Chapter 5 Background

  The young man named "Red Feather Leizhen", all his memories of the past 15 years slowly flowed into Xia You's heart.

  According to the clues, combined with the original light novel, the general background can be analyzed:

  The Akabane family has lasted for thousands of years, and it is rumored that they are the descendants of the goddess "Izanami", inheriting the blood of Izanami.

  The Tumen family, which is opposite to it, is the descendant of the god "Izanagi", continuing Izanagi's will (Izanagi and Izanagi, the brother-sister husband and wife, will not be introduced much, almost It is equal to the source of Japanese mythology, if you are interested in your own encyclopedia~).

  Xia You couldn't figure out whether there were any gods in the world of Machine Damage, so she could only acquiesce them to two special schools of Onmyoji families.

  Izanagi and Izanami, the gods, first fell in love with each other, and even gave birth to the Japanese islands and gods, but later they became enemies of old age and death.

  Just as in the mythology, Akabane and the Domen clan are the same.

  More than a thousand years ago, for some unknown reason, the two Onmyoji schools of the island country, who had always respected each other like a family, suddenly fell out, and the two sides even had a big fight.

  The outcome is naturally that the Akabane family was defeated, and driven by the Domen family, they were forced to move their family out of Kyoto, the center of power in the island country.

  In the end, it can only be partial, and as time goes by, it is gradually forgotten by the upper class of the island country.

  The two lived happily ever after for hundreds of years.

  Until a period of modern times, the Akabane family suddenly gave up the yin and yang way inherited by the family, and began to practice Western puppet art——

  That is, the ingenious magic that can be matched with automatic dolls.

  This approach, similar to betrayal, aroused great dissatisfaction among the Tumen clan.

  To put it bluntly, it is purely a conflict of interests.

  The invasion of Western culture, such as ingenuity and magic, has, to a large extent, threatened the interests of all onmyoji in the country.

  As for the Tumen clan who are in charge of the "Izanagi" school, for thousands of years, the power and prestige in the yin and yang world of the island country have been very strong.

  In this way, the Tumen clan was created, almost standing at the apex of the mysterious side of the island country.

  In recent years, they have even infiltrated the military of the island country——

  The Akabane family had just been wiped out, and an investigation had not yet been launched, but the military was able to dispatch quickly, insisting that Akabane Tianquan was the murderer, and issued a wanted order nationwide to hunt him down.

  This is enough to prove the status of the Tumen clan in the military of the island country.

  However, relatively speaking, once the Yin-Yang world falls, they will be affected more than other families.

  From ancient times to the present, Onmyoji has always held a pivotal and detached position in the island country, sought after by the royal families of the past dynasties, and revered by the common people. It is a completely mysterious endorsement.

  This kind of status is not blown out by mouth, their magic is really useful, praying for rain, regulating natural disasters, or eradicating evil spirits, saving the world and saving people.

  Although it is difficult to cultivate, but those mature onmyoji are like panacea.

  Relying on the shikigami, whether it is attacking, defending or assisting, it can be dabble, and the versatility of spells is very wide.

  Unfortunately, this situation has undergone some subtle changes after the birth of the ingenious civilization.

  The techniques mastered by the onmyoji through penance are gradually in danger of being replaced by Western ingenuity.

  As long as it is matched with a puppet, the puppeteer can bypass the troublesome rituals and incantations, activate magic very quickly, and the magic has a wide variety of types, and the versatility is not bad.

  In addition, there is another advantage that onmyoji is absolutely incomparable - dolls do not need to practice hard for years.

  Consume your own magic power and use the corresponding automatic dolls to do various things.

  The birth of "smart" is called "civilization" because it is not only spread on the mysterious side, but also has a very large use in the life and military aspects of the world——

  Perhaps it will become the mainstream of future national wars.

  With the continuous development of the times, the craftsmen's skills in making dolls have become more and more proficient and precise, and the dolls will become more and more simple when the dolls are manipulated.

