Maybe just keep getting along so peacefully, with the passage of time, when the two become acquainted and their strengths are slowly revealed, that contempt will be gone.

  Ye Ye will also be able to open her heart quietly and sincerely accept herself as a puppet messenger.

  But... this is not a good thing for Xia You, who wants to enter the ingenuity academy early.

  After going back today, he will use some method to force the military to send him to the night party as soon as possible.

  As little as one or two months, as much as half a year, the ideal results will definitely appear.

  And if you arrive at the Walpurgis Royal Academy ahead of schedule, the puppets and puppets still haven't been able to run in, and they can't play their due strength in the battle, then the ranking match of the night party is absolutely terrible...

  So Xia You decided to quickly subdue Ye Ye.

  A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, he stared at the black-haired girl in a black dress opposite, and raised his eyebrows provocatively:

  "Since that's the case, just stay here and continue the unfinished battle last time. If I can really defeat you in an upright manner, then you must be obedient in the future. ¨!"

  Talking about love is really a waste of time. You should wait until the task is completed before thinking about it. It is still reliable to fight now.

  Xia You wishful thinking that as long as she wins beautifully, she will surely be able to subdue this arrogant girl in front of her.

  At the very least, he won't let Ye Ye despise himself again.

  This will somewhat improve the relationship between the two.

  "Beat me here? Are you serious?"

  Ye Ye's expression was very surprised, and even more puzzled as she looked at an idiot, she pursed the corners of her lips, and threatened in a gloomy tone:

  "You must know that I don't have Sister Iluri, Xiao Zi and the others to stop me now, and it is more convenient to deal with the corpse in the forest. I believe that it will be taken away by the wild wolf in three or five days..."

  "I'm not going to make the wolf's dinner!"

  While muttering, Xia You looked around, walked to the wooden knife that had just been discarded by the bandit, tapped the blade under his feet, reached forward with his right hand, and quickly pinched it in the palm of his hand.

  When the wrist trembled, there was a faint buzzing in the air.

  After pulling a few beautiful knife flowers and getting used to the weight of this weapon, Xia You nodded with satisfaction, the vertical knife stood on the spot, staring at Ye Ye in the distance, raised her finger and gently hooked:

  "bring it on!"

  Finding that the girl's expression was full of hesitation, he paused slightly and solemnly added:

  "Don't refuse any more! From the moment you despised me, you should be able to understand the answer... This is a battle to defend the dignity of men!"


  Ye Ye lightly shook the long hair behind his head, lowered his head and sighed, his expression seemed very distressed:

  "What a man's dignity! It's obviously because you didn't work hard enough, and you blame others for telling the truth! With such a bit of energy... Forget it!"

  When she said this, she finally raised her head and stared at Xia You with bright eyes. There was a little excitement on her beautiful face, she squeezed her white fists tightly, and she was eager to try:

  "' ˇ I've been wanting to beat you up for a long time! Since you're asking for it again and again, I won't show mercy! Anyway, after you go back, don't ask the glass to sue Iluri sister!"

  "Hey! Didn't you just say something like throwing a corpse?" Xia You spit out, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he smiled wickedly: "Sure enough, you are reluctant to kill me, right?"

  "Long-winded! After I hit you with my fist, let's see if you still have this confidence!"

  The moment the words fell, the soil splashed under the girl's feet.

  Under the splendid glow of the setting sun on the horizon, her figure was like a taut sharp arrow, rushing towards Xia You viciously.

  The raised right fist pierced the atmosphere and pulled out a sharp roar like a whip.

  This punch directly hit Xia You's head, and from the perspective of momentum alone, there is no mercy at all!


  The keen Xia You can fully sense it, the aura is strong enough, in fact, the magic power condensed in her hands is very scattered, it belongs to the kind of posture that lifts high and (Wang Li Zhao) gently falls.

  "Using such a flashy attack... Ye Ye, if you really plan to release water, then you will lose to me later, don't be unconvinced!"

  With a single step, she easily avoided the fist in front of her. The tip of the knife in Xia You's hand was still hanging firmly by her side, her face was calm, she stared at the black-haired girl who slowly turned around, and shook her head, as if full of disappointment:

  "Nizi should tell you Xue Yuehua about my general experience. Since I was twelve years old, I have studied in a certain kendo hall for three years."

  "And even if you lose your past memories, those moves and experiences that you have summed up with your body will still not be lost."

  "for example......"

  In Ye Ye's unbelievable expression, the long wooden knife in Xia You's right hand actually flashed a sharp metal light.

Chapter 34 Moon Shadow Red Lotus

  "The King of the Mountain is a knife... Moon Shadow Red Lotus!"

  With the low and cold words from Xia You's mouth, the wooden knife that had been hanging quietly by his side, a few feet off the ground, finally rushed forward like a nimble dragon.

  The dazzling sword light was only fleeting, but the brightness of that moment almost overshadowed the afterglow of the sunset on the horizon.

  The blade wind, which was full of hazy colors, quickly left the wooden knife, and gradually expanded, like a violent thunderbolt, rushing into the atmosphere ahead, and the harsh sound of thundering bursts spread.

  Immediately afterwards, the originally flat ground in front was split by the blade wind in an instant, and the soil along the way was raised high and scattered all over the sky.

  The blasted airflow was also constantly surging, forming a circle of spreading air waves.


  Cold sweat slowly seeped out from Ye Yeguang's forehead. She stood there, twisted her neck stiffly, and looked at the ground beside her.

