Xiao Zi is actually quite different from Iluri and Ye Ye.

  As the youngest younger sister, her body has been adjusted into a loli form, and she also has the innocence of a little girl psychologically. Although she is jealous and possessive, she is not as much as the two older sisters.

  All in all, she's a kind girl who is very easy to coax.


  It was when Xia You noticed this that he made a bold move... uh, no, it should be a mouth.

  "Okay, it's over time, Brother Xia You, hurry up and go to the glass!"

  The two discussed a few details again, Xiao Zi raised her hand and pushed Xia You, smiled at him, pouted again, and hummed softly:

  "Also... don't forget what happened today! But in the future, if you don't get Xiao Zi's permission, you must never do this to Xiao Zi again!"

  Girls often like to make some ambiguous jokes, but deep down, they are still like ordinary girls, very shy and pure. Today, Xia You's excessive kisses have exhausted all her courage.

  Typical dare to say dare not do.

  "Don't worry, I will definitely let Xiao Zi be kissed by me willingly in the future!"

  Xia You hugged Xiao Zi again, and left these words of ridicule in her ear, before blinking triumphantly, turned and left.

  The girl behind her was still standing and watching, her pretty face was flushed, and her eyes were as gentle as running water.

  "What a big badass!"

  Looking at the back that was walking farther and farther in the field of vision, Xiao Zi complained like this.

  After a long time, she seemed to recall the shy thing just now, and she quickly raised her hand to cover her pretty face.

  Gently stomping his feet, as if fleeing, he quickly ran in the other direction.

  Leaving the bright sun alone, quietly overlooking the secluded woods below that took away the girl's heart.

Chapter 46 Recommendations

  When Xia You walked near the front hall, she saw that Glass was leading Iluri out of the door.

  Beside them, there were also several middle-aged officers in khaki uniforms.

  A group of people laughed and said a few words, and the officers waved at Nizi and turned away without looking away.

  Even passing by Xia You, it was only a faint glance.


  After those people walked out of the main entrance of the front yard, Xia You came behind Nizi and said hello softly.

  For the few officers who left, there was no questioning.

  Xia You is very clear about the position of her current identity - in the eyes of the island country's military department, it is just to successfully obtain the divine and ingenious chess pieces.

  Even if the chess piece is not very obedient, the big man above can't come over to put pressure on him directly, and will only discuss with the glass how to solve it.

  Seeing him appear, Nitro nodded, and was about to speak, when Iluri, who was standing beside "Seven Nine Zero", let out an exclamation:

  "Xia....His Royal Highness Xia You, your face?"

  This question immediately made Xia You very embarrassed.

  Before coming over, he had already replaced the torn clothes just now, but the blue and purple marks on his face that were beaten every night could not be quickly recovered.

  "It's okay, I accidentally fell while walking just now."

  Looking at the silver-haired girl with concerned eyes on the opposite side, he smiled awkwardly, only to be fooled like this.

  It's impossible to say "I kissed your little sister, but happened to be discovered by your second sister, and then she grabbed me and beat me hard"...

  "Okay, it's too hot outside, come in quickly."

  If it was normal, Nitro might have an interested expression, smiling and teasing the two of them, but there might be something troublesome today, she just gave a light command, then turned and walked back to the hall.

  Iluri glanced at Xia You worriedly again, and followed suit.


  "Boy, your stubborn way of thinking has really caused me a lot of trouble!"

  Inside the house, after a few people were seated, as usual, Nitro, leaning on the soft slump above, took a breath, looking rather helpless.

  Xia You touched her nose and didn't argue.

  He knew in his heart that even if he just wanted to enter the Conspiracy Academy some time earlier, without conflict with the military's upcoming plan, it would certainly not be so easy to achieve.

  For the superiors who are accustomed to being in control, they hate unexpected situations very much, because it may disrupt the next series of strict arrangements.

  Maybe it's just an inadvertent little detail that will make the final situation completely out of control.

  Especially the military, which has always emphasized "obedience", does not want to see disobedient thorns in its subordinates.

  Although Xia You is not currently their subordinate.

  Looking at it in this way, the glass that is sandwiched in the middle, constantly mediating for Xia You, can imagine how difficult it is.

  "I called you here because I have two news to tell you, one good and one bad...probably!"

  After taking two puffs of cigarettes silently, Nizi put down his pipe and looked directly at Xia You. In his purple eyes, there was peace:

  "The good news is... The person you're looking for has finally appeared in the past two days, so put away your stupid idea a month ago and don't need to try your luck all over the world."

  "Chiyu Tianquan?" Xia You didn't mind Nitro's overt or covert taunting, deliberately pretending to be surprised, and asked urgently, "Where are the others?"

