Youlandel and Rita are the other two S-class Valkyries on the surface of the Destiny Organization. Together with Theresa, they form the Three Kings of the Destiny Organization.

Not to mention that there must be a fourth king among the three kings. In terms of personal strength, Teresa is the weakest among the three kings!

Strength depends entirely on talent and experience.

The profession of Valkyrie is originally designed to fight monsters such as Honkai Impact. It only pursues one-sided combat effectiveness. It is not like cultivating immortals, which can extend life. It will even consume the potential and vitality of Valkyrie itself, which is better than most ordinary ones. Human life span is even shorter.

Of course, most of the Valkyries did not live long enough for their bodies to survive, and died gloriously in a certain mission.

Only Theresa is like this. The artificial human created by Lord Luto using Kallen cells and the strongest Honkaiju Vishnu, plus various black technologies, is stronger than the artificial human of the Einzbern family. Much more upscale. (Vishnu, one of the three creation gods in Indian mythology, is responsible for maintaining the functions of the universe. In Hinduism, either he is considered to have the strongest magic power, or Shiva, the god of destruction, is the strongest. As for the creation who is responsible for sleeping and dreaming God Brahma, because the sect that believes in him as the highest god has long been out of favor, so it has always been used as a background. You must know that among the myths of various human civilizations, Indian mythology is the most powerful. In fact, myths have not stopped At the world level, the most it can do is to have a Ragnarok or restart the world, but in Indian mythology, a fight is like Dragon Ball GT, and several universes will be blown up casually. It can be seen from this that using How high is the Honkai energy named by Vishnu in Lord Luto’s opinion?)

In an employment environment where other Valkyries basically changed generations within a few years, only Theresa remained in the industry for decades.

Of course, the price is that the body is always fixed at the age of 12, and even IQ, EQ, etc. seem to be affected to a certain extent.

And because of Mr. Lutuo's love for Theresa, the first goal when encountering danger was to ensure Theresa's evacuation. In terms of life and death battles, the weak defeated the strong and other protagonist treatment, Theresa did not enjoy it, which led to Delei's death. Sha's abilities and combat statistics are good, but once a key combat situation occurs, she is likely to fall off the chain and be counter-killed, which is an embarrassing situation.

The first task of Hollandel and Rita was to escort Teresa away and see if the holy relics could be moved away based on the situation.

If the situation changes, the main task of participating in the incident is to protect Teresa and don't let the other party succeed in trying to kill her.

It can be seen that Master Lutuo really broke the old father's heart when it came to taking care of Theresa.

The two people who walked out of the deck passage never expected to see Theresa's childish side again. Even though this was no longer suitable for secrets in the eyes of the old fritters, what shocked them most was that Theresa's coquettish side The target is actually a male? !

This is big news!

Hollander dressed as a female knight and Rita dressed as a maid, after mocking Theresa, they couldn't help but carefully look at this unfortunate guy, Grandpa Mo Yi, how dare he be so close to Theresa?

Who doesn’t know about Teresa’s control at the Destiny Headquarters?

If even Mr. Green Tutor dares to do so, isn't that asking for death? How much courage does it take to do this? !

Lolicon is a high-risk profession, because you never know whether there is a lolicon who loves you more deeply behind the corner you are hiding in and will see you peeking at his lolita.

Rita, who had a sinister personality, looked at Grandpa Mo Yi and muttered sacrificially:

"It doesn't seem like anything special-"

Most of Valkyrie's colleagues are women. Having lived in a girls' school environment for a long time, they naturally don't know how to appreciate the beauty of Grandpa Mo Yi.

As for Grandpa Mo Yi's energy level, it is no longer a dimension that they can feel. In their perception, it is naturally no different from ordinary people.

"Grandel, Rita——"

After confirming that she had identified the right person, Theresa's heart suddenly became heavy. She did not expect that her grandfather would send such two important combatants.

This was originally a good thing, but the bad thing was that if the other party discovered what happened on the cruise ship, it meant that his grandfather would soon know about it.

In fact, Theresa thought too much, and her affair had long been exposed.

