In the silence that could be heard as the needle fell, the sound of crisp footsteps came slowly from a distance.

  One was wearing a phoenix mask and a black robe, with a thin figure like a demon bat wing growing behind him, approaching from a distance.

  He came to the door, stepped on Kouki Shinohara's headless body, and looked down at the corpse on the ground.

  ".〃Is that so? Bring me here even if I die?"

  There was a smile in the young voice (Cian Nuo's), and after he finished speaking, he finally raised his head and looked around.

  The strange black and red pupils behind the mask seemed to make the air agitate with electricity, and the invisible pressure was as dull as Mount Tai, running over everyone's hearts.

  A huge momentum swept the audience.

  Whether human or ghoul, everyone in the hall felt a terrifying restraint.

  After retracting his sight, Xia You was in a silent atmosphere, Shi Shiran kicked away the corpse under his feet and stood quietly at the door.


  Seeing his actions, several investigators upstairs were furious, gritted their teeth, and squeezed their weapons tightly.

  But they all held back the pain in their hearts and waited silently without saying a word.

  Because "Phoenix" has not come in completely.

Chapter 159 Suppression

  Xia You stood at the door with the power to kill the special class, causing the entire hall to become silent in an instant.

  The many investigators hiding in various places were extremely sad, but for the sake of the overall situation, they could only silently wait in the corner without saying a word.

  And the CCG soldiers who knew nothing in the hall were pale, their bodies trembled, and they were almost scared.

  The ghouls of the bronze tree also had complicated eyes, staring at Xia You silently.

  The ghouls are very important to human flesh and territory.

  Because that's what they depend on for survival.

  This "Phoenix", who has recently gained fame, suddenly came here when CCG was attacking them. It is estimated that the comers are not good, and it is difficult to distinguish between enemies and friends.

  So these guys didn't show any enthusiasm for Xia You's arrival.

  He just silently put away Hezi, took a few steps back, and blocked the entrance to the downstairs.

  The boy standing in front of the door didn't care about these small actions. After he kicked away Yukiki Shinohara's body, he was still able to calm down when he saw the investigator inside, and he couldn't help but be startled when he didn't come out.

  Should 757 go in?

  The body of a comrade-in-arms was kicked away like garbage, such a provocation can be endured, and the people inside seem to be very confident in that trap.

  Xia You, who used to be a human being, has never underestimated the imagination and creativity of human beings.

  However, when he caught a glimpse of the ghouls of the bronze trees in the hall, looking at him with a vigilant look, the young man suddenly smiled.

  Yes, what if there are traps, I am no longer who I was a year ago!

  The one-eyed king is not an easy title to get.

  Since you want to be a king, you should work hard for it every moment.

  And now, there is a very good opportunity-

  In front of these bronze tree ghouls, show their incomparable strength, and then turn the vigilance in their eyes into awe!

  Thinking of this, Xia You finally raised her leg.

  In the eyes of all people or expecting, or fearing, or vigilant.

  He stepped slowly towards the door.

  The spacious hall was silent, and the breathing of a group of people in the distance could be clearly heard.

  Everyone's eyes were fixed on the figure at the door.

  When he walked through the hall, the first wall covered with bullet holes and marks of knives and axes, a voice suddenly sounded.


  As the sound fell, more than a dozen large and tight nets tied with Quinque fell from the sky, blocking several walls of the hall.

  The unsuspecting CCG soldiers and the ghouls of the bronze tree all looked around with some doubts. They saw the broken stairway at the corner and the broken wall. In an instant, more than a dozen fully armed men appeared. CCG Investigator.

  With nervous expressions on their faces, they cut off Xia You's back path.

  At the same time, more than a dozen gas cans were also thrown to the ground, and countless smoke spewed out from the inside, gradually filling the entire space.

  "Oops! It's RC cells suppressing gas!"

  The expression of the ghoul on the side of the bronze tree changed, and at the same time as the smoke rose, it hurriedly retreated and hid in the underground entrance.

  RC inhibitors, even the most famous ones are afraid, let alone the soldiers like them.

  In the original book, the hatred between Tatara and Faji is almost inseparable, and he chased it all the way from the Celestial Dynasty to Japan, looking for Faji for more than ten years.

  Later, when the Bronze Tree attacked Kuikuliya, he finally met Dharma Temple.

