Chapter 25 Beheading

  PS: Ask for collection, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation, ask for reward~


  It is very resentful to be eaten by people in front of their own flesh and blood.

  Although Xia You was furious in his heart, the injury on his shoulder had not healed yet, so he resisted his anger, squeezed the sword tightly, and said nothing.

  Just silently staring at the guy.

  The opponent's strength is no better than the low-level ghouls he killed before. Judging from the use of Hezi just now, it is at least A|-level, or an old-fashioned A|-level ghoul.

  If you rush up with an injury, you will definitely not be able to ask for it.

  After a few seconds, the middle-aged ghoul stopped laughing, staring at Xia You with bright red blood-like eyes.

  His eyes seemed to set him on fire, as if he was looking at some superb treasure.

  He watched silently for a moment before speaking, and said slowly in a gloomy and urgent tone:

  "Boy, I didn't expect you to be hiding in District 20!"


  Hearing the inexplicable words of the enemy, Xia You was very puzzled.

  But at this time, the injury on his shoulder has been completely treated by the red bottle potion.

  The powerful potion has a time limit and needs to be resolved quickly, otherwise the power will be reduced by half, and it is estimated that it will not be able to defeat this high-level ghoul.

  So he didn't have time to get other information, flicked the sword in his hand, and swooped up again!


  The clash between Taito and Hezi caused a crisp sound.

  Sparks scattered, causing Xia You to narrow her eyes slightly.

  Although the ghouls look extremely soft, they are just pieces of meat, but their surface is formed by high-density RC cells.

  Harder even than steel.

  Missing a hit, Xia You's figure deflected lightly.

  Stepping on his feet, he bypassed the Hezi standing in front of him, and swooped up again.

  The ghoul in front quickly mobilized the other two Hezi and stabbed towards his arm and calf!

  Feeling the enemy's attack angle faintly, Xia You felt very strange.

  It stands to reason that if humans and ghouls collide together, it must be a battle of life and death.

  But this ghoul... is showing mercy to him!

  Even the attack that caught him off guard just now had room for mercy.

  For example, Hezi, who slid across his shoulder and took away a puddle of flesh and blood, in fact, if he moved a little further to the side, he could definitely cut his neck!

  "This ghoul doesn't want to kill me? Why?"

  Xia You had doubts in her heart, but when she saw the bright red eyes on the opposite side, the greedy eyes inside could not be concealed.

  This extremely strong possessiveness made the boy feel a burst of horror!


  With a soft drink, Xia You suppressed the confused emotions in her heart, dodged the other two Hezi, and fired the sword again like lightning.

  The sharp weapon that pierced the air brought out a dark red light, as if it was a legendary sword light.

  This incomparably sharp attack made the opponent's face change slightly.

  His eyes flickered for a moment, and two Hezi rose to the sky, trying to roll up Xia You's weapon.


  Delicately bypassing, Xia You's blade slammed into a Hezi again, causing a fierce spark.

  The young man gritted his teeth and endured the tremendous force that made his body tremble. He bent his knees and jumped high into the air, dodging another Hezi that was drawn horizontally.

  The third Hezi silently rushed up from the ground and stabbed the sole of his foot.

  At the same time, the enemy below said with a sneer:

  "Boy, just obediently give me up resistance when you know each other, your life is very precious to us ghouls..."

  "If you dare to escape, I will definitely announce your affairs to the world, and then you will know that a ghoul like me is the most gentle guy!"

  What the hell?

  Xia You was even more puzzled, but he was fighting at this time, so he didn't think much about it.

  Feeling that the sound of breaking the air from below was approaching, he quickly slashed at a Hezi not far behind him, and made a lateral movement in the air.

  At this time, the distance between the teenager and the enemy has become very close!

  "Humph! With only a handful of low-level quinques, how long do you think you can resist?"

  The ghoul below, snorted heavily, suddenly retracted all the Hezi, and stabbed it again!

  "The left leg, right leg, right arm of this attack... It has been determined that this guy is trying to capture me alive..."

  Xia You tried her best to keep her mind calm, and after taking a deep breath, she quickly adjusted to the best posture in the air.

