"Speaking of which, this seems to be the second ghoul that wants to capture me alive. Could it be that there is some secret inside that I don't know?"

  Thinking back on what happened today, Xia You remembered the first A|rank ghoul he met a few months ago, and he once said some inexplicable words.

  The situation at that time was too critical to allow any mercy, so Xia You found an opportunity and killed him without hesitation, without getting any information at all.

  After thinking for a while, he finally shook his head helplessly.

  "The most doubtful thing should be the perfect blood on my body, but how does my bloodline help the ghouls, this is really unclear."

  The Yu He awakened by Xia You is extremely fast. From Area 6 to Area 20, there are two areas that need to be crossed. It takes about an hour to take the tram, but he uses Yu He to fly, but it only takes a short time. In seven or eight minutes, they reached the edge of the 20th district.

  "As expected of the four types of Hezi, the fastest Yu He!"

  He exclaimed, but soon his face became bitter again.

  "However, this kind of fuel consumption really makes people unable to brag about it..."

  Yu He is a kind of He Zi with strong explosiveness, but lack of rear power.

  It can transform into wings to fly, which is very enviable, but Yu He consumes the energy of RC cells abnormally.

  At least Xia You had just woken up until now. In just seven or eight minutes, he felt that the energy of the RC cells in his body had almost been used up.

  You must know that he has taken the brilliant medicine before, and the amount of RC cells in his body is also increasing by 5 times!

  Fortunately, the augmented RC cells did not disappear after the drug's effect, otherwise, it would not be able to support him to fly here.

  A few seconds later, the boy's body began to sway in the air, and the two wings behind him gradually became smaller.

  Losing the energy in his cells, he could not hold back the injuries all over his body. Today, he ran away for a long distance, and his mental exhaustion was constantly eroding his brain, making him drowsy.

  Turning on the system again, barely taking out a red bottle and a blue bottle from the backpack, Xia You trembled | shaking her hands, poured them into her mouth.

  Under the treatment of the potion, the body and spirit gradually began to recover, but the speed was unusually slow.

  Potion is not a panacea. After all, his body has not been digitized. Repeated injuries and repeated treatments have overwhelmed the cells.

  In game terms, it is to take several bottles of potion in a short period of time, and now the potion is in the cooling time.

  Moreover, the red medicine can only heal the injury, and cannot relieve the consumption of physical strength at all.

  "Forget it, find a remote place to rest for the night, and then go home tomorrow!"

  Feeling a sense of dizziness constantly echoing in his mind, making him almost stare at the stars, Xia You had no choice but to make this decision.

  Not bothering to find a good landing spot, he reluctantly looked at the terrain below, and after finding a sufficiently remote place nearby, his wings fluttered weakly and stabbed his head down.

Chapter 48 The ghoul outside the door

  With the constant pull of gravity, Xia You quickly fell to the ground like a meteor.

  When he was about to land, he reluctantly squeezed the cells again, squeezed the last RC cells out of his body, controlled Yu He who was about to disappear, and finally changed to a safe landing method.


  A dull sound came from far away, and Xia You's body fell on a pile of fluffy waste, almost burying him in it.

  He reluctantly stood up, looked around, and found that the terrain here was relatively empty, there was no human beings, and no ghouls were seen, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

  The current Xia You, almost as weak as an ordinary person, managed to escape from Takatsuki Izumi's tiger's mouth. If he was found by some low-level ghoul when he landed...

  To be honest, he would rather die tragically in the mouth of Gao Tsuki Spring.

  At least in the underworld, you can boast that you were killed by the BOSS, rather than being picked up by the soldiers.

  At this time, the sky had completely dimmed. With a few shimmers of light, he glanced at the surrounding environment and found that it seemed to be a garbage dump.

  Not far away, there is a small cabin.

  The door of the wooden house was dilapidated, half on the door shaft, and it was faintly visible from the gap, and no one was inside.

  Xia You staggered over, preparing to rest in the abandoned cabin for the night.

  There was nothing in the hut, the wooden floor was dusty and rotten.

  At this time, Xia You couldn't care about cleaning up, he fell down beside the dusty wall and closed his eyes quietly.

  too tired.

  I originally thought that I could just sleep until dawn, get up the next day, and be a good guy again, but today seems to be a bad day for a teenager.

  After lying quietly for about ten minutes, there was a sudden sound of footsteps outside, Xia You was completely weak at this time, so she could only raise her head reluctantly and squinted.

  But he found that outside the dilapidated door of the log cabin, in the darkness, a pair of bloody eyes faintly appeared.

  "I actually encountered a ghoul, wouldn't it be so unlucky?"

