He thought silently in his heart.

  The magic eye is an extremely rare "talent" that cannot be "created" at all, and the magic eye with such a powerful effect is even more rare!

  As a magician of the Clock Tower, and a member of the noble family, Blaise has always been proud of himself and the surname "Archibald".

  Contempt for other short-lived magicians and ordinary people who have no magic power.

  Even now, Blaise's mentality has not changed, always thinking that he can win.

  Therefore, for the little girl on the opposite side, the stronger the mutant eye she carries, the greater the gain for him.


  After the two rituals took back the dagger, they exhaled softly.

  As if all the anxiety and hesitation had been spit out, she just felt relieved.

  As long as the Demon Eye of Death can destroy the enemy's attack, no matter how strange his methods are, he cannot stop him.

  If there are still things blocking the road ahead, kill them all with one strike!

  The girl instantly became full of confidence.

  She threw the dagger in her hand, and before the other side had time to launch other attacks, she bent down slightly and kept her body leaning forward.

  The toes just lightly tap the ground, and the whole person is like an arrow from the string, against the bamboo leaves blown up by the wind, like a dexterous dragon, and starts to dash forward.

  Those beautiful eyes intertwined with red and blue stared straight ahead, and there were bright spots of light in the pupils that continued to flash.

  "Hmph, just a mere little girl!"

  Seeing that the two ceremonies took the initiative to attack, Blaise's body quickly retreated backwards, but a contemptuous snort came out of his mouth, and his words were bitter and mean:

  "Those little tricks just now are just out of my kindness and compassion, to reserve enough time for you to reminisce about your short life experience, as for now... bet on the honor of the surname Archipelude , I will let you have a good experience, the magician's elegant and wise fighting style!"

  "Open your eyes and watch!"

  While speaking, Blaise raised his hand and kept drawing complicated runes in the air.

  Two crescent-shaped wind blades flickering with blue light appeared from the void again, spinning and flying towards the two rituals on the opposite side.

  After sending out a few wind blades, he didn't look at the result of his attack, opened his mouth quickly, and a large string of strange syllables slowly spit out from his deep throat.

  During this process, the surrounding magic power did not fluctuate abnormally, but the short staff that Blaise had been holding tightly in his right hand, the gorgeous gems on the top, quietly lit up.


  When faced with the attack that had left her helpless before, the girl's expression was unusually flat.

  The petite figure tapped on the toes, stepped on a bamboo next to it, and took advantage of the rebound to jump up high.

  Just turning over deftly in the air, he managed to dodge the first wind blade with ease.

  "Aren't all magic tricks?"

  After falling lightly to the ground, the two rituals raised doubts in their hearts, while staring at the approaching second wind blade with their magic eyes, carefully observing the distribution of dead lines.

  While running fast, she raised the weapon in her hand.

  The cold light flashed away in front of the void, and the wind blade was like a bubble struck by lightning, and disappeared in place without a sound.

  One-shot kill!

  Thanks to the strict teaching of Liangyi's family for many years, the girl's learning ability is very strong, and her adaptability is also very good. Under the condition of stable mental state, she will not miss at all.

  ".¨Whether it's a magician or something, all in all, this guy who suddenly blocked the road is really hateful, the sun is about to go down, and the trouble must be solved quickly... By the way! Before driving him away, he must be Ask the reason clearly, lest he will be entangled in the future..."

  Even though she was in a hurry by the unknown attack just now, the kind girl never thought of taking the life of her opponent here.

  The distance between the two was not too far, but in the past few seconds, the two ceremonies had already lined up all the obstacles in front of them and rushed to a place dozens of meters away from Blaise.

  "Huh? From the very beginning, he has been hiding in the dark, not daring to fight me directly. I thought he would be a timid guy like a mouse, but now it seems that his expression is still very calm... "

  After whispering softly, the two ceremonies waved their wide kimono sleeves and swept away a few scattered leaves in the air. They pressed their toes on the ground again, and threw themselves towards the enemy who was standing quietly in the same place dozens of meters away.

  While running, that petite figure actually brought a gust of wind, and the fallen leaves were blown up along the way.

  Blaze didn't seem panicked by the girl's aggressive attack, but the corners of his mouth rose slowly, pulling out a sneer.

Chapter 143 Battle (2)

  When the two were more than ten meters apart, the noble magician from the Clock Tower finally launched a corresponding counterattack.


  Blaise raised the short staff in his hand high and shouted.

  An extremely dazzling light flashed out from the gem at the top of the stub, like an explosion of flash bombs, and within a radius of [-] meters around him, it almost completely turned into a dazzling white.

  Affected by this strong light, the two rituals closed their eyes subconsciously, and the steps that were constantly advancing under their feet quickly stopped.

  The next moment, when she opened her eyes again, she found that her field of vision became pitch black.

  Like someone turning off the lights in a sealed room, or suddenly turning from day to night.

  But the memory of being in the bamboo forest just now was trying to remind her that both were illusions.

  "Magic or something, it's really a weird method... That timid guy, can't you just stand there and let me slash!"

