What Jizi likes is the kind of mature Prince Charming man. It doesn’t matter whether she has money or not. She is already rich anyway. The most important thing is that he must be stable, talented, know how to be romantic, and know how to care for himself. Of course, this kind of He only cares about her.

'Little boys' like Grandpa Mo Yi are obviously not among Ji Zi's considerations.

"It seems like my sister has met a big guy."

Jizi continued to laugh in a driving tone:

"Now that you are an adult, you must learn to drink even more. A man who can't drink is not a man."

"Let my sister take you to the door of the new world."

After that, he pulled Grandpa Mo Yi into the bar.

After walking into the bar, Grandpa Mo Yi looked around and found that there were quite a lot of people. It was not a bar where demons danced wildly, but a clear bar.

Noticing Grandpa Mo Yi's appraising gaze, Ji Zi pulled Mo Yi towards the bar and said with a smile:

"Just come with my sister."

After sitting down, Jizi said to the bartender:

"Bring me a glass of the most expensive wine."

When Jizi sat down, the bartender recognized Jizi's identity. When Jizi came to the ship, the captain gave her the highest command on the bed. The bartender who had seen Jizi's image naturally Recognized.

After hearing the other party's inhumane remarks, he served the most expensive wine in a very stupid manner.

Seeing a big boss like Himeko take over the command when he comes up like this, he must hug his thighs. This is a social person, and it doesn't just have to be tattooed with Peppa Pig.

After Ji Zi placed the order, she smiled at Grandpa Mo Yi and said:

"Mo Yi, what would you like to drink? My sister is treating you tonight."

“For your first time drinking, a cocktail with low alcohol concentration is a good choice.”

"Sir, please order whatever you want. We have a full range of drinks here——"

The bartender seizes every opportunity to express himself. If he is noticed by the boss, he can get an upgrade and a salary increase with just a few words. Isn't that great?

"Of course, you can make any requests. I'm still somewhat confident about bartending."

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

Why do I feel like I'm being faked?

"Then have a glass of 1982 happy water."

Bartender: "Meow meow meow?"

What is happy water? It sounds like a special stimulating drug!

Still want it in 1982? I thought it was Lafite.

Are you trying to embarrass me, Fat Tiger?

Jizi was also confused. Since she wanted to become a real person, she naturally didn't know what the 'Fat House Happy Water' was.


The bartender looked embarrassed and said:

"Sir, we don't have happy water here."

Grandpa Mo Yi laughed in his heart, feeling very happy to let you pretend to be in front of me and play a "somewhat confident joke".

"Not even Coke from 1982?"

Grandpa Mo Yi said innocently:

"It's very difficult for me to be like this. You know, I used to drink Coke from 1978, but now my standards have been lowered."

The bartender roared MMP crazily in his heart.

He knows Coke, but if you come to the bar and order Coke, are you sure you are not causing trouble?

And what the hell, Cokes from 1978 and 1982!

However, his immediate boss was still there, and the bartender could only say with a frustrated look:

"sorry sir--"

"We don't have 1982 Coke here, and we don't have Coke that hasn't expired."

Grandpa Mo Yi ignored the other party's sarcasm and said generously:

"Then let's have one of their specialty cocktails."

Hearing what Grandpa Mo Yi said, the bartender walked over to make drinks with a sore face.

"You are really a bad guy——"

After the bartender left, Jizi finally couldn't help laughing and complained:

"Why do others mess with you?"

Grandpa Mo Yi replied helplessly:

"Who asked the other party to show off in front of me and say that he has everything here?"

When Grandpa Mo Yi said this, the spirit-like Ji Zi also reacted and laughed even louder.

"Stingy man——"

A few minutes later, the bartender finally placed a glass of prepared cocktail in front of Grandpa Mo Yi.

"Sir, here's the cocktail you wanted."

This time, the bartender no longer dared to boast that he was somewhat confident. He put down the drink and walked away.

Ji Zi took a deep sip of ordinary wine and sighed after a few seconds:

"It was really uncomfortable not drinking for a few days, but I finally felt alive again."

"I think this is a disease and needs to be treated."

In front of Ji Zi, Grandpa Mo Yi couldn't help but complain about him.

"Don't give up on treatment. How about I introduce you to a professor named Yang? He is the world's leading expert in addiction treatment."

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