After she disappeared, Mr. Lutuo ordered the entire Tianming Organization to find Teresa. Ever since she came on the ship, she followed everyone around. This ship was originally owned by the Tianming Organization, and those who had seen her portrait It is not a strange thing for people to recognize him.

"Why do you have time to come here?"

At this time, Theresa no longer cared about acting coquettishly in front of Grandpa Mo Yi, and finally turned into what a mature Valkyrie should look like, looking at Hollander and Rita warily and seriously.

If it was just Rita, Theresa would still be confident of a 50-50 victory, but if it were replaced by Hollandel, who is recognized as the most powerful Valkyrie, Theresa would be really weak.

"Of course I'm here to pick up Theresa, you go back to the Tianming Headquarters——"

Compared with Hollander, who is serious about work and never beeps if she can solve the problem by hand, Rita is more suitable for communication in language. Therefore, when the two of them are on a mission, Rita is mostly responsible for communication, and Hollander It is responsible for taking action.

"And, of course, fixing things here."


If it were someone else, Theresa would naturally spray her in the past, wanting me to go back. That was just a dream, but the other party’s fighting power was a bit high. With just the two of them, Theresa wasn’t sure if the people here could beat them. Even if it can be fought, there will be no casualties.

What's more, the other party doesn't know if they have brought any other reinforcements.

Landel and Rita are not only the most powerful Valkyrie by destiny, they are also the captain and vice-captain of the most powerful Valkyrie team, the "Invincible Blade".

In a fight, in terms of numbers, they are not necessarily the one with more people.

Anyone with a discerning eye could tell that there was something wrong with the atmosphere between Theresa and the two women who suddenly walked out. Kiana and others walked up to Theresa and confronted each other together.

Kiana looked at the other party with some curiosity, and whispered in Theresa's ear:

"Auntie, who are they? Do they want to cause trouble?"

"They are considered the two strongest Valkyries in the Destiny Organization. The scheming girl who likes to wear maid uniforms is called Rita Rossweisse. The weapon she is good at using is a giant scythe, and the serious and cold-faced girl with blond hair is Rita Rossweisse. Youlandel is the strongest S-class Valkyrie in the Destiny Organization, and her weapon is the Black Abyss White Flower."

My friends naturally know what the Black Abyss White Flower is. Last night, everyone took Cecilia's precious phantom Black Abyss White Flower and played with it. Kiana was also envious of it, complaining about why she didn't have a powerful weapon in battle. When fighting, he always shoots with two guns. When facing an enemy that cannot be hurt by the pistol, he can only go up and kick him.

Theresa took the opportunity to quietly tell everyone the information about the two of them. With a general understanding, it would be easier to fight later.

"The goal is probably to take me back to the Tianming Headquarters, transfer the holy relics, and solve the matter of Ramses II."


Although after having Cecilia, Teresa's aunt is no longer useful. Compared with Cecilia, who always exudes the brilliance of motherhood, Theresa's aunt is obviously very unreliable and is not in line with Qi's. The image of an elder that Yana believed in turned out to be a childish guy who needed her to take care of him.

But even so, Kiana couldn't help it when she heard that the other party wanted to take Theresa away. As the first person to show up and give her family affection, Theresa would never let others take her away.

Seeing that Kiana was about to walk up to argue with the opponent or even challenge her, Cecilia held Kiana down with a premonition and whispered:

"Don't be impulsive, Kiana."

"They are strong-"

The changes in the expressions of Kiana and others naturally fell in the eyes of Hollander and Rita, and they could probably guess that Theresa and the others would not give in easily.

Rita looked at Wuliang Tajizi, who was also standing next to Teresa, and said:

"According to the Archbishop's order, the captain is now the commander of this operation——"

"Wuliangta Jizi, what is your choice? Have you thought clearly about the consequences of disobeying the archbishop?"

Teresa, they didn't dare to offend her too much, but Rita chose to ask Wuliang Tajizi to do it to scare the monkeys.

"(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~"

The other party's clumsy tricks could not be concealed from Theresa, who was more than twice their age.

Teresa took down Judas, took a step forward, stood in front of Ji Zi, and said with disdain:

"Ji Zi is my subordinate. If you have anything, come to me!"

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