It really matches.

  Because of the name of the origin, it is called "perfect".

  However, Xia You at this time did not ask about the origin at all.

  In front of this exquisite and picturesque beautiful girl, the rare smile on her pretty face seemed to have a gripping and strange charm, attracting all his mind.

Chapter 118 Enchantment

  Being stared at by Xia You's dazed eyes, the smile on Genji's pretty face narrowed slightly, and the dull expression was restored again.

  "Now that the deal is over..."

  She glanced at Xia You on the opposite side again, and nodded lightly:

  "I'm looking forward to the next deal!"

  After saying this, the bright light in the girl's eyes suddenly began to fade away quickly, and after a while, it changed back to a pair of black eyes that showed confusion, and her body was swaying, as if she was about to fall.

  Seeing this scene, Xia You hesitated for a moment, then quickly took a few steps forward and hugged the petite body tightly when it was about to fall to the ground.

  Looking down slightly, she found that the girl in her arms had her eyes closed and fainted.

  "Huh? Is this a personality switch?"

  Xia You was curious and full of expectations.

  If there is no accident, maybe you can see the authentic "two ceremonies" right away!

  At the same time, the surrounding landscape is rapidly changing.

  The many bugs that had been frozen started to move again, and next to Xia You's ear, there was a cry full of fear.

  "Wow...don't! Sakura don't go down! Mom! Sister!"

  Along with this scream that seemed to burst eardrums, two small fists were lifted by the girl in her arms, and raindrops fell on him.

  Under the extreme fear, Matou Sakura, with her eyes closed, was desperately trying to struggle.

  "Little sister, my mother and sister are not here, but my brother has one. I will ask you if you want it..."

  Holding the two girls, the boy couldn't use his hands to comfort him now, so he could only helplessly endure the beating of Loli in his arms.

  Fortunately, the fist was fluttering and didn't hurt at all.

  "Xia You?"

  The golden wolf by his legs also regained his mobility at this time. It raised its head and saw Xia You still standing there, looking relaxed, and holding another little girl in his hand, he couldn't help but be a little puzzled:

  "Aren't you going to make another space transfer? Why now..."

  There was puzzlement in those green eyes.

  Golden Wolf doesn't seem to have any impression of what happened before.


  Xia You softly comforted the frightened Matou Sakura, while taking the time to instruct the Golden Wolf:

  "You clean up the nearby bugs first, as for other things, we'll talk about it after we go out!"

  Losing the restraint of the root-type power, a large number of insects around them became active again, and the buzzing sounds were endless, and they wanted to form a wave and rush to them again. The scene was a little scary.

  "it is good!"

  After today's twists and turns of battle, the golden wolf now appears to be unusually well-behaved.

  It quickly let go of Xia You's legs, moved its limbs, and stood in front of several people. A huge flow of magic power burst out from its fluffy golden hair, and it easily blocked those bugs.

  "Tsk... what a bunch of disgusting guys!"

  Inciting the magic power all over his body and dashing away the swarms of insects that kept rushing over, Golden Wolf was filled with disgust.

  For these dirty things in front of him, as a noble natural spirit, it doesn't want to touch it with its claws at all.

  behind the golden wolf.

  Waving her small fist, she struggled in confusion for a long time, maybe because she noticed that there was no pain from insect bites at all, Matou Sakura finally calmed down.

  She quietly opened her closed eyes a little.

  Accompanied by the dim light around, it was not the terrifying bugs that came into view, but a strange but gentle smiling face.

  This made Little Loli feel a little at ease, and her tense body gradually began to relax.

  "Hey, little sister, now you're safe 々"! "

  Xia You lowered her head and quietly looked at those big black eyes with horror, and found that her expression was still a little frightened, and quickly comforted her softly:

  "Those bugs were blocked by my brother, don't worry, they can't bite you!"


  This word seemed to evoke bad memories of Matou Sakura, and Xia You could feel that the petite and weak body in her arms tensed up again.

  "It's alright, it's really alright!"

  After a few more words of comfort, seeing that the effect seemed to be ineffective, he thought for a while, then simply opened Hezi and rushed to the roof with two loli in his arms.

  As long as she leaves this basement quickly, Matou Sakura will be able to regain her composure.

  When it was about to hit, Xia You did not forget to remind the golden wolf:

  "Xiaojin, remember to follow quickly!"

  Then the next second, only a "dong" sound is heard.