  There is absolutely no need to spend time and systematically learn other profound magic knowledge like cultivating Onmyoji.

  Even if only some talented soldiers are selected, they practice basic meditation for a few months, and after they have superficial magic power, they will form a legion, and each soldier will be equipped with an automatic doll...

  It can easily form a powerful combat power that conventional weapons cannot match.

  Moreover, the size of the doll is small, and it is more flexible than weapons such as cannons and warships.

  The so-called soldiers are expensive, and for the army to fight, the advantages of easy carrying and movement of weapons need not be said more.

  What's more, in some special cases, the automatic puppet can also play a miraculous effect.

  For example, sneaking into enemy positions to sabotage them, or relying on their human-like appearance and self-consciousness to launch undercover operations and comprehensively collect intelligence.

  At this time, it is the eve before the world war will be fought. All countries are actively preparing for the war, thinking hard, how to increase revenue and reduce expenditure, and create the strongest combat power with the smallest value——

  · · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

  After all, as long as the battle starts, all the surrounding countries may become enemies!

  Due to various reasons, the current science and technology has many limitations. Conventional weapons, such as rifles, cannons, warships, etc., are expensive to manufacture, and it is difficult to improve their power qualitatively, so the powers have set their sights on it. Mysterious side.

  Although the island nation has respected Yin-Yang Dao since ancient times, on the eve of the world war, some wise military generals discovered that something like "smart magic" can provide combat power more easily, and naturally it is impossible to ignore it.

  The call for the introduction of automatic dolls in the military is getting louder and louder, so that the Tumen family whose roots are deeply rooted in the yin and yang world have been greatly affected. Gotta be jealous.


  However, envy and hatred cannot solve any problems. Political matters still need to be solved through negotiation. That's why the marriage between the two major families took place a few years ago.

  That is, the engagement between the protagonist Akabane Leizhen and the Tumen Princess Tumon Sun Rin.

  The Tumen clan wanted to introduce the "red wing blood" bloodline of the Chiyu clan, so that after they lost power in the yin and yang world, they could use this special bloodline to obtain a shortcut to the world of ingenuity and magic, so that the family could continue to maintain the glory of the past.

  The Akabane family, which has been in decline for a thousand years, hopes to return to Kyoto and be recognized by the upper class society of the island country as soon as possible——

  Although relying on ingenuity and magic, the Akabane clan gained a lot of fame in the mercenary world, but due to the secret exclusion of the Kyoto Tumen clan, they were not accepted and valued by the traditional upper classes of the island country at all.

  Many people secretly call the Akabane clan "blood-smelling mud legs".

  Under such circumstances, the Tumen clan, who had close and close relations with the high-level officials of the island country, suddenly revealed the intention of wanting to marry.

  Of course, Xia You always believed that this kind of marriage seemed very unreliable for the two great families with thousands of years of hatred, and it might just be a compromise or delay.

  And the genocide incident of the Akabane family completely confirmed his guess.

  After skipping the trivial details of Akabane Leizhen's birth and childhood, he browsed with great interest in the year he was ten years old, when he went to the Tumen family to get married, and his fiancee Tumen Sun Wheel.

  When the memory was transferred to a certain swordsmanship gym, Xia You finally slowed down and began to watch carefully.

Chapter 6 Memory and Magic

  That happened three years ago.

  The contemporary direct line of the Akabane family consists of three brothers and sisters, the eldest brother Akabane Tianquan, the second brother Akabane Leizhen, and the younger sister Akabane Nadeko.

  Brother Tiannian was a few years older, smart, diligent, and talented. He was like a shining star in the clan, and Nadeshiko was also very good. At a young age, he was able to use a puppet like an arm.

  Only Lei Zhen's aptitude is mediocre. In the training ground, sometimes it is very difficult to even move the wooden puppet.

  Obviously they are brothers, but they are like clouds and mud.

