Although there are still doubts in his heart, now is a good opportunity to escape, so Xia You quietly squeezed into the crowd while the reporters surrounded Takatsuki Spring, and hurried towards the crowd with envy and hatred eyes. Go far.

  At the same time, antique coffee shops.

  While humming a song, I was cleaning the bar, and when I looked up, I saw a certain gossip news playing on the TV in the coffee shop.

  "Everyone, this is Sakura TV... Izumi Takatsuki, who debuted at the age of fourteen and hasn't had any scandals for ten years, this popular writer, finally announced her secret relationship today! Then her boyfriend, who is the lucky man..."

  As soon as the picture turned, a pair of male and female figures appeared on the screen. The handsome male and female, Zhong Xiu had aura, and the silhouettes snuggled together, which seemed to match very well.

  At this time, the two were quietly embracing each other in front of the screen, picking up Wen.

  Glancing at the picture on the TV, the rag in Rinjian Xuan's hand fell to the ground with a click.

  After a while, a panicked cry suddenly came from the coffee shop.

  "Dong Xiang... Dong Xiang sauce! Come down quickly! Your food reserves are going to be taken away!"

Chapter 56 Putting you on the table

  Xia You, who was already sitting in the tram, was troubled and puzzled.

  That woman Takatsuki Izumi... what does she want?

  Judging from the last few sentences, she doesn't seem to be planning to pursue anything, as long as I don't join the CCG, she won't kill me?

  Why?Could it be because I woke up Hezi yesterday and was treated as a kind by her?

  But with that woman's nature, it's impossible to have the same kind of consciousness, right?

  With this puzzlement, he returned to District 20.

  Although he realized that Gao Tsukiquan no longer intends to pursue what happened yesterday, Xia You was still full of anxiety.

  Now that the random teleportation scroll has expired, and there is no way to escape at any time, he really dare not stay at home alone.

  "Well... Then in District 20, the only existence that can compete with the one-eyed owl..."

  Obviously, it was her father who did not kill.

  Xia You decided to go to the coffee shop to avoid the limelight for a few days.

  "Long time no see, everyone... Hey, do you close so early today? Why are you all gathered here?"

  More than an hour later, Xia You pushed open the door of the coffee shop, only to find that everyone, including the manager, was sitting quietly on both sides of the bar. When he appeared, they raised their heads together and stared at him. .

  "Cough, why are you looking at me like that?"

  Xia You coughed dryly, raised her hand and touched her face, "Is there anything dirty?"

  "Young man!" Li Jianxuan came over and patted him on the shoulder, then smiled and winked at him, "We really want to know one thing... We were just going to ask Dong Xiang to call you. Then you ran away by yourself."

  "what's up?"

  Xia You was dragged by her to the bar and sat down. He took the time to glance at the few people next to him, and found that Gu Jian Yuan'er looked curious, while Dong Xiang had a cold face and turned his head to the side not to look at him.

  As for the store manager, his eyes that had been squinting all the year round have quietly opened, and at this moment he was looking at Xia You with a complicated expression, hesitating to say anything.

  "Young man." I Jianxuan put her hand on Xia You's shoulder, resting her chin on the top of his head, and asked inadvertently:

  "I heard that you have been practicing kendo in retreat these days?"


  Xia You nodded, he has been busy upgrading these days, and it is understandable to say that it is a retreat.

  "Tsk tsk tsk..." Li Jianxuan glanced at the back of his head, then looked at him contemptuously, and shook his head: "How dare you do it and don't recognize it! These days, you should be with that What great writers got mixed up?"

  She picked up the remote control from the bar, turned on the TV not far away, and glared at Xia You: "Your relationship is on TV, and now you still want to hide it!"


  Xia You was completely dumbfounded when he saw the picture of him and Gao Tsukiquan embracing and receiving wen on the TV screen.

  Which TV station is so fast!Obviously no camera was seen at the scene!

  It wasn't until then that he realized why the group of Antiques suddenly closed, and then gathered here together, and even the store manager appeared.

  Gu Jian Yuaner and Li Jianxuan are just watching the fun, Dong Xiang must be jealous, as for the store manager...

  Xia You glanced quietly out of the corner of his eyes, and found that the store manager looked at him with a very complicated look, but he didn't look at his son-in-law at all.

  As soon as he changed his mind, he immediately guessed the reason.

  The store manager probably thought that Gao Tsukiquan was going to prey on Xia You, but now he is struggling with whether he should betray his daughter or not, remind Xia You...

  "Young man?" He was stunned, but Li Jianxuan was not stunned, she slowly brought her cheeks closer, her voice was low and full of playfulness: "Now is not the time for you to pretend to be stupid... "

  This long-haired royal sister pointed at Dong Xiang, who had a gloomy face next to her, and whispered intimidation:

  "We're saving you~ If you don't explain it quickly, look at Dong Xiangjiang's face, she'll probably put you on the table at night..."