  But in that battle, CCG then turned on the RC cell suppression gas, and Tatara could only leave the temple and escape helplessly.

  Those who are half-hearted can only leave their enemies and run away, which shows their power (bfcd)!

  There are high-level ghouls detained in Kuikulia, and there are more than one or two half-hearted among them.

  For those humanoid Gundams, any steel bars and iron windows are like paper. If you don't use special means, let alone keep those guys locked up for decades, it is estimated that within two days, the prison guards will be eaten up by them!

  Dozens of bronze tree ghouls had just returned to the entrance when they saw a row of bronze tree cadres.

  When the CCG attacked, these people disappeared without a trace, leaving behind a group of small soldiers who could not advance or retreat, and could only resist desperately.

  It is impossible to say that there is no resentment in their hearts, but the obedience of low-level ghouls to high-level ghouls makes them dare not speak out.

  After the respectful salute, the ordinary members of the group of bronze trees raised their heads one after another, but then looked stunned.

  Walking in the middle was not Tadara, but the unobtrusive Lord Aite.

  However, the replacement of power at the top has nothing to do with these people. The dozens of ghouls were only slightly surprised in their hearts for a while, and then they calmly divided into two rows, knelt down on one knee, and greeted them with respect.

  Takatsuki Izumi led a few people through them calmly and came to the entrance.

  "Suppress the gas?"

  Seeing the fog in front of him, Tatara's brows wrinkled, and he waved his sleeves and fanned a little uncomfortable.

  He turned his head, looked at Takatsuki Izumi in the middle, and asked softly:

  "no problem?"

  Gao Tsukiquan was silent for a moment, shook his head gently, and said in a calm tone, "Let's take a look first."

  Tatara stopped talking after hearing the words, and the group of people stood silently at the exit like sculptures.

  As if waiting for something.

  The hall shrouded in smoke.

  Xia You's keen five senses can detect that these mists seem to restrict a part of the RC cells in his body.

  But not much.

  "Only one floor..."

  He closed his eyes and sensed his physical condition slightly, and then he stopped paying attention.

  When Hezi was just awakened, the ghoul blood in his body was only C-level, and when Hezi was opened at that time, it could only last for a mere three minutes.

  Later, it was upgraded all the way, and now, the bloodline level has half stepped into the SS level, and the battery life of Hezi has almost increased tenfold.

  Even if the RC cells in the body are suppressed by a layer, and Yuhe is turned on, it can be maintained for more than 25 minutes.

  "Twenty-five minutes...enough to slaughter these people several times!"

  Xia You smiled slightly and stood still, silently watching the hazy figures in the smoke.

Chapter 160 Fierce Battle Gunner

  "Higher spiritual dimension!"

  A dazzling blue light suddenly fell from the sky and flew towards Xia You.

  The smoke was instantly forced away, forming a straight and spectacular energy channel, and the invisible airflow around it was driven to rotate endlessly, like a deep and long vortex.

  Sure enough it was him!

  Hearing this cry, Xia You's heart moved.

  There are only a few specials in the original work. Hei Panyan has already been killed by him, so this time the attack on the bronze tree is very likely to be Tanaka Maru Momomoto who fought against Koma Yuaner in the second season of the original work!

  His weapon "Higher Spirit Dimension" is extremely sharp in attack, but as a long-range gunner, he should be insufficient in melee combat.

  And if you want to use that kind of high-attack Kuyinke weapon, the amount of human RC cells is simply not enough, so he can only carry a bulky "battery".

  This also made it difficult for him to move.

  For Tanaka Maru Wangyuan, Xia You was not afraid at all.

  The weakness of such a person is too obvious.

  "Now kill this long-range gunner quickly. The remaining enemy, even if there is a special class, as long as you don't have Ma Guijun, I can easily kill them all!"

  Thinking so, Xia You's bat wings vibrated behind him, and amid the surging smoke, his figure instantly flew into the sky from where he was, and he quickly escaped the shelling.

  The flowing blue energy formed a huge wave and burst out from under his feet.

  The turbulent airflow rolled over and swelled, blowing away the dense fog in the surrounding area.

  The fog is confusing and has a great impact on people's vision.

  However, the shelling just now, such an obvious straight trajectory, also gave Xia You a direction.

  When the ground was engulfed by the blue light, he was like an arrow from the string, and shot at Tanaka Maru Wangyuan!

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