And the strength is very strong, just by showing up, it can scare away those who are powerful and kill the ancestors and break the inherent barrier.

  After weighing it for a while, Hei Ji finally decided to use words to hold the mysterious girl in front of her for a while, so as to create a chance for Xia You to escape quickly.

  "No matter what kind of entanglements there are, he has already taken over the blood of his concubine. Even if the contract has not been established, he should be a knight belonging to his concubine. For his own people, he must always try to help a gang."

  A charming smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, Eltluqi asked softly while thinking silently in her heart.

  For ordinary people, if someone accosted Yan Yuese, they would tend to open their mouths to answer. Even if they were in a hurry, or did not want to talk to strangers, their actions would pause for a moment subconsciously.

  However, the black-haired girl not far away seemed to turn a deaf ear to everything around her.

  Her eyes were unbiased, quietly looking at somewhere in the void, the beautiful colored pupils in her eyes flashed, and she raised her hand.

  The tender and light-white little hand just swiped gently, and the void in front of it, which had gradually become calm, unexpectedly swayed again.

  In the depths of the ripples, a dark and unfamiliar environment could be faintly seen.

  Can you break open spaces with your hands?What is this ability?The second method?But the holder of the second law is obviously——

  Seeing this scene, the ancestors on the side were full of horror.

  With the end of the Age of Gods and the migration of dimensions, Gaia's authority is complete, and the space becomes more and more difficult to break.

  Due to the influence and suppression of two major restraining forces, the space in the Moon World is extremely stable, and even the inherent barrier known as the apex of magic needs a huge amount of magic power to maintain.

  In this day and age, other than the second method, there are very few great magic arts that can directly interfere with space.

  Many top magicians need to rely on dresses for space transfer, or fix large-scale magic bases and rituals in advance to communicate with spiritual veins.

  This kind of behavior that is almost violent to tear a space apart has hardly been seen in the long lives of several ancestors.

  Maybe apart from the powerhouses in the special period of the Age of Gods, the magicians of modern times cannot do it at all!

  The space passage leading to a certain place was opened, and the girl ignored the other people and stepped forward with a calm expression, preparing to step into the ripples.

  It was obvious that she was going to continue chasing the one person and one wolf who had escaped before.

  "and many more!"

  Eltluqi was in a hurry and subconsciously called out.

  Stuart the Black Knight is worthy of being the most loyal subordinate. Seeing that his boss showed the intention of blocking, he didn't think about the difference in real power at all. He quickly let go of the White Knight, holding the hands of the real devil and pushing forward. A pendulum.

  The black and purple gorgeous sword was immediately placed in front of the mysterious girl.

  At the same time, in a cautious and respectful tone, he said in a deep voice:

  "It is very presumptuous to disturb Miss, but His Highness Ji Jun wants to ask you a few things."

  Standing not far from Stuart, Elter Luqi once again showed an elegant smile on her pretty face.

  She just wanted to speak, and went around some circles to delay time, but the next picture made everyone present feel chills in their hearts.

  Even if someone beside her blocked her, the black-haired girl had no intention of communicating with her, nor did she stop herself.

  Wearing a large white training suit, that petite and exquisite body, like a phantom, actually passed through the cold swords in front of it leisurely, as if it were a real demon!

  The girl's movements were neither fast nor slow, clearly visible, but so smooth that it was too late to stop her.

  In the strange feeling of time being stretched, several people could only watch her step by step, walking into the opened space ripples.

  After a while, with the disappearance of the figure in white, the ripples reverberated, and the void gradually returned to calm.

  The four ancestors still kept their movements just now, standing on the spot without making a sound.

  "Aiya, it seems that our future partners seem to be in bad luck soon..."

  After a while, Brad, the white knight who was still pale with his rapier supporting his body, spoke softly, breaking the silence in the arena.

  There was a schadenfreude joking smile on the corner of his mouth, but the expression on his face was extremely heavy.

  Today's whole day, the blow it brought to him is really a bit big.

  Whether it was Xia You, who shattered his inherent barrier with a single blow, or the mysterious girl just now.

  The strength shown by these two people, among the 27 ancestors of the dead disciples, perhaps except for the big spider who was forcibly installed as the ancestor and had been sleeping in the crystal valley, the other ancestors could not compare with it at all. .

  A true demon is a "magic sword" created with a pure demon body and soul, which is completely comparable to a high-level Noble Phantasm.

  Because of the material, apart from the identified owner, people with weaker strength who just approached would be disturbed by the demonic nature in it, and then their life withered and slowly entered death.

  As a result, the girl was undefended and let the blade pass through her body. Brad almost suspected that the black knight was holding a fake real demon——

  With the eyesight of several people, it is natural to be able to clearly see that at that moment, the girl did not use any space ability to avoid, and although the footprints on the ground were light, they could not hide it from the ancestors.

Chapter 105 Time

  After a long time, the magic sword that Stuart had been holding flat in his hand was finally withdrawn by him.

  He put the gorgeous sword body blooming with an ominous black light in front of him and looked at it carefully, his mood was extremely complicated:

  "The physical body passes through the magic sword, but it is still intact. It is an unimaginable ability!"

  It is extremely rare for a body made of matter to be able to pass through other matter without using any space ability. Now, it is an indescribable miracle to use an undefended body to safely pass through the magic sword "true demon"!

  Even if the cells in the body can be moved freely, this kind of thing, - is almost impossible.