  "Don't be so scary, okay..."

  Xia You smiled helplessly.

  Sure enough, there is a reason why human males rarely pair with ghoul females in this world.

  Nima, you have to be careful when you cheat, and prevent your wife from putting her on the table one day, who would dare to look at female ghouls...

  "Cough cough!" Xia You quietly glanced at Dong Xiang who was not far away, and quickly said with a solemn expression:

  "Actually, this is... By the way, I have always been a loyal book fan of Takatsuki Izumi. I participated in her prize contest last time, but I forgot to accept the prize, so this time... that... considered to make up for the last blessing~benefits......"

  "Humph!" Dong Xiang snorted coldly, "The benefits given by great writers to book fans are really good!"

  "Well, well..."

  Xia Youqian waved his hand with a smile, and quickly changed the subject:

  "Everyone, I have something to show you this time... Come upstairs with me first, I'm sure you will be shocked!"

  After all, he pulled Dong Xiang upstairs. After closing the doors and windows, Xia You suddenly smiled slightly in the eyes of everyone watching the excitement, and two dark bat-like wings began to grow behind her.

  After opening Hezi, Xia You could feel that the strength in her body had increased a lot, and her physique must have also improved.

  It seems that the ghouls that activate Hezi are really different from the ghouls that do not activate Hezi...

  He sighed in his heart.

  Seeing that a pair of wings appeared on Xia You's back, everyone on Antique's side was stunned.

  Even Fangcun Gongshan, who seemed to be full of worries, began to shine brightly in his eyes.

  "Eh eh?"

  "Xia You, are you... COSPLAY?"

  Looking at the gorgeous wings flapping gently behind Xia You, Gu Jian Yuan'er walked over curiously and pinched it with her hands.

  "Uncle, you are so trendy, you know COSPLAY!"

  Xia You fluttered his wings angrily, and flicked his hand, which kept increasing force, before showing a proud look on his face:

  "Haha, this is my awakened Heko~"

  "Hezi?" X4

  This time, even Fangcun Gongshan, who has always been calm, screamed.


  I saw someone shouting out of chapter in the book review... This is actually a chapter count...

  Okay, so far, I have barely managed to get the collections on the shelves, and I will close the code word recently, and strive to have a few more chapters on the shelves.

  So for the past two days, let's publish four chapters every day.

  Counting the number of words, it should be on the shelves in two days, I hope it will not be ugly by then.

Chapter 57 You Really Dare To Think

  "I've been concentrating on kendo at home for the past few days, but last night in the mysterious state of harmony between man and nature, I sensed a call from another world..."

  "I was overjoyed and tried my best to grasp that feeling, and finally... a pair of wings grew from my back, and the attraction was getting bigger and bigger. I knew that I was about to leave this world. , soaring to another world..."

  On the second floor of the antique coffee shop, Xia You vividly recounted the messy words, but in the end, the conversation changed:

  "The moment I was about to ascend, I suddenly thought of Dong Xiang, and I couldn't help but burst into tears, very reluctant to give up, so... I can only give up this great opportunity... alas~ "

  He seemed to shake his head regretfully for a moment. He just wanted to see if the ghoul girl was moved, but when he looked up, he found that everyone was looking at him in shock, his mouth opened as if he could fit an egg .

  Indeed, their impression of Xia You has always been that of a "delicious" human being, but now he has grown a ghoul, this incredible thing has completely subverted their world view!

  Gu Jian Yuan'er asked loudly, "Xia You, are you still human?"

  Hearing this question, Xia You glared at him angrily: "I'm not human, am I still a ghost!"

  "No, what he wants to ask is, is your current state a human or a ghoul?"

  I Jianxuan also came over, pinched Yu He who was behind him curiously, and stared at his eyes for a while, and found that those eyes were still deep and dark, not the He eyes of the ghouls.

  She paused, and began to bring her face closer, sniffing Xia You's body.

  "Hey hey hey! Sister Xuanxuan!"

  It wasn't until the long-haired royal sister was about to sniff under him unscrupulously that Xia You hurriedly blocked her with his hands and pulled her up.

  Dong Xiang is here now, you are a ghost!Change the time when no one is there, you are still so provocative | teasing, we will definitely let Baojian Kaifeng~

  Several people were surprised for a while before Xia You slowly took back He Zi.

  He could sense that Yu He was really consuming RC cells. In his current state, he could only support He Zi to open for ten minutes at most. If he wanted to fly or fight, the time would be even less, and it could only last for about three minutes.

  Three Minutes Real Man...

  When he first woke up, it was because he took the Brilliant Potion that the amount of RC cells in his body increased by 5 times, which was able to support him to fly for seven or eight minutes.

  "So, in your current state, you are still human?"

  Sitting on the sofa in the living room, I Jianxuan brought a plate of cakes, and after watching Xia You eat it, her tone was very strange:

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