  A crack with a depth of about half a meter stretched from her feet to seven or eight meters behind her. The soil was unsightly tumbled, and there were even tiny cracks that were densely covered like cobwebs.

  Obviously, this attack was not a lack of accuracy, but was deliberately chopped off.

  If Xia You was wielding a wooden knife at her just now...

  There is no doubt that, without the magical support of the puppets, and still under the mentality of underestimating the enemy, Ye Ye's fragile body, which was too late to fortify, would definitely be cut in half evenly in an instant, and the blood of the internal organs would be sprinkled on the ground!

  Beautiful was spared his life!

  Just when she was stunned, Xia You's intermittent voice came from the opposite side:

  "So... huh-"

  Under the template of "Red Feather Leizhen", this extreme move was used, and the magic power, which was originally pitiful, was drawn 463 times almost instantly.

  This made Xia You very uncomfortable, and she was almost weak, her face was too pale, and her breathing was hard and fast.

  But he still stood there steadily, with a calm expression, silently staring at the opposite Ye Ye, proudly raised his head, and shouted:

  "Don't think of me so weak, in the first few stages of the magician, telekinesis, spiritual vision, rigid body, magic defense... and even the eyes of the sky, I have already dabbled deeply!"

  When he said this, he sighed slightly in his heart.

  "It's a pity that I couldn't cultivate into "Magic Toughness", otherwise, the move 'Moon Shadow Red Lotus' just now will never cut out only seven or eight meters of knife marks."

  Although the magic system of the machine damage world is not as good as that of the type moon, it is very balanced, especially the skills.

  The so-called "mind motion" is well understood, which is the flexible use of mental power, and spiritual vision can blur the flow of magic power. Although it cannot directly see the magic power cycle of the human body, it is very suitable for observing magic tools.

  "Rigid body" and "Magic Defense" can improve their attack and defense in battle, greatly increase the physical fitness of magicians, and also strengthen their resistance to physical and magic attacks, allowing them to face the enemy's rapid attack. When killing, don't be in a hurry.

  In fact, these are only low-level and intermediate-level knowledge of magicians. Xia You has been in Glass's magic workshop for a few months, and she is completely familiar with it.

  As for the "Sky Eye", it is a bit difficult. As the name suggests, it is like an eye in the sky that always overlooks the earth. It can help magicians predict the enemy's movements, or avoid certain dangers and traps in fierce battles. .

  The "Eye of the Sky" can only be mastered by a relatively powerful magician.

  Fortunately, he accompanied Xia You through several copies of the "Yanhui" sword technique, and his state of mind was a little bit involved in the mysterious and mysterious "prediction" ability. Through it, Xia You roughly grasped the essentials of Heaven's Eye.

  However, the magician's higher-level skills such as "Magic Toughness" and "Mind Eyes" have not been successfully learned yet.

  Because neither Magic Tenacity nor Mind Eyes are new skills, but an upgraded version of basic magic knowledge, which can only be achieved through hard practice.

  The thought movement that has been refined to the purest level is called magic toughness.

  Once the magic toughness is attached to the weapon, it will cause a great power far beyond the user's output limit. I heard that the legendary magicians in ancient times used magic toughness skills, combined with excellent magic-conducting weapons, to split the earth. Not even the sky!

  Although the mind cannot directly enhance the attack power like the magic toughness, it is also an auxiliary magical skill, which can move in a coquettish position and avoid ecstasy.

  It's a pity that Xia You might not be able to learn these two practical advanced skills before the night party starts.

  The magic system in the world of machine damage is very balanced, there are techniques for strengthening mental power, techniques for increasing physical strength, and techniques for using magic power.

  But they appear to be very "stable".

  All in all.

  That is to say... Almost all the powerful strengths of magicians need to rely on time to build up step by step.

  Regardless of mental power, or magic power, and skill proficiency...

  They are all accumulated through years of practice and continuous effort, and there is basically no shortcut.

  It is absolutely impossible to rely on the masters to pass on the gong, and to fall off the cliff to pick up the genius and the treasure in one fell swoop.

  At most, I will give you this cheat to improve your skills, such as the Ariadne Thread in the house of the Devil of the Labyrinth.

  This is a less friendly world for traversers who are always looking for shortcuts to become stronger.

  There is no powerful special bloodline, no treasures, no super tricks to learn, and even the local specialty "smart dolls" can't be brought to the main world to pretend...

  That's why Xia Youcai kept thinking about taking the task reward and running away.

  "It's really surprising, a lazy guy like you actually hides such a powerful strength!"

  The smoke and dust gradually dissipated, revealing the figures of the two people standing opposite each other again.

  Ye Ye glanced at the straight knife mark beside his feet again, (agci) In addition to lingering fears, Mei Mu gradually became serious.

  Even though she knew very well that after the knife just now, she had already lost completely, but... she still wanted to continue the battle.

  Xueyuehua has the same dignity as Xueyuehua, and it is impossible to admit that she has lost to human beings carelessly.

  What's more, it's still a human being who used to look down on it.

  Finding that Xia You's current situation is not very good, the girl did not immediately attack, but silently took a few steps back before asking curiously:

  "That mountain king was a swordsman just doesn't sound like magic. Is it the swordsmanship you learned in the Kendo Museum?"

  "That's right!"

  After calming down her turbulent breathing a little, Xia You threw the wooden knife, but only heard a "click", and countless cracks were spread on it, and the weapon in her hand had almost become shaky.

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