  The boy's head seemed to hit a solid iron block, making a crisp sound of gold and iron colliding.

  "Xia You, are you alright?"

  From below came Golden Wolf's worried inquiries.


  Xia You, who was hit with gold stars, narrowed his eyes and reluctantly replied.

  He stopped his figure in the air, shook his dizzy head, and looked up.

  At the top of the basement, countless strange runes exuding the color of phosphorous fire disappeared in a flash.


  Xia You was speechless in her heart, and scolded herself for being stupid. Since this is a magician's workshop, some defensive measures will definitely be set up.

  Fortunately, the ghoul's bloodline has a considerable resilience, and the big bump on the forehead began to subside after a while.

  It may be that the savage action of the young man who was about to break the roof just now triggered some mechanism. Around the surrounding walls, many larger bugs with more ferocious mouthparts suddenly appeared.

  They flapped their wings like bullets out of the chamber, with a sharp air-piercing sound, overwhelming the sky, and quickly rushed to several strangers in the basement.

  "This is really..."

  Shaking his head helplessly, seeing that the swarm was about to drown several people, and Matou Sakura in his arms showed signs of crying again, Xia You hurriedly shouted again:

  "Little Jin!"


  As if there is a consonance in the heart, there is no need to explain more, the golden wolf on the ground bends its limbs slightly, and suddenly jumps high.


  The golden beast opened its fangs and let out a loud, childish roar.

  In an instant, an invisible sound wave triggered the majestic Great Source magic power in the void, spinning and began to spread out.

  Those magic powers seemed to have turned into countless sharp blades, which were densely scattered in all directions, easily cutting all the bugs in front of them in half.

  Large corpses sprayed with thick black blood and fell to the ground like raindrops.

  The sound wave swept across the ceiling, and many runes above suddenly flashed, but the next moment was like a lit fireworks, and an explosion occurred at the same time.

  However, when the strange green light was about to go out, several transparent barriers were opened, resisting the residual magic power from the golden wolf.

  As expected of an immortal who has lived for five hundred years, one layer of defense in this magic workshop is connected to another layer!

  Seeing the barrier above, although it was crumbling under the attack of the golden wolf, but there was no sign of breaking for a while, Xia You showed some admiration in her heart, and did not choose to break through to the roof, but turned to the door of the basement.

  Before the bugs around him were closed, he hugged the two loli tightly, and while the wings behind him flapped gently, he shot countless feathers to help clean up the bugs that came over, and quickly flew to the front exit.

  In the process, some ingenious magic traps were triggered nearby.

  However, Master Insect has already been killed by the Flying Dragon Strike Thief Thunder Cannon. Now it is estimated that he is hiding in the body of the insect waiting to be resurrected. There are many magic enchantments and traps in the workshop that no one can control, and their power is greatly reduced. If you want to break through, It's actually very easy.

  And in front of the fantasy species, even the insect master is not enough to see.

  Soon, three people and one wolf rushed out of the small basement violently.

  Coming to the corridor outside, Xia You gave Matou Sakura and the two rituals in her arms a little protection, then fanned Heko again, broke through the roof of Matou's house, and flew into the dark night.

  The golden wolf on the ground also roared softly, and jumped with all his limbs. In the dark night, the figure pulled out a dazzling golden light, and quickly chased after the gap.


  A few minutes later, in the hidden compartment in the depths of the basement, there was a fat meat worm, probing its brain, slowly wriggling, and crawling out.

  Seeing that the ground was in a mess, piled up with a large number of worm corpses, its layered, wrinkled worm face suddenly showed a humanized distressed expression.

  "To actually encounter a fantasy species, that dazzling level of mystery is a disaster for an old magician who is about to rot!"

  Obviously, this worm was the Matou Zhe Inkstone that was bombarded to death by Xia You's "Flying Dragon Strikes Thief Shocking Thunder Cannon" earlier.

  His magic is very strange, basically as long as the brain worm does not die, it can be resurrected infinitely.

  But this time, Lord Insect kicked the iron plate.

  Ghost Dao damages the soul very much. With his kind of human soul that has survived for five hundred years and is about to decay due to the erosion of time, it is very lucky that it did not disappear on the spot.

  After two weak coughs, Matou Zuoyan (Wang Qianzhao) shook the beard on the top of his head, his voice turned low, and filled with anger and doubts:

  "What attack did the wolf use, and why is my soul weakened so badly?"

  Matou Zuoyan had no impression of what happened in the root form.

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