  "Young man, frizz is not a good habit, and one day you may lose your life because of it!"

  After staring at Xia You for a while, Nitro shook his head and continued:

  "The bad news...it should be bad news for you!"

  "On the other side of the world, in the ingenious city of 'Liverpool' in the United Kingdom, there is the highest institution in the magic world - the Walpurgis Royal Ingenuity Academy. The place where Akabane Tianquan is currently is is Walpurgis."


  "That's right!"

  Nitro turned his eyes and glanced at Xia You faintly, with a schadenfreude vicious smile on his pretty face:

  "But don't think about going to the UK alone. The Pacific Ocean is so big that I don't think humans can swim across it!"

  "Uh...then I'll go by boat!"

  In front of her, Xia You eloquently expressed her thoughts:

  "For example, if you go to the pier by the sea to work for a few months, save money and save money, you should save the money to buy a ferry ticket..."

  "Then what?" Glass interrupted him and snorted contemptuously: "Without documents, I was sent back to China as a smuggler, right? It's a shame to be thrown to the other side of the world!"

  Pressing her temple helplessly, she continued:

  "Even if you are not sent back to the country, you will definitely not be able to see Akabane Tianquan! That guy is in the highest academy with iron walls, and he is sheltered by hundreds of top magicians!"

  Xia You did not argue with Nizi's sarcastic remarks, but just looked at her silently...

  The hall was quiet for a while.

  "Forget it, next, I hope you can listen to my advice carefully."

  He waved his hand a little boringly, Nitro sat up straight, his pretty face was uncharacteristically, slightly serious:

  "As the most prestigious institution of higher learning in the magic world, Walpurgis' teaching is very comprehensive. Naturally, its threshold is quite high. Even if it can be admitted, the expensive tuition and miscellaneous fees are also a big problem."

  "And like you, ordinary students who really can't afford to pay high tuition fees, if they really want to enter Walpurgis, there is only one way - to be admitted there exceptionally with excellent grades in magic subjects!"

  "Obviously, in a short period of time, boy, your magic knowledge will definitely not improve too much."

  She looked at Xia You with a smile but not a smile:

  "From Ye Ye's mouth, I also learned about your current magic cultivation level... In just a few months, with no one to teach, you have reached the stage of 'Sky Eye', and your talent is really good. !"

  "However, that can only be regarded as the application skills of mental power and magic power. There are still many exercises to memorize in the exam, and even physics subjects, ingenuity subjects, alchemy subjects, human body subjects, etc.... This year, it will be officially launched. If you are in contact with magic, you probably haven't even taken the Enlightenment Course 3.2, right?"

  "That..." Seeing that she didn't talk about the main topic for a long time, Xia You really didn't want to go around the detour any more, she raised her hand quickly, and asked cautiously, "What is Nizi's advice to me?"

  "...All said! Young people must be patient!"

  Seeing that Xia You's face was always as calm as usual, without the slightest hint of discouragement, Nitro's expression froze:

  "All in all, even if you study hard now, considering your age, it's still a bit late, and basically you can no longer be admitted to Walpurgis through normal channels!"


  She smiled calmly and said softly:

  "It just so happens that I have a method here that allows you to walk directly into Walpurgis!"

Chapter 47 Trading

  "Can you get a recommended spot by joining the army?" Xia You asked indifferently.


  Glass stopped beating around the bush and spoke very bluntly:

  "The military intelligence department is currently recruiting dolls who have mixed into the UK. The age is limited to seventeen years old. As for the requirements..."

  She looked Xia You up and down for a while, and nodded with satisfaction: "Based on your level of magic, it's basically enough. If you agree, I can make arrangements for you and Ye Ye to go to the military's secret school in the near future. training for a while.”

  "I believe that in a year or two, I will definitely stand out among the many candidates and easily win the spot!"

  "do not want!"

  Xia You didn't give any face to Nitro's proposal, and refused without hesitation:

  "A month ago, even if Akabane Tianquan's whereabouts were unknown, I never thought of relying on the military in the past. Now that I have accidentally learned about that guy's clues and have an accurate target, there is no reason to compromise and join. …I can meet him in my own way!"

  "Huh? Could it be that you decided to study hard for a few years in 06 and get into Walpurgis based on your strength? You are very ambitious, boy, but—" Nitro blinked his eyes with interest: "You have to think clearly, A few years later, Akabane Tianquan may have already left from there!"

  "...By the way, why do you have to get Walpurgis to be a student just to see Akabane Tianquan!"

  Xia You shook his head, and in the speechless expression of the glass, he seemed to have a whim:

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