Therefore, Ertuluqi, who was born with the blood of a dead disciple, was angered by most of the true ancestors.

  And because Roja, the leader of the first-generation burial agency, would sow discord at the side from time to time, causing some of the more radical true ancestors to even propose expelling Heiji.

  Accidentally learned about these things, and in a fit of rage, Eltluqi simply followed the call of her own blood and led all the remaining dead disciples out of the Millennium City.

  It can be said that it was the act of benevolence to many Yuanzu-level dead disciples that made Hei Ji become the de facto leader of the dead disciples. For nearly a thousand years, even Duke Bai Yigong could not provoke her. .

  Seeing that the former slaves and blood bags were huddled together because of Hei Ji, and their power became stronger and stronger, the true ancestors of Millennium City were naturally unhappy, so they turned the newly born Bai Ji into a killing machine. , let her go on a crusade against Heiji.

  During the battle between the sisters, the actions of two people had a great impact on the situation of the battle.

  The first one was Roja who made a sneak attack on Elteruki.

  He made a move with all his strength, so that Hei Ji still needs to lurk in the dark, silently recuperating.

  The second person pointed out Heiji's weakness to Roja, and taught a powerful technique that allowed Roja to seriously injure Kuroji with a single blow... Meilian Solomon.

  Mei Lian went to chase and kill Elter Luqi herself after she was seriously injured.

  It was not until I heard about the accident that happened in Millennium City that I stopped helplessly.

  "It has nothing to do with the burial agency or previous friendship."

  Staring at Duke Bai Yi with unpredictable eyes, Meilian Solomon said lightly:

  "The death of Nero Kaos has caused the dead disciple to fall into a state of microseconds. In a short period of time, once he damages several ancestors on Heiji's side..."

  Although the Heiji faction and the Baiyi Gong faction often fight to death in private, as long as there are ancestors in the world, it is an invisible shock to the Church of the Holy Church and mankind.

  The powerful 27 Ancestors forced those forces to compromise with the Death Apostles, roughly dividing each Death Apostle's territory, as well as the number of prey every year within the territory.

  If it exceeds, then the crusade will be carried out.

  "I really didn't expect that you, who joined the burial organization for nearly a thousand years, would actually worry about our entire dead disciples?"

  "As I get older, I don't want to see any more storms. The balance I maintain now can save a lot of trouble..."

  Spreading his hands with a smile on his face, Meilian Solomon turned a blind eye to Bai Yigong's meaningful eyes, and continued in a relaxed tone:

  "Don't the Duke think so, fighting to the death every day, how can it be interesting to hunt for treasures?"

  "Oh? Eight hundred years ago, I tried my best to suppress and destroy our dead disciples, and even joined the church as an ancestor, and even supported the entire burial institution..."

  Bai Yigong grinned, and a mocking smile slowly appeared on his majestic face:

  "Such a person now says 'I don't want to experience the storm again'. Is it because time has worn away your ambition, or..."

  "Is it because killing Heiji at this time is not in line with your long-cherished wish to resurrect the King of the Moon?"

  As soon as these words fell, Meilian Solomon, who had a relaxed expression below, suddenly narrowed his calm dark eyes, emitting a sharp light like a blade.

  "Otten Roche, I don't understand what you mean."

  "Do you want me to speak more clearly?"

  With a slight flick of his cloak, Duke Bai Yi on the throne walked down the stairs again, and spoke as he walked:

  "A thousand years ago, Ertuluqi led many dead disciples to leave the Millennium City and set up their own business. You will want to use Roja's hand to get rid of her, otherwise, once the dead disciples grow and suppress the true ancestor, the king of the moon will There is no chance of resurrection... tsk tsk, what a loyal servant!"