  The most powerful thing about a true demon is not the sharpness of the blade, but the huge demonic nature and resentment emanating from the demon's body, which can almost make a pure elves have thoughts of depravity.

  If Stuart hadn't gotten rid of the curse that time bestowed upon all things, and had attained immortality to some extent, he wouldn't have been able to pick up this magic sword that could devour God.

  The black and white knights had their own thoughts, and behind them, the pretty face of Ertuluqi seemed even heavier.

  As Gaia's daughter, she is very sensitive to the degree of change in the surrounding nature. The black and white knight only cared to marvel at how the girl used her body to pass through the magic sword, but she faintly noticed an even more shocking thing——

  At that moment, the time in the nearby wide area seemed to be forcibly interfered by some kind of force!

  That feeling of conflict between speed and slow is not their illusion.

  "To be able to interfere with the outside world in an understatement, not to mention the strangeness and rarity of time ability, just because the flow of time in this area has become abnormal, the inhibition should be quickly detected? Why didn't Mother Mother make corresponding corrections? ?"

  Eltluqi's heart was very doubtful.

  She, who was able to connect with Gaia, didn't even notice that at that moment, the inhibitory force made any corrections or suppression actions. They seemed to have no sense of this area of ​​time where there was a conflict.

  Time is one of the top rules, and there are naturally many people trying to study it in the Moon World.

  Among them, the most famous is Emiya Kiritsugu's father, Emiya Juxian. The reason why he was designated to be sealed is because he has been silently researching "inherent time control", and he has also obtained very big gains.

  However, even the weird "inherent time control" only adjusts the time in the "body" of oneself or an object, similar to imposing an inherent barrier inside, and cannot affect the outside nature at all.

  In a world where the suppressing power of the moon is not shrouded in blind spots, it is basically impossible to interfere with the external time.

  As one of the pillars supporting the universe, time is the most important link.

  If the time of a certain area is affected, then it is like a smooth group of gears, one is stuck.

  Once the bottom line of natural restoration is exceeded, the consequences may not be visible at the time, but like a butterfly storm, a huge disaster will break out in the distant future.

  So if someone uses the time ability, not only will the inhibitory force stop it, but even the entire universe itself will give the user great suppression.

  Even if it is possible to intervene in a wide area of ​​external time on one's own, the user will experience various sequelae, and in severe cases, may die on the spot.

  But the girl just now seemed to have done it easily and without any pressure.

  This had to make Hei Ji feel terrified.

  After a moment of silence, she recalled the "Eighty God Air Strike" that Xia You used.

  That kind of power that is like breaking the sky and breaking the ground is really impressive, and it is impossible to forget it.

  "And the previous attack, which logically can cause a huge threat to the planet, Mother Mother should have set her sights on this side early, but..."

  From the corner of her eyes, she glanced at the white knight who was still sluggish, and Eltluqi felt a little funny in her heart.

  The Eighty Gods Air Strike broke out within the "Ghost March", and the power was all endured by the unlucky White Knight with his own inherent barrier, and Gaia naturally felt no response.

  Otherwise, when such a big thing happened, Gaia would definitely pay attention and make a series of follow-up arrangements.

  At that time, whether it is to immediately dispatch the heroic spirit to the lower realm to eliminate Xia You, who can threaten the planet, or to observe and silently control his fate, and then extradite him to be his thug after he hangs up, the restraint will be carefully considered, and then Take what's best for you.


  The so-called heroic spirit basically came like this.

  These thoughts were all in the blink of an eye. After Aertuluqi quickly sorted them out, she stopped thinking about the mysterious black-haired girl, and instead looked at the white beast at her feet, with a smile that was half a smile on her pretty face. look.

  "Da Bai, that young man named Xia You is really optimistic about his concubine body, so... you shouldn't be making small reports, right?"


  The white beast seemed to have been told the truth, and helplessly shook his head, showing a look of depression.


  Regarding the abnormal situation and the mystery that appeared in the man and the woman just now, it really wanted to find an opportunity to report it. After all, Gaia would actually be negligent about what happened on earth. This is completely rare in ten thousand years. Anecdotes...and opportunities.

  It is unclear whether the inhibition will remember emotions, but as long as you work hard to show your role, the future will probably be better.

  At the very least, Gaia will not let it wipe out all mankind at every turn.

  The white beast, who has been used as a spearman since birth, and who is unflattering on both sides, has actually had a tough time!

  It's a pity that this opportunity to make a small report and rub my face was blocked by the current owner again...

  "Don't feel lost, don't feel sorry, just follow in the footsteps of the concubine."

  Ertuluqi stared deeply at the white beast at her feet, her pretty face was always full of gentleness and demure, and a rare trace of sadness appeared on her face. She bent down, raised her hand and gently stroked her pet with a tone of voice. Solemnly:

  "Let me wait and work hard to reach the end of the steel earth!"

  Yes, although human beings are still ignorant, some of the existences at the top of the mysterious side already have a general understanding - the earth of steel, which is the final chapter that cannot be avoided even by restraint.

  At that time, even these long-lived species like them will enter into extinction, and they will not be able to survive the disaster at all.

Chapter 106 Dongmu

  After comforting the beast of white, Eltluqi returned to that elegant, calm and extravagant girl again. She looked at the white knight beside her, and the corners of her mouth rose slightly:

  "Sir Brad, where is the new knight in the concubine now?"

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