It's not you who confesses to anyone!We chased one of them, can the other escape?

  A dual personality or something, after all, can't be split into two bodies and two souls, it's just a change in personality.

  Leaving aside the messy experiments in Liangyi's house, its essence is actually a mental disorder.

  But for the two ceremonies, she prefers that others regard "style" and "weaving" as two different people.


  After a dry cough, Xia You organized the language in her heart and spoke slowly:

  "Maybe you don't believe it. At the moment when the weaving was made this morning, I vaguely noticed that there were some differences between her and the girl I rescued last night..."

  Hearing this, the two rituals who were originally bowing their heads raised their eyes slightly with surprise.

  "Because of Zhi's character... how do you say it?" Xia You rubbed her hands together and smiled awkwardly:

  "I think a lively and cheerful person like her would not be able to show such a quiet and soft sleeping face even if she is in a coma, and she mentioned 'shi' several times in the morning, so... .."

  The two ceremonies on the opposite side didn't know what Xia You wanted to express, and still stood there silently.

  "When I accidentally rescued you last night, I thought... um, this girl is so beautiful, and she looks very weak, and she must have a good personality... 々' ."

  When he said this, the two rituals suddenly turned to the side and interrupted him:

  "Sorry, in fact I'm not weak at all, and I'm not very good at all."

  There was no joy or anger in the light tone.

  Xia You was stunned, smiled helplessly, and continued to speak on her own:

  "I spent a whole day with Ori today. Although her personality is slightly different from what I thought, she is also quite cute. In addition, the feeling of heartbeat when we first met last night, and in the labyrinth, she also It seemed that I was confused by something, so I couldn't help but say those words..."

  As Xia You's voice stopped, the bamboo forest became quiet again.

  The two rituals of standing sideways, silently chewing on the meaning of the words, the faint blush on the pretty face became more and more obvious.

  The person in front of her made a vague, obscure and very sudden confession to her——

  Although it was not explained in detail, the meaning of Xia You's words both inside and outside of the words, "You made me very moved when I was in a coma last night, so after I met Zhi today, even if her character is the same as the girl I portrayed in my heart. It's different, but because of that strong heartbeat, I still confessed to her." This kind of feeling.

  In other words, the confession in the labyrinth could be seen as telling Shiki and Ori at the same time.

  Well, in what Xia You said just now, Xia You didn't say anything clearly at all, just made some verbal inducements.

  He counted the girl in front of him, and he liked everything to himself, and he was not the kind of person who liked to get to the bottom of it.

  Sure enough, in the next second, the two rituals suddenly turned around without saying a word, raised their legs and wanted to walk forward.

  Seeing that she no longer asked, Xia You breathed a sigh of relief, but she was a little uneasy, not sure if her little trick just now was seen through.

  However, he remembered that the two ceremonies were still injured, and quickly stepped forward and firmly grasped her hand:

  "Hey, your ankle isn't healed yet, I'll take you back!"

  "No, I..."

  The girl shook her hand and was about to say refusal, but Xia You had already circled in front of her, squatted down slightly, and her words had unquestionable toughness:

  "Come up, I'll carry you back!"

  A man and a woman stood in a stalemate for a while. Seeing that Xia You was always in front of him, his posture remained unchanged, the two rituals hesitated for a moment, and finally they carefully stretched out their hands and slowly put them on the back of his neck.

  The petite body in a kimono hugged the boy's back.


  The setting sun gradually began to sink into the horizon, but the afterglow still radiated light and heat.

  The breeze was blowing slowly, and the green thin bamboos, together with the leaves on the branches, swayed gently.

  In the late spring of the island country, there is already a little summer heat.

  At least the girl who was carried on her back by Xia You, the soft body under the kimono, was gradually getting hot.

  The faint pink color melted on the snow-white skin, exuding a beautiful halo.

  "...Hey, what's your usual life like?"

  Suddenly, the young and gentle voice was heard in the ear, and the two rituals only felt their hearts skip a beat.

  She took a deep breath, calmed down the unknown panic, and answered lightly in her usual tone:

  "Learn a lot of knowledge, practice kendo... These things, Ori has already told you today."

  "Well, Zhi has said a lot." Xia You sideways smiled: "However, you and Zhi have different personalities. Even in the same living environment, your views and attitudes towards the surrounding things will definitely be different... ..."

  "There's no difference."

  After thinking about the two ceremonies lying on Xia You's back, he finally picked out some of his own life experiences and told them slowly.

  Although the girl's indifferent tone caused her to be like a bystander, stating the lives of others, Xia You always grasped some details, and asked questions in a timely manner, or sent her to her arms with words.

  In this way, the topic is coherent and natural, and it will not be cold.