  He smiled bitterly in his heart, but at this time, both his body and spirit had entered a period of intense exhaustion, but there was nothing he could do. He could only barely lift a little strength, climbed up from the ground, leaned against the wall, and was on guard.

  After a long time, no ghouls came in, but in the dim light, those bright red bloody eyes were really frightening.

  One person and one ghoul quietly faced each other across the door for a while, and the sight outside the door suddenly slowly disappeared.


  Xia You exhaled softly.

  Although I was a little surprised, why didn't the ghoul not rush over immediately, but in my current situation, I finally managed to get down safely.

  Xia You, who noticed that there were ghouls lingering outside the door and had fought a battle, was extremely tired physically and mentally at this time, but for the sake of his life, he did not dare to be careless at all.

  Reluctantly supporting his spirit, he took out two bottles of potion and took them again.

  The potion was poured into his throat, and the exhausted spirit finally condensed, at least the drowsy state was greatly improved.

  This made Xia You feel a little more confident.

  He moved quietly to the corner of the wooden house, and from his backpack, he also took out Kuink, who had lost half of the tip of his knife, and held it in the palm of his hand, preparing to confront the ghouls outside the door until dawn.

  There are still ten hours before dawn, and during this time, most of the physical strength should be able to recover.

  At that time, even if the RC cells were exhausted and the Hezi could not be opened, as long as he did not encounter a ghoul above A| rank, it should be no problem with the Swallow Return Knife Technique.

  And once the day dawned, the ghouls would not dare to prey unscrupulously.

  In an atmosphere of silence, time gradually passed for two hours, and the dim sky had turned into pitch darkness.

  Tonight is a moonless night, and even the stars are dim.

  Two hours later, there is still no difference here. Xia You originally thought that the ghouls outside the door would not come again.

  As a result, in the next second, his keen five senses sensed the sound of light footsteps outside.

  "This ghoul... seems very timid?"

  Hearing the creeping movement outside the wooden house, while Xia You was dignified, a moment of relief flashed in her heart.

  Although he regained some strength during this time, he was barely able to stand up and not fall down.

  If you encounter a timid enemy, the enemy will be hesitant and dare not attack immediately.

  As long as Xia You is allowed to recover for a while, he will be able to rush out, kill the ghoul outside, and solve the troubles completely!

  "Blessed by the gods and Buddhas, the guy outside, don't come in now..."

  Xia You prayed silently in her heart, hoping that the enemy would give him some more time to recover.

  But God, it always seems to be against him today.

  The ghoul outside wandered around the door for a while, but he didn't see Xia You's figure inside. He hesitated for a while, and finally made up his mind, and gently pushed open the broken door. .

  Hearing the "squeak" sound from the door shaft, Xia You, who was leaning against the wall and hiding in the shadows, was full of bitterness and felt like a hero's end.

  "I really didn't expect that I, who successfully escaped from the SSS-level henchman, still can't escape death, and I will be given to a small soldier ghoul..."

  After a pause, he gritted his teeth and managed to gather the little strength in his body, quietly waiting for the enemy to approach, ready to make a final fight!

  As for life or death, it is up to fate!

Chapter 49

  "Squeak" sounded.

  The shabby wooden door was pushed open.

  The figure outside the door did not show his eyes this time.

  In the pitch-dark environment, Xia You tried her best to gather her eyes and saw a thin and petite figure standing at the door.

  The figure hesitated for a while, then stepped into the wooden house, cautiously, and slowly walked towards Xia You.

  Take it one step at a time.

  Xia You quietly leaned against the corner, trying to pretend to be dead, holding Kuink's palm, but it was gradually tightening, and she was slowly calculating the distance between the two in her heart.

  At this time, he only had one blow left in his body, so he had to be cautious.

  After a while, the figure stopped in front of Xia You, and suddenly stopped moving about two or three meters away from him.

  Has it been discovered?

  Just when Xia You was thinking about whether to take a risk and attack immediately, a light suddenly lit up in the room.

  The ghoul turned on the torch in his hand.

  In the dark environment, the eyes were suddenly impacted by strong light, which made the teenager want to close his eyes subconsciously.

  He hurriedly held back, narrowed his eyes, and showed a sharp line of sight like a blade. He stared at the front, and raised Kuyin in his hand, and the blade was about to appear!



  Two exclamations sounded simultaneously.

  With the light of the flashlight, Xia You barely saw the figure in front of her, and she subconsciously paused when she wanted to attack.

  The ghoul was stared at by the young man's desperate eyes, and he couldn't help but screamed and quickly stepped back. The flashlight in his hand also "slapped" and fell to the floor.

  What entered Xia You's ears was a crisp and tender voice.

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