  With a few words in his mouth, Duke Bai Yi ignored Mei Lian's increasingly ugly face and continued to reveal the past:

  "However, you can't count it, and Roja is not a worry-free guy. When you took someone to hunt down Hei Ji, he actually took the opportunity to exchange blood with Bai Ji, which caused Bai Ji to run wild. , so that the entire Millennium City has become a dead place, and all the true ancestors have been slaughtered and slaughtered!"

  "The inherent barrier held by the King of the Moon can only be resurrected with the help of the blood of the true ancestor, so you let go of the mixed-race Heiji, but you are afraid that the side of the dead disciple will gradually grow uncontrollably, threatening the only remaining true ancestor in the world, He also endured the awkwardness and, as the 27th ancestor of the dignified ancestry, supported the poor burial institution at that time, and relied on the huge resources of the church.

, silently restrain me from waiting for the side of the dead apostle..."

  The burial institution of that year was indeed poor and in vain. It had just been established, and before it was stabilized, the first-generation leader Roja was killed for deceiving Bai Ji.

  If it wasn't for Mei Lian, the ancestor, he would have been annihilated in history long ago.

  After all, their philosophy of "don't ask about belief, don't ask about birth, strength is supreme" is too different from that of the Holy Church.

  "These are just your guesses, right? Have I ever done anything beneficial to the resurrection of the Moon King?"

  With a gloomy face, he watched Bai Yigong silently for a while, but Meilian Solomon suddenly calmed down again, he raised his eyebrows, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth:

  "It is true that I still miss the king, but even so, I understand the truth of 2.4 - thousands of years have passed, if he could be resurrected, the king should have been resurrected long ago!"

  "You don't need to do anything at all!" Bai Yi looked at Mei Lian Solomon for a while, then slowly shook his head: "You just need to wait for Bai Ji to be completely dominated by the blood-sucking impulse!"

  "As for the existence of Hei Ji... any plan in this world will have changes, relying on her true ancestor mixed blood, can barely be regarded as a substitute, at a critical moment, may become the helpless choice of the Moon King. "

  "Lord Duke, I've already said it, it's just your guess." A smile flashed at the corner of Melian Solomon's mouth, and he spread his hands gently:

  "As a member of Zu, I don't want your selfishness to break the balance, stir up the storm, and affect my peaceful life."

  "So, please forgive me for not being able to contact the burial agency for you..."

  Seeing Zu on the opposite side with a fearless expression, Duke Bai Yi smiled again:

  "Do you think that what I said just now is to convince you?"


  Meilian Solomon's expression changed slightly, and before he could move, he heard a "bang", and two heavy doors in the distance flew over and smashed into his feet.

  Accompanied by the mutation, there is also a sonorous and powerful female voice:

  "Zhu Yue will never have a chance to be resurrected!"

  "In the name of Narubalek, I hereby promise!"


  In a hurry, I couldn't divide the chapters, so I sent a two-in-one, four thousand words.

  Suddenly I feel bad, after all, no one voted today.

Chapter 164 Cooperation

  After Maylyn Solomon, there was a new visitor in the closed castle of Duke Whitewing.

  It was a woman with a whip in her hand.

  She is about twenty-five or six years old, her skin is different from the white skin of ordinary Europeans, and she has a slightly healthy bronze. She is wearing a compact men's clothing similar to a military uniform. Under her feet, long leather boots go straight to the knees, and several small Black iron chain, wrapped around it.

  Two sheathless daggers were hung on the left and right sides of the pair of slender long legs. As she walked, they would occasionally collide with the iron chains, causing a crisp sound of "ding dong".

  On the woman's beautiful face, a strand of brown bangs firmly blocked her right eye, and only the slender left eye was exposed. In her eyes, a sharp light like a blade occasionally flashed, and it seemed to be exuding inexplicable at any time. malicious.

  Her figure and appearance are remarkable, and she can be regarded as an alternative and very attractive woman. However, her temper does not seem to be very good. Before entering, she directly kicked the door of the hall.