  The girl stepped back without hesitation, and only after she thought it was a safe distance did she lean back on a bamboo, prick up her ears, try her best to concentrate her hearing, and be alert to the movements around her.

  There was something wrong with her vision system.

  In short, the two rituals are now... become blind people who cannot see!

  "Little girl, the ability and strength of the magic eye can't represent everything. The magician's battle requires experience and wisdom... It's a pity, you have all the qualities, but no one teaches them. All these basic elements are lack!"

  The enemy's slightly smug voice seemed to be emanating from all directions at the same time, making it impossible to judge where he was.

  The magic eye is an extremely convenient means of attack.

  There is no need to chant syllables, or complex gestures and various rituals. Just by focusing your eyes, you can instantly cast spells and act on the enemy.

  If you want to deal with a magician with magic eyes, you must first hide yourself and not enter the caster's field of vision, and then consider other tactical plans.

  However, if the holder of the magic eye is not a magician, but an ordinary person who has no magic power and does not know magic...

  Then the method is much simpler.

  An advanced level of blindness is enough to seal the magic eye!

  The magic eye is a spell that is activated by concentrating the line of sight, and if the wielder's eyes cannot see clearly, it will become useless.

  If this method is used to deal with magicians, it is actually not ideal.

  Generally, magicians with magic eyes, in order to prevent their magic eyes from being easily sealed, they will study the means of resisting various blindness spells.

  In addition, with the mysterious blessing, the magician's "anti-magic" attribute should not be underestimated. The blindness spell can only interfere with the magician for a short period of time.

  As a member of the Archibald family, although Blaise despised others, he did not despise his opponent.

  The blindness technique just now was the trump card he used to deal with the two rituals.

  It was because he found out that the girl was just an ordinary person and had not even opened the magic circuit, so he took it so calmly that he even made a move without any preparation.

  The wind blowing in the bamboo forest has completely stopped, and the messy fallen leaves floated back to the ground again. The battle just now made all the nearby birds escape from here, and the surrounding wind and waves were calm and silent.

  The two ceremonies holding the dagger, quietly leaning against the bamboo, motionless, like an exquisite sculpture.

  Only when there is turbulence around her, will she stretch up her body vigilantly and quickly wave the blade in her hand in the direction of the sound source.

  At this moment, Blaise's mocking voice came from all directions:

  "Oh, what a ridiculous move. I admit that your fighting skills do have merit, but now that you are a blind man, will the knife that once destroyed magic still have the slightest lethality?"

  The two ceremonies did not answer, and were still cautiously guarding the surroundings.

  She had a hunch in her heart that her blindness would never last long.

  "God really loves you! A little girl who doesn't understand magic at all has a talent that can be called 'rare' for us magicians..."

  Blaise's voice resounded around again, seemingly with regret and some kind of resentment:

  "That pair of powerful mutant eyes appearing on an ordinary person like you is simply a great waste (bcaa)!"

  After a while, his tone changed again, and he laughed in a low voice:

  "Although the magic eye cannot be created, nor can it be transferred to another person for normal use, but it can be regarded as a precious research material..."

  "If the magic eye that can cause damage to the formed magic, if you decipher the arrangement of the magic circuits, I believe that inside the clock tower, it will definitely cause a sensation!"

  The magic eye in the moon world can use its eyes to activate spells because there is a natural magic circuit inside its eyeballs.

  And the magic circuit is the strange nerve connecting the two ends of the body and the soul, between the virtual and the real, the circuit in the eyeball is more delicate and delicate, and there is no room for mistakes.

  In theory, the magic eye is basically impossible to transplant to another person.

  Even if it is forcibly transplanted, there will be all kinds of rejection, and the ability in the magic eye cannot be used normally.

  The enemy said these words, although the two rituals were heard in the ears, they were half understood.

  However, when she heard the word "magic eye", she blinked her big dark and blank eyes, and suddenly noticed something.

  It seems to be due to the lack of experience in using the magic eye for the first time, and the influence of the strong light just now, so the current girl has withdrawn from the state of the magic eye of death.

  "If you continue to open it, can you solve this dilemma?"

  The two rituals that did not know the principle of the magic eye at all, he thought silently in his heart, and opened his own magic eye of death again.

  The clear eyes were instantly lit up with brilliant colors.

  "It's still pitch black in front of you, but you can clearly see all kinds of lines... The situation isn't too bad!"

  Compared with other magic eyes, the death magic eye is special.

  Although it also interprets the "death" of things through eyes, that ability comes from the connection of the root. Even if the line of sight is cut off, the dead lines and dead spots can still be seen.

  In order to cope with this unfavorable situation, the girl immediately made flexible plans:

  "Since everything has lines on its body, as long as you pay attention to the 'lines' moving around, you can effectively prevent enemy sneak attacks!"

  In this quiet bamboo forest, if something dynamic appears, it is basically the enemy.

  After opening the magic eye, the girl squeezed the handle of the knife in her hand, glanced back quickly, and leaned on the bamboo again, and did not leave the place rashly.

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