  He ignored the two Hezi stabbed at his legs, just deflected his body to avoid the attack on his arm, and then volleyed into the air with Yan Hui's starting gesture!

  The body is rapidly descending with the inertia of gravity, and the three Heiko are getting closer and closer.

  Among them, the Hezi who stabbed his arm was getting farther and farther away from his body, but the two Hezi below were still firm and stabbed towards his knees.


  With the sound of two slight bone cracks, Xia You groaned, and a layer of cold sweat oozes out of her forehead.

  Suddenly, there was an extremely severe pain in his leg and knee.

  The young man gritted his teeth and made a final judgment.

  The kneecap has been completely shattered, and it was interspersed by two dark red Hezi with a diameter of four or five centimeters!

  Suddenly attacked by pain beyond the limit, Xia You's eyes suddenly widened, a faint red light appeared, and an ugly twisted color began to permeate her face.

  He squeezed Kuyinke's arm tightly, and the veins kept appearing, like earthworms burrowing out of the ground, still beating endlessly.

  No, I have to drop a little further, attacking now... It is difficult to achieve the best effect...

  From the clenched teeth, a little blood began to ooze, but he forcibly blocked it, the pain that kept hitting the fragile nerves in his brain, tried to calculate the attack angle again, and silently waited for the opportunity.

  As he got closer to the ground, Xia You could see that the middle-aged ghoul below had a mixture of cruelty and infinite greed in He's eyes.

  Seeing that the young man's knees were completely smashed by Hezi, the ghoul showed a look of victory, cracked his mouth and laughed.

  There is still a trace of red blood on the white teeth!

  But in the next second, the smile solidified on that hideous face.

  "Yan back!"

  As this voice sounded, it seemed to cut off the wind and waves, cut through the pitch-black sky, and rewritten the trajectory of fate with three perfect sword lights, almost blocking all the evasive trajectories around him!

  They slashed across the void from above and entered the ghoul's body without reservation.

  The ghoul's tall body immediately shattered into four even parts.

  With blood, the head rose high into the sky, and the three Hezi finally all fell to the ground, and there was no trace of fierce aura!

Chapter 26 Doubts and Gains


  Although he killed the enemy, Xia You's appearance at this time was extremely miserable.

  He fell to the ground, as if he was almost out of breath.

  When a person is stimulated by intense pain, under the passive protection of the body, he will shout, roll, and lose consciousness.

  But the Xia You just now, in order to ensure that he can kill the enemy in one hit and kill the enemy quickly, he completely endured the extremely strong pain and stimulation on the nerve end caused by the crushing of the knee.

  You can imagine how difficult it was.

  He really has no strength at all now!

  After a long time, a familiar warm current that appeared because of the upgrade quietly flowed through the body.

  Lying on the ground like a corpse, Xia You moved her fingers with difficulty and took out a red bottle of potion from her backpack and poured it into her mouth.

  "How can it be repaired! After the game system is transformed into reality, the upgrade does not restore the state of the body!"

  After thinking about it in his heart for a while, after drinking a bottle of red medicine, he thought about it, and then took out a bottle of blue medicine and drank it.

  After resting for a few minutes again, his body finally felt the influx of strength. He waved the tachi in his hand, severed the two Hezi at the knee, pulled it out, and threw it aside.

  "Fortunately, there is something like the red potion that defies the sky, otherwise... I'm afraid this injury will be in a wheelchair!"

  Seeing that the broken bones were gradually squeezed out of his knees, and new kneecaps grew out of the wounds, until his feet were completely restored, he patted his head with a lingering fear.

  Just now it was either life or death. The young man didn't care so much. Now that I think about it, if it really becomes disabled, it will be a dog!

  After the recovery of the red bottle, her body has become intact, but after a battle, Xia You still feels a little weak for no reason.

  He quickly stood up and was about to go home.

  When passing by the A|rank ghoul corpse, he thought about it again and put all the corpses into his backpack.

  High-grade ghoul's He Bao is very precious and cannot be wasted!

  Now that the clothes are ragged and covered in blood, Xia You will only walk the path.

  He breathed a sigh of relief after rushing into the house without any danger.

  After taking a shower and changing his clothes, the teenager sat on the sofa in the living room, frowning in thought.

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