In this maze, there is basically nowhere to hide.

  The bright mirror completely faithfully reflected her lovely panicked appearance.

  If it were a few years later, Liangyizhi, whose personality had been finalized, would never have fallen into such a dilemma.

  For topics she doesn't want to face, she has countless methods, which can be silently and naturally transferred.

  However, now she is only ten years old, and she has been affected by the invisible influence of the root style. She has completed her defective personality and can no longer achieve the strength that disappeared calmly in the original book.

  But after all, she is a two-meter weaving.

  After panicking for a while, he quickly reacted and raised his head in mock surprise:

  "This should be a confession or something, right?"

  She didn't wait for Xia You to answer, and shrugged to herself:

  "Cheerful, kind, sunny... I'm a little flattered to say that about me so well."

  After speaking, Liang Yizhi raised her hands again, pinched Xia You's face, and pulled her to both sides.

  Looking at the handsome young man in front of him, under the kneading and pinching of his own small hands, he turned into a big round face. The girl pursed her lips and smiled lightly, with a naughty smile, a proud expression of successful prank:

  "But, at least you should pay attention to my gender... I'm really, really... a boy!"

  "As a boy, you are now holding another boy to confess!"

  What the hell boy?Do you dare to let us test it with the dragon claw hand?

  The old man didn't need to help him to urinate, he straightened his waist, and he could pee up to three feet in the wind.

  Can you pee 930 feet?

  Xia You knocked off her hand and pouted quietly in her heart.

  The two looked at each other silently for a moment, Liang Yizhi's smile faded, she lowered her head, and asked softly:

  "Hey, if one day, I really disappear into this world, will you...will always remember 'Weaving'?"

  "I'll get you back!"

  In the young man's calm voice, there is unquestionable determination:

  "Heaven or hell, I will definitely get you back!"

  This sentence made Liang Yizhi suddenly raise his head.

  She looked at Xia You, and in the dark eyes, a little bit of warm, crystal clear streamer flashed away quickly.

  Those love words that can be easily said and can easily move people's hearts.

  It is actually a whisper between a pair of childhood sweethearts.

  Young hearts are too immature, so they can make beautiful and irresponsible promises, and the party who listens silently will also be shy and nod innocently.

  And imagine a happy future together.

  But the future weaved in the end is often what it looks like after being shattered by reality.

  The meager body has no power, and the promise becomes a lie.

  Fortunately, Xia You is not really only ten years old.

  He believed that under the intervention of his transmigrator, the weaving in front of him would never be the same as in the plot. He could only entrust his hopes and dreams to Shiji, but he died silently, facing the dark ending alone.

Chapter 137 Proof of Friendship

  The crimson sunset burns clouds in the sky.

  The reflected light made the tall plane trees on the street cast long shadows.

  Vehicles on the street are endless, almost connected end to end. After they ran over the reflections of those trees, they slowly drove into the distance in the face of the rays of the sun.

  "I'm so happy today."

  At the entrance of a certain subway station, Liang Yizhi stared at the people on the opposite side and said with a smile:

  "I've never been happier than ever, going shopping with people, shopping for clothes, eating, going to an amusement park... These things are very novel experiences for me."

  After visiting the amusement park, several people went to Guanbuzi City to play around again.

  After eating in a certain restaurant, Bella began to urge Xia You to leave here and set off for Misaki City before the sun set.

  Of course, Xia You didn't want to part so early, and dragged on, racking her brains to stay.

  However, Liang Yizhi seemed very calm. She looked at the sky and found that it was approaching dusk, so she proposed to send a few people to the car.

  After a day and night of willful disappearance, it is time for the girl to return to the family.

  Looking at the girl in kimono standing quietly across from her with a soft expression, Xia You was full of regrets.

  The obscure confession in the labyrinth before, ended without a hitch in the end.

  With Bella and Matou Sakura, two bulbs, and Ryogiori's deliberate avoidance, after that, he never found a chance to get close.

  It's not that Xia You's lolicon soul is burning, unable to control herself, even the ten-year-old young style can't wait.

  He just wanted to use intimate means to deepen his impression in the girl's heart during this brief encounter.

