"Then I'll trouble Mo Yijun."

"It doesn't matter--"

Grandpa Mo Yi always had a strange feeling when he heard the other party calling him 'Mo Yijun' like Asuna, especially when the other party's features looked similar to Asuna's.

Well, maybe Asuna will turn into such a plump and beautiful woman in the future.

No, I prefer girls. Under my influence, Asuna is unlikely to turn into a mature figure like Yuuki Kyoko. At most, she will be in the form of a twenty-five or six-year-old sister who has successfully evolved.

If the other party prefers the appearance of a seventeen or eighteen year old girl, that's fine. This level of things is not difficult for Grandpa Mo Yi.

Thinking about what was available and what was not available, Grandpa Mo Yi simply walked into the kitchen to see what ingredients were available and planned to feed them to him.

The noodles are good, convenient, fast and filling.

After Grandpa Mo Yi left, Yuki Kyoko, who was left alone, could finally move her hands and feet freely. She had been tied up and stuffed in the closet for a long time, and her blood circulation was not smooth. Now she can be said to be aching all over her body. Before, Grandpa Mo Yi was still there. She was embarrassed to do some stretching movements.

In addition to the little boys like Grandpa Mo Yi who could be her sons in her eyes, there were also other things that when she was looking for clothes in the closet before, she didn't think too much because of limited conditions, so she just put on the clothes she found casually. As for underwear I'm not looking for it in a hurry. If I move my body casually, I might be exposed and it would be too embarrassing!

Looking at the busy sounds in the kitchen, Yuki Kyoko stretched her body, found the clothes she wanted to use in the suitcase, and quickly changed them. Fortunately, no accidents happened. For example, when the other party was changing clothes, I walked out and asked myself if I wanted to eat spicy food.

After solving the clothes problem, Yuki Kyoko finally had time to look at the fashionable woman lying on the bed.

No matter if you look at the other person's face that looks like your own, you will always feel extremely weird.

Yuki Kyoko remembered that after the other party caught her, she put a strange mask-like thing on her face, then picked it up, put it on her face after some tossing, and it turned into her own face. .

When I saw that scene, I shuddered. The other party was going to replace me. Doesn't it mean that even if I become cool, no one would find anything wrong?

In the end, she could only rely on the theory that the person most likely to find something wrong with her was Asuna, the daughter of the impostor. However, she thought of the cruel and strange methods of fashionable women, and was afraid that Asuna would find something wrong, because Asuna also represented here. It is very likely that he will become the target of this devil.

Although she usually doesn't treat Asuna as kindly, gently and patiently as other mothers because of her busy work and personal problems, Asuna is her only daughter after all, and even if she doesn't show it, she still loves her only daughter deeply. daughter.

It is a more tactful and restrained way of showing love and care.

As the saying goes, father's love is like a mountain and mother's love is like the sea.

Asuna's situation is special, because her mother is also a strong woman with a strong personality and treats her like her father, so Asuna has twice as much fatherly love as a mountain.

Chapter 485: Asuna’s mother: What do you think I look like, sister?

Hum hum——

Looking at the culprit who had frightened her not long ago, especially the face that looked like her own, the strong-woman style Kyoko Yuuki must not be able to bear it.

Anyway, there is nothing to do now, so it is just a good time to cause trouble and retaliate.

But first, she had to ensure her own safety. The opponent had knocked her out with a clean blow before, proving that the opponent's combat power was not comparable to hers.

Seeing the impostor being thrown casually on the bed, Yuki Kyoko had to worry about Grandpa Mo Yi's big appearance. Aren't she afraid that the other party would suddenly wake up and fight back?

Fortunately, I still have myself here.

So, she started looking around for cloth strips and ropes that could be used to bind her hands and feet. The other party came up with something to tie her up, but it was a pity that part of it was torn off by Grandpa Mo Yi.

After collecting all the strips of cloth in the room that you can use, Yuki Kyoko used the unparalleled rope skills she had developed from her father to deal with Asuna on her opponent.

Two minutes later, after Yuki Kyoko looked at the impostor who was tied up like a hairy crab with her superb rope skills, she finally didn't have to worry about the impostor suddenly waking up and killing her when she caused trouble later.

