"Bella, you and Sakura stay here, I'll go and tell Ori about this."

  "Eh? Won't you take me with you?" Bella raised her head in surprise, "If you meet the enemy later..."

  "Don't worry." Xia You smiled and patted her head: "Didn't you also say that the magician looks weak."

  Just kidding, the two rituals have awakened the Demon Eye of Death, and Ori has not disappeared.

  In terms of combat power, even if she is only ten years old now, it is not something that a mere soldier magician can threaten.

  When shopping for clothes today, he saw with his own eyes that the girl was hiding a knife in her sleeve as if nothing had happened.

  Zhike is known as a super powerful killing machine that "can easily kill anyone with anything in hand", with a knife in hand, and with the magic eye of death, nothing can be cut!

  Unless you come across Araiya Zonglian.

  But if it was that guy, the two ceremonies were even less likely to be dangerous—at least for now, the chess pieces such as Ogawa Apartment, Wutiao Kirie, Asakami Fujino, and Shirai Junrio have not yet been in place.

  A magician who has been searching for the root cause, he will never start easily until he is fully prepared.

  Instead of going to report the letter, Xia You wanted to take this opportunity to get rid of Bella and find a chance to be alone with the two ceremonies.

  Watching the boy close the door and leave here, Bella sat quietly on the sofa for a while, then suddenly stood up.

  After asking the staff at the hotel, she turned on the TV in the living room, took out the game cassette and controller, and let people bring a lot of snacks. She smiled and said to Matou Sakura who was beside her:

  "Xiao Ying, remember to lock the door and stay in the room to play. Sister, go to Brother Xia You and take a look."

  After she finished speaking, she pointed to the game console, handle, and cassette on the coffee table:

  "This game console... well, I don't know how to make things made by humans. You should be able to install them yourself?"

  Matou Sakura nodded obediently, hesitated for a moment, and then whispered:

  "Sister Bella, if you go out now, you shouldn't be able to catch up with Brother Xia You, right?"

  "Don't worry." The girl smiled and patted the little girl's head lightly with her hand, "Have you forgotten, before I turned into a human, I was a wolf!"


  As one of the four major families of exorcism, the Liangyi family has been extremely prosperous since more than a hundred years ago. In modern times, it has carved up a piece of the island country's capital market based on the profound heritage accumulated in the past.

  Because the family has been experimenting with the "Omnipotent Man", it is inevitable that they will be disturbed by the outside world. They live in a relatively remote place, deep in the bamboo forest on the outskirts of Guanbuzi City.

  At this time, the two ceremonies have entered the bamboo forest, and they are walking on a flat path paved with cobblestones, listening to the clear chirping of the birds around them, with a calm expression.

  The afterglow of the setting sun shone down from the sky, and through the dots of light scattered by the emerald green bamboo leaves, the pure white clothes on the girl's body were dyed a brilliant golden color.

  After changing her personality, although her appearance has not changed, her words, deeds, and ways of thinking have changed a lot.

  Shi is not as optimistic and cheerful as Zhi's, his character is more gloomy, nor is Zhi's strong and calm, seemingly indifferent, but his heart is weaker.Under the education of Liangyi's family, the quiet beauty of women can be highlighted.

  ・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・

  She represents the calm end of the "two ceremonies", and she is generally able to take it lightly in the face of anyone and anything.

  However, the current girl is full of irritability.

  "Really, why did Zhi deliberately share all the memories of today with me so carefully!"

  Grabbing his short black hair hard, the two rituals suddenly stopped, frowned tightly, and complained in a low voice.

  Because of the way of education and nature, even facing the same person, the choice direction of the two personalities, style and weaving, will be different for the same thing.

  However, after recalling how she got along with Xia You today, the girl was surprised to find that even if she was present, whether it was being held by the boy, hugged, or confessed.

  She didn't have any resentment at all.

  He may speak coldly, but deep down, he is not really angry about it.

  Funny sense of synchronization.

  "That guy named Xia You..."

  Just remembering the name, a clear smile instantly appeared in my mind.

  This made the girl a little distracted, she slowly raised her hand, tore the bamboo leaves beside her boredly, and asked herself:

  "Is he really that good? He's an ordinary guy, he likes to take advantage of girls, but he suddenly opens his mouth to confess, and his speech is even more messy! There is a lot of nonsense, a lot of big talk... By the way, there is also a man around him. Blonde slut!"

  Thinking of the beautiful girl named "Bella" who used her eyes to make various provocations and warnings from time to time throughout the whole day, the two ceremonies raised an inexplicable anger.

  Then she tore the bamboo leaves even harder.

  "It's disgusting no matter how you look at it!"

  After complaining indignantly again, the girl dropped the emerald green leaf in her hand, took a deep breath, and stood still for a while.

  Wait until the mood regains calm before continuing to move forward.

  I have been missing for a day and a night, and I really should go back.

  But just after taking a few steps, she stopped abruptly and turned to look at the bamboo forest beside her.

  A sharp light radiated from those dark eyes.