  "Naru...Barek! You actually—"

  Looking at the figure walking slowly into this closed hall, Meilian Solomon, who had a calm expression originally, stared at the boss, as if he had seen a ghost.

  In the next second, a thunderous short explosion sounded in the hall.


  A bloodstained long whip pulled up a string of phantoms in the air and landed heavily on the sluggish ancestor.The strength is so great that even his neat white robe has a broken hole.

  "Mei Lian, I always thought that you have already deeply realized the difference between upper and lower..."

  The woman known as Narubalek retracted her leather whip, wrapped it around her waist at will, walked to Meilian Solomon and stood still, her slender left eye narrowed slightly, and a trace of cruelty slowly disappeared from her eyes. buffer overflow.

  With just a swipe of her hand, she pinched the dagger beside her right leg in her palm, and while turning the gleaming weapon, looked up and down at the opposite Zu.

  Just like an executioner who is proficient in slaughtering, observing his favorite prey and looking for the position of the knife, the malicious expression is particularly obvious:

  "But now it seems that I still don't think enough about your subordinate's training..."

  Suffering a whip, Mei Lian seemed to wake up from a dream. He took a few steps back, frowned tightly, and stared at the woman who suddenly appeared in front of him:


  Seeing that the woman's posture of turning the dagger suddenly stopped, and the weapon in her hand seemed to be about to shoot, he quickly changed his words:

  "Director, why are you here?"

  The woman seemed quite satisfied with this title, she nodded, and put the dagger back into her leg again.

  He raised his hands again, folded them in front of xiong, raised his head slightly, and swept his gaze towards Meilian Solomon with a strong gaze, and then landed on Duke Bai Yi in the distance. His eyes were sharp, but his voice was soft and slow, and he seemed very polite:

  "Since Bai Yigong sincerely invited me, as the leader of the burial agency, how could I, Narubalek, not be willing to go to the appointment!"

  With only a small price, she was able to successfully slay several ancestors again. With this temptation and attraction, even Longtan Tiger's Den was worth a visit.

  "But here—"

  Before Mei Lian could finish her words, she was interrupted by Narubalek's dejected remarks:

  "Hey, yes, this can be regarded as the base camp on the side of the dead. It is indeed a little dangerous for me, the leader of the burial agency, to come here..."

  A slightly crazy smile slowly expanded on that young face:

  "So, in order to be able to leave safely, I had to bring Hebrew and Malkan... Well, they were also worried when they came out, so they took the second and third holy books with them. already."

  "Also, please be sure to take the stomach book... By the way, Nahat has been sealed in the mirror cell for hundreds of years, and it seems that he wants to come out..."

  Mei Lian frowned secretly.

  Hebrew and McCann are the second and third-ranked members of the Burial Authority.

  The second holy scripture and third holy scripture they were holding were nothing more than that. Although that kind of attire was strong, it had certain limitations and could not be a strategic weapon to reverse the situation.

  But the "Stomach Realm", even Meilian Solomon, who is the ancestor, would be helpless, and would never even want to be hostile to those who hold the Stomach Realm.

  I believe that the same is true of Bai Yigong.

  While shocked, Mei Lian quietly looked back again.

  Sure enough, not far from Otten Roche, the original expression full of majesty has been replaced by a deep solemnity.

  It is rumored that this dress is from the stomach of the 24th-ranked ancestor "El Nahat" after the burial organization defeated him. With this dress, you can summon the full form of Nahat. .

  Even among the many ancestors, Nahart's ability is very special - in a one-on-one situation, he can almost certainly wipe out any opponent.

  Although he kills his opponent, he himself will perish, but as long as he rests for decades, he can recover.

  After the burial agency made Nahat into a ceremonial dress, it formed a nuclear bomb-like deterrent——

  As long as Narubalek disregards other consequences and can withstand the mad revenge, almost every few decades, he can rely on the scriptures of the stomach world to destroy and kill any ancestor of his disciples.

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