  The surprised eyes of the clansmen made the young man who was already very inferior to be aroused by a rebellious mentality. Afterwards, when it comes to family practice, he hides when he can, and runs out to play quietly.

  Coincidentally, when he was twelve years old, a kendo hall opened near the family, so Akabane Leizhen went to watch and play every day.

  Over time, he became obsessed with kendo, and puppet art was even more neglected in practice.

  Such slack behavior made his father furious, and finally the two had a big fight. Lei Zhen also "five zero zeros" completely gave up the practice of puppet art, left the family, and moved into the Kendo Museum.

  Then, as the New Year's Day approaches this year, after he met his fiancée Tumon Hirona...  

  That night, the Akabane family, except for him, was wiped out.

  The island country's military responded very quickly. The next day, he insisted that Akabane's eldest son, Akabane Tianquan, was the murderer, and issued a nationwide arrest warrant. Without any evidence collection or investigation, the matter was concluded.

  The massacre of the family was a great blow to Lei Zhen. After tidying up the bodies of his parents, sisters, and clansmen, he stayed alone in the ruins of the Akabane family, and spent most of the month in confusion until now.

  Xia You only briefly skimmed through the relevant background memories. He focused on browsing the secret techniques of the Akabane family, as well as a breathing technique called "breath" that Lei Zhen learned under the guidance of his swordsmanship teacher Yunque. .

  "Sure enough, the practice in this world can indeed enhance the spiritual power!"

  He closed his eyes and tried to use the "breath" of kendo and the "meditation" of magic for about ten minutes.

  Discovering that the illusory mental power in her mind has been producing slight jumps and vibrations, and then it has grown a little indistinctly, Xia You couldn't help but be full of excitement in the depths of her heart.

  Different from the magic in the moon, the magicians in the world of machine damage have not developed a strange nerve that can communicate between the soul and the body, the magic circuit.

  Instead, they focus on the absorption and release of external source magic.

  This is entirely due to the differences in the world.

  Xingyue has the inhibitory power that gives birth to intellect. Under the invisible suppression of Gaia, the big source magic power is full of inertia, and magicians can basically only use the small source magic power.

  If you want to promote Da Yuan, it takes time and energy, and preparations for extremely cumbersome ceremonies are required.

  Although the power of Alaya was used to fight against Gaia in the later period, and the theory of "God's teaching" spread by the church was made into a foundation, which replaced some magic rituals, it still could not be used conveniently. The flow direction of the veins for dredging.

  Such a tough environment made the mysterious side of Xingyue World begin to focus on the development of its own small source, and finally excavated the alien nerve in the body: the magic circuit.

  The magicians who have opened the magic circuit can barely extract a little external magic power through various means.

  Of course, most of the time, the role of the magic circuit is to convert its own vitality into a small source of magic.

  Relatively speaking, the world of machine injury is very loose, and no "inhibitory force" has been born.

  Maybe there are some rule bodies in this world, but they have no wisdom and intelligence, and it is impossible to actively suppress the mysterious side.

  Therefore, the external great source magic power appears to be more active.

  This also caused the magicians in the world of machine damage to never think of taking the initiative to excavate the small source within the body.

  As long as human beings use their own growing spirit under the cultivation method similar to "meditation" or "breath", they can easily absorb the magic power of the Great Source into their bodies——

  Magic is equivalent to vitality. Since it can absorb the vitality of the planet, even if it is a little troublesome, I believe that no one will want to waste their vitality.

  So in this world, most of the basic meditation methods of magic have the skills to exercise spiritual power, and then use this to absorb the external magic power.

  As for the knowledge of transforming one's own Xiaoyuan magic power, because it is harmful to the human body, it is listed as a forbidden technique, and basically few people study it in depth.

  In the last volume of the light novel, when the college organized students to break out of the siege, Percival, the general representative of the professor, used a secret method called "sacrifice". technique”, which is exactly the reason.

  After the excitement, Xia You began to plan again with bright eyes:

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