  The spiritual sense, who has been practicing kendo for many years, is constantly reminding himself that there is an extremely unfamiliar footstep full of unknown maliciousness, which is rapidly approaching here.

Chapter 140 Bamboo Forest

  The setting sun made the bamboo forest turn golden.

  The two rituals stood silently on the spot, with their pretty faces on their faces, as if they were unaware of the approaching unfamiliar footsteps.

  But the little white hands covered by the wide cuffs had already grasped the handle of a small knife.

  This small knife, similar to a dagger, is a weapon that she never leaves her body all year round. Even if she changed her kimono today, it still did not fall.

  The purpose of carrying weapons is not actually for self-defense. This should be a strange hobby developed under the influence of the killing intent in the heart.

  It may be that he sensed the change in the girl's eyes, and the footsteps that were approaching in the distance paused for a moment.

  In the next instant, a gentle breeze blew quietly from the bamboo forest.

  Several translucent ropes that seemed to be composed of gas were looming in the light of the setting sun "Three Eight Seven", they merged into the wind, deftly bypassed the large bamboo in front, and shot towards the girl quickly.

  "what is this?"

  The two rituals were full of surprises for the attack method they had never seen before.

  The family didn't teach her much about the arcane side.

  Although the Liangyi family is a family of demons, but in modern times, with the development of science and technology, the mysterious decline, coupled with the influence of other factors, led to fewer and fewer monsters such as human beings and demons.

  Correspondingly, the four major families of retreating demons are also in decline, gradually declining, and basically completely disconnected from the mysterious side.

  Facing this unknown means of attack, the girl did not panic, she moved gently, and her figure flashed to the side nimbly.

  The white kimono sleeves seemed to undulate a few times, and in the blink of an eye, her person appeared a few meters away.

  After dodging a few transparent ropes, the two rituals glanced at the corners of their eyes, but found that the ropes turned a corner and were quickly turning back, like a whip that was unfolded, winding and extending, sweeping across the void horizontally, trying to knock her out. tied up.


  The two ceremonies snorted lightly, bent their knees slightly, and jumped up from the spot, their feet in clogs, and stepped on a bamboo beside them.

  The originally straight and flexible bamboo joints were instantly pressed and bent, and then suddenly bounced in the opposite direction.

  With the help of this reaction force, the girl's petite figure drew a perfect arc in the void and flew towards the opposite bamboo forest like lightning.

  The pure white clothes fluttered in the wind, making the figure of flying in the sky light and graceful, like a swan dancing gracefully.

  After falling to the ground, the girl quickly turned her head, holding the dagger, and looked forward vigilantly.

  A few ropes didn't catch the prey, which seemed quite unwilling. They circled around in place for a while before they dissipated silently and turned into air again.

  The rising air waves reverberated towards the surroundings, making the wind in the bamboo forest high and fast.

  "What the hell is that?"

  While observing the surroundings, the girl frowned and pondered, feeling very puzzled.

  He was both puzzled by the sudden attack on himself, and surprised by the unknown attack method.

  At this moment, a voice with approval came into her ears.

  "It's a leopard-like agile response."

  With the rubbing sound of "rustling" on the fallen leaves, an unfamiliar figure slowly walked out from the bamboo forest on the other side.

  This guy who appeared suddenly, with a calm smile on his face, raised his hand to push aside the bamboo leaves, bypassed a few bamboos in front of him blocking the road, and stopped at the place where the girl just stood.

  The two rituals frowned and looked at the uninvited guests in front of them.

  Judging from his appearance, he was a typical Western man, wearing a tuxedo suit, a felt hat, and a short staff inlaid with gems in his hand.

  There is no doubt that this guy is the magician Blaise.

  He followed the two ceremonies all the way, and when he saw the girl walking into a secluded and deep bamboo forest, he immediately prepared to start impatiently.

  A three-year-old child, carrying money in a busy city, is fast and slow.

  Blaise was really worried that other magicians would find out by accident.

  But the girl's incomparably neat dodging movement just now made him shudder, and he gradually became serious, and no longer regarded the girl in front of him as a weak and bullying lamb.

  The first time I saw the mysterious side attack method of "magic", the two rituals were also full of vigilance against the man in front of them.

  In this way, the two stood in the bamboo forests on both sides, separated by a cobblestone-paved path, and silently confronted each other.

  "Girl, I want something from you."

  After a while, Blaise spoke softly, breaking the silence of the scene.

  The two rituals were still vigilant with the dagger in front of them, and they did not answer, and there was indifference in those dark eyes.

  To strangers, especially strangers who have become enemies, girls have always had this attitude.

  In fact, according to the character of "style" who hates trouble, she should take the initiative to hand over the right to use her body now, and let the "weaving" in her body solve this enemy whose means is unknown——

  In terms of combat effectiveness, Weaving strengthened her more than a little bit.

  A personality born specifically for "denial" is an absolute killing machine.

  However, for some unknown reason, this thought flashed in the girl's mind for a second, and was quickly dismissed.

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