  One of the two has the memory of weaving, and the other has read the original book, and they are not unfamiliar with each other. After chatting all the way, they gradually deepened their impression of each other.

  The so-called hero saving beauty, love at first sight, etc., are actually not very reliable. They are simple stories that only happen in fairy tales.

  The kind of "love over time" that slowly engraves each other's figures into their respective lives in the course of mutual communication should be the most authentic way of emotional management.

  The young man is working hard for this.


  Sorry, I rushed out of the chapter while working overtime.

  Nothing has changed.

  I originally wanted to end this chapter, but look at the time, let's post it first, there are hundreds of words at the end of this paragraph, and I will explain it tomorrow.

  Well, the protagonist will go back to his hometown tomorrow...

Chapter 157 Goodbye Weaving

  Most of the fiery red sunset like a circle sank into the horizon in the distance, but the afterglow still refused to disperse, quietly sprinkled in the reflection of the sunset drifting on the horizon.

  In the green bamboo forest, the two figures who depended on each other talked softly, walking leisurely and smoothly.

  With the last splendor reflected by the setting sun, a long shadow was also drawn under their feet.

  The two ceremonies quietly leaning on Xia You's back, staring at a quaint house that can be vaguely seen in the distance, while still talking calmly in his mouth, his clear black pupils glanced aside involuntarily.

  Unconsciously, his eyes began to wander, chasing the shadows under the two of them.

  The shadow followed Xia You's forward footsteps, and slowly swept across the smooth cobblestone-paved path, swept across the surrounding bamboos standing straight, and seemed to turn into a gentle and continuous warm wind, swept across this late spring end of season.

  For sentimental girls.

  Spring is easy to worry, autumn is sentimental.

  The two ceremonies now have such a touch.

  The faintly visible end made the girl's heart a little melancholy.

  For a moment, she actually wanted to carry her boy on her back and walk slower.

  However, no matter how long the road is, there will always be an end.

  As she got closer and closer to Liangyi's house, a faint smell of parting began to spread out, covering her heart.

  The green leaves swayed slightly in the breeze, and the girl's originally peaceful heart seemed to be wrinkled.

  Circles of ripples and ripples slowly reverberated, just like her mood at the moment, broken and messy.

  Xia You was unaware of the hesitation in the heart of the two ceremonies 417, still chatting casually, walking forward for a while, and seeing that there was no way ahead, he turned a corner.

  Suddenly I found that the sheep intestines path under my feet had become a wide avenue before I knew it.

  Following the gap between the bamboo and the leaves, looking at the past, an ancient mansion with a huge area and full of Japanese flavor is quietly sitting in the depths of this quiet bamboo forest.

  At the same time, the faint voice of the girl behind him also entered his ears:

  "Xia You, let me down."

  Obviously, it was the house of the Liangyi family. Along the way, the two ceremonies had already arrived at the door.

  Time goes by so quickly that it makes me sad.

  Xia You sighed secretly in her heart, but she didn't hesitate, she chuckled softly, slowly squatted down, and carefully put the girl back on the ground.

  He raised his hand to support her again, and softly warned:

  "Remember to apply the medicine when you go back. Your ankle is just sprained. It's not a big problem, but you have to rest for a few days. It's best to stop practicing kendo first..."

  After some small talk just now, Xia You was very familiar with the daily rhythm of the two ceremonies. Knowing that she would spend a few hours every day honing her kendo skills, rain or shine, she said the words of advice above.

  Pieces and pieces, after explaining like an old woman, a man and a woman have been standing there for several minutes (bcaj).

  The faint twilight forms a shadow that appears silently, constantly swallowing the afterglow of the sunset.

  The evening wind was blowing with a little chill, and the bamboo leaves beside the two were making a rustling sound like a wind chime.

  She raised her head and glanced in front of her. Seeing that the Liangyi's house was still a long way from here, Xia You hesitated for a moment, but still smiled and said:

  "Do you need me to deliver you to your door?"

  In the final analysis, the Four Great Demon Exorcism Clan seems to be just like that. They don't have any sharp eyes at all.

  Otherwise, in Misaki City, how could the Seven Nights clan live next to the Tono clan for so many years, and they would have called the door to get rid of the demons long ago.

  So he put aside his previous scruples and wanted to go to Liangyi's house for a light meal as a friend.

  Maybe stay for a night.

  However, the girl did not give him this chance at all.

  "No, I can go by myself."

  The two rituals shook their heads and finished speaking calmly. They took a deep look at the black-haired boy on the opposite side again, and without saying goodbye, they turned around very simply and stepped forward.

  This unrepentant indifference gave Xia You a toothache.

  What about being friends?

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