"It seems like there's something missing?"

Yuki Kyoko, who suddenly realized what she was doing, took the rag that the other party had used to stuff her mouth, and used the same rough method to stuff the other party's mouth so that she could not spit it out on her own.

After doing this, she felt that everything was safe and she could start to manipulate the opponent.

"Hmph, let me see your real eyesight!"

Kyoko Yuki stretched out her right hand and pressed it on the other person's face, rubbing it vigorously. As for whether it hurt or not, she didn't consider it.

After all, the other party was a professionally trained spy, and his disguise skills were excellent. After rubbing it for a long time, Yuki Kyoko finally rubbed the mask that was tightly attached to the other party's face, and then tore it off with force, finally revealing the other party's face. Really bright.

"It's much more pleasing to the eye."

"How should I vent my anger?"

As the saying goes, it is better to offend villains than women. Most women are extremely vindictive creatures. Their seemingly weak bodies can often burst out with fighting power that makes men sweat.

This is the same regardless of age group. Rather, Asuna is so fucking close to forty, a woman whose youth is passing away is even more terrifying.

This can be analyzed from psychology, sociology and biology.

Psychology, women in their forties are in the stage of raising children, dealing with family affairs and other heavy tasks, but their health begins to decline again and they begin to feel powerless. The children are also at the age of seventeen or eighteen, which is rebellion. The stage of germinating your own ideas.

It is naturally difficult for a mother who has raised her children since childhood and is accustomed to taking a leadership position and ordering her children to change this behavior that in her eyes is tantamount to disobedience. In addition, her own parents are getting older, and they need to be cared for at an age when they need to be taken care of. There are more things to do.

After living in such an environment for a long time, it is strange that one can be in a good mood and not be irritable.

Sociologically speaking, it is the problem of having to accept that we are also beginning to age.

Appearance can be said to be one of the things that women care about most, but no matter how beautiful they are when they are young, they will gradually wither under the influence of time.

The age of forty is a critical point, the final stage of transformation from beauty to decline.

The relationship with her husband has also changed from love to family affection. Men are all visual creatures, and their bodies have already declined. Women’s needs increase significantly from the age of forty, resulting in emotional crises, etc., which require every middle-aged woman. Issues that young women need to deal with.

Finally, there is biology. This is very simple. The arrival of menopause makes them feel irritated as if their aunt is visiting them 30 days a month, and they have the illusion that everything they see is not pleasing to their eyes.

Due to many reasons, women in their forties can be said to be the most irritable and moody group. Most of them are like landmines that explode when stepped on.

Of course, there are also many people who are well-educated, have a gentle personality, or have strong self-control, and none of the above reasons will affect them.

But such people are only a minority after all.

Or it could be that they are just suppressing it. For the same reason that "honest people are the scariest when they get angry," people with strong self-control are far more frightening than people who explode every day once their anger gets out of control.

And Yuki Kyoko is a person with extremely strong self-control. All her usual worries turned into anger and accumulated in her heart because of her rationality. After experiencing the incident where she almost had to be leashed again, she could no longer suppress it.

Of course, she has no thoughts of suppressing it anymore. In the past, she used to maintain her perfect personality or compromise on various interests, but the guy she tied up as a hairy crab has no conflict of interest with her, and she has not asked for the other party. The possibility that the other person would be arrested by the police and put in the electric chair would never be seen again.

If you don't take revenge now, what else will you get?

Holding an oil-based pen in her hand, Yuki Kyoko was about to draw straight characters and little turtles on the other person's face. Suddenly she remembered that she was not the only one at the scene. The boy who saved her might come out soon.

Of course, tying up the other person can be justified by saying that safety comes first, but it is not painful to explain the dissatisfaction by drawing straight characters or turtles on the other person's face.

Although he is not familiar with Grandpa Mo Yi, he is his savior no matter what. Image is still important. The most important thing is that he is seen by the other party as an adult at such an age that he can be his mother, doing such childish behavior. , how embarrassing that would be.

After thinking about it, Yuki Kyoko gave up on this method of revenge. Her eyes glowed coldly and she smiled coldly. She would just use a protective method that would not be discovered.

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