  For a girl who has not been with her for a long time, if she wants to leave a deep enough memory in her heart, she will firmly remember the little friend who has only met once in the next few years.

  In addition to beating her, scolding her, and other malicious and partial ways, the only way is to push her...

  Ahem, kiss her or hug her.

  Whether intentional or not, as long as you create a little ambiguous plot, the little girl will remember you for a long time.

  In this way, he can impose invisible constraints on a certain hero named Heitong, and ensure that he will not be forgotten by the two ceremonies in the next two years.

  As for two years later, after the Holy Grail War, Xia You had time to go fancy girls.

  However, unfortunately, all day today, the teenager could not find a chance.

  The haunted house plan that was closest to the goal was disrupted by a wolf.

  Seeing a man and a woman beside her, who were showing some kind of "tacit eye contact" again, Bella walked over quickly, hugged Xia You's arm, and shook it vigorously.

  Then he pointed to the entry gate behind him and reminded:

  "We've arrived at this Shinkansen now, Xia You, don't we hurry in?"

  Asking so in her mouth, she quietly tilted her head again, and raised her eyebrows at Liang Yizhi who was not far away from the angle that the teenager could not see.

  "Okay, okay, let's go in right away."

  Xia You replied helplessly with a bitter face.

  This interactive mode of several people has been staged many times in amusement parks.

  As soon as she shows signs of wanting to get close to Liangyizhi, Sister Wolf will immediately jump in, either being cute or behaving.

  Anyway, don't let the two of them get along quietly.

  Bella raised her eyebrows in a warning expression, Liang Yizhi naturally saw it in her eyes, and at the same time she felt funny, she felt a little strange in her heart, and there was an indescribable little pride.

  The boy you are holding now confessed to me today...

  Just thinking of this, the girl was suddenly startled again.

  "Really, why are you proud of such a thing!"

  Complaining a few words silently, suppressing the turbulent emotions in her heart, Liang Yizhi took a few steps back, still with a bright smile on her pretty face, gave Xia You a deep look, and then raised her little hand and waved:

  "That's it, see you next time!"

  After saying that, without saying any other goodbyes, he turned around gracefully.

  Under the soft sunset, the pure white kimono was blown by the breeze, and the robe fluttered in the air, making the girl at this time like a beautiful and agile butterfly.

  "Weaving!" Xia You endured all the way, and finally couldn't bear it any longer. He gently shook off Bella's hand, stepped forward, and caught up with the back: "Wait first, I have something to say!"


  Liang Yizhi stopped and looked sideways, looking a little puzzled:

  "Is there anything else? You have asked for the phone number three times before, and even the address of Liangyi's house, when I passed by there, I specially pointed the way to you..."

  "Don't remember those little things so clearly!"

  Xia You came to her opposite, closed her eyes, and rubbed her forehead lightly, as if something was brewing.

  When he opened his eyes again, his face was already serious.

  "...Hey, are we friends?"

  He stared at the girl not far away and asked in a low voice.

  "of course."

  Liang Yizhi was stunned for a moment, nodded without hesitation, and said with a smile:

  "Although I've only known each other for a day, I know you..."

  Having said that, she paused for a moment, and looked to the other side, Bella, who was staring at the front, and Matou Sakura, who was a little reluctant:

  "And Bella and Sakura, I have a crush on you both..."

  "So, we should be friends, right?" Xia You interrupted her, opened her arms, pounced hard, and shouted, "Friends will hug each other before parting, this is proof of friendship!"

  The girl turned around lightly, smiled and avoided, and winked at Xia You again, motioning him to look behind her.

  "I think, if you really hold me now, it will be a proof of your friendship!"

  In the faint (of the king's) smile, there is schadenfreude.

  I can't be bothered at all...

  Xia You can already guess the situation behind it.

  Turning back quickly, sure enough, Sister Wolf was squinting her emerald green eyes, silently staring at Liang Yizhi, her pretty little face was full of dangerous frosty aura.

  After he glanced at him, he immediately pouted again, revealing an aggrieved expression.

  Bella, who has been living in the cave of the human wolf village, has not yet adapted to the hypocritical world of human intrigue. What is in her heart will naturally show on her face, without any concealment.

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