye. A deeper condition cannot be seen clearly under the cover of tables and clothes.

But Grandpa Mo Yi can be sure that this is not just a painful thing. Looking at the other person's flushed face, he can feel a sense of release and pleasure.

It's like a person who hasn't exercised for many days and is suddenly dragged out to exercise. Although it is very uncomfortable, as if the whole body has been torn apart, and the whole body is sore, it is also full of the vivid feeling of comfort after exercise.

Well, Aozaki Orange's current situation is probably so sour.


Aang Qi Chengzi took a deep breath and adjusted his tired and even dehydrated body, so that he did not fall directly on the table. Although he was still angry when looking at Grandpa Mo Yi, he unknowingly had a hint of resentment. The fear of self-knowledge.

She is not afraid of directly killing her. Anyway, she can be resurrected, and there is always an indescribable alien creature sealed in her body. When she dies, the magic in her body will be activated, sealing the whole body. Move, summon alien creatures to kill enemies.

This is her last trump card, the means to die together.

She thought that in the big magic world, apart from cheating and unreasonable existences like magicians, she had nothing to fear with her own countless resurrection coins and self-destruction skills.

Unexpectedly, there is a cool guy like Grandpa Mo Yi who is good at mental pollution.

Aozaki Orange felt that her body and soul had not received any trauma, but she was physically and mentally exhausted at the moment. Let alone using magic to resist, it was already very difficult to stay awake instead of falling asleep with a flushed smile. .

"Despicable guy——"

The current situation is probably that we can only let the other party do whatever they want.

Aozaki Orange could no longer maintain her cold and strong shell, and could only curse softly like a little woman.

What else could she do? Is she desperate too? !

After helping the other party pick up the opponent's Noble Phantasm on the table and putting it aside, Grandpa Mo Yi said innocently:

"I'm not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense-"

"From now on, it was you who made the first move. I was just forced to defend myself, and it only made you lose the ability to continue hurting me."

"There are not many kind-hearted men like me anymore. If it had been anyone else, they would have melted you with a fireball, or taken you to the Magic Association to exchange for bonuses."

"(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~"

Recalling the big movie in which she was the heroine, and the fact that Grandpa Mo Yi was very close to her at the moment, with an innocent, I'm a good person look on his face, she had the urge to slap him.

However, it was very difficult for her to move her hands now, let alone the opponent's strength, which was really unfathomable.

It's not right to say that. It should be that she didn't even try out anything, but she was instantly dismissed by the other party's look, leaving her wondering whether the other party was really awesome or if he only had this one skill.

Since the other party mentioned her apprentice Yukinoshita Harano before, she can always get more information from Harano as long as she seeks out Harano. As for the matter of revenge, we will leave it to the investigation. Magicians are such rational beings.

Impulsive guys like Miss Tohsaka Rin and Yukinoshita Yukinya are really a shame in the magician world...weird. (Qihua was originally a complimentary term, referring to some rare and beautiful flowers. It was only later that it became a derogatory term, used to describe aliens and strange guys.)

Now, she can only talk, and she still complains in a low voice. If it is too intense, if Grandpa Mo Yi is angered and invites her to watch a movie, her body will really not be able to bear it, and she will go into dehydration shock. Go over there.

"I have never seen such a shameless person——"

Grandpa Mo Yi ignored the other party's small beep, looked serious, looked at Aang Qi Chengzi who was half lying on the table, and said:

"Okay, enough of the joking, let's talk about something serious."

Aozaki Orange: "..."

Who in particular is joking with you? Can the humiliation just now be dismissed as a joke? !

Grandpa Mo Yi seemed to see through the other party's thoughts and said with a smile:

"Officer Aozaki Orange seems to have some ideas, and he can speak out boldly. I have always been kind-hearted. Well, whether you listen or not is another matter."

"Next time it won't be a theoretical class like watching a movie, but a practical class."

Aozaki Orange: This is clearly a threat, you are awesome, just speak, that’s it.

"Then tell me why you are here and what happened on this ship."

Then, Grandpa Mo Yi's eyes cosplayed into the Mangekyō Sharingan again, exuding a strange and tangible pressure that made Aozaki Orange breathless.

"I have said before that under these eyes that can see through everything, lying will only lead to trouble."

Aozaki Orange: Meow meow meow?

I am the policeman, but the roles have been reversed.

Aang Qi Chengzi, who was feeling very unhappy, looked into Grandpa Mo Yi's eyes, and felt a coldness that penetrated his soul like a dagger. He really had the illusion of being seen through his heart.

After some internal calculations, Aozaki Orange decided to tell the truth. Anyway, she came here to work for Midori-sama to do union tasks. There was no need to risk being seen through and anger the other party for the union tasks. Maybe she could learn from the other party's behavior. Useful information is obtained from the reaction.

This is the best choice at the moment, and it’s not just because you are timid!

Then, Aozaki Orange explained that he came to this ship because of his destiny, with the purpose of protecting a precious holy relic on the ship, and that his current target was the Men in Black organization.

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

After hearing about the holy relic, Grandpa Mo Yi guessed what was going on.

In the moon world, isn't the most famous use of holy relics being to summon servants in the Holy Grail War, and then participate in a cruel game of chicken to obtain the omnipotent anal explosion machine?

Although the most orthodox Holy Grail system in Fuyuki City has been dismantled by itself, there are a lot of trouble-making talents in the Magic Association. Since the Holy Grail War of the Fuyuki War cannot be won, then we can have a sub-species Holy Grail War ourselves. Come on.

As for the Destiny Organization, Grandpa Mo Yi immediately thought that this was Lord Lutuo's idea. As for the purpose, there was no need to think about it. It must be to resurrect Kallen who was fascinated by a certain fox. There was no other bad reason.

Well, Master Lutuo only does three things in his life, taking the blame for everything he does, resurrecting Kallen, and being green by some kind of vixen who is always screaming every day.

"It's really boring——"

After listening to the other party's information, Grandpa Mo Yi suddenly lost interest. What does destiny, the Holy Grail War, etc. have to do with me, Mo? Anyway, he just wants to stay in Fuyuki City and live his own life well, etc. When he's bored, he occasionally travels to other worlds for vacation. As long as it's not a big news that's so serious that he can't even suppress it, Grandpa Mo Yi doesn't care about it. It's a different matter if it happens around him.

"What you said has nothing to do with me."

"Bang bang——"

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

Aozaki Orange quickly tidied her wet hair to make herself look less embarrassed and strange. She sat up straight and said:

"Come in."

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