Ye Ye looked full of grievances.

  This made Xia You laugh and cry, and felt a very headache.

  "We were just joking just now. It's normal for friends to joke around, Lily, don't be so excited in the future."

  After soothing Ye Ye, Xia You leaned over to Dorothy's side and coaxed a few words, then turned her head solemnly.

  It's not over yet.

  In front of the broken door, the innkeeper's wife was akimbo, looking at the few people in the room coldly.

  "You guys! Give me the money and move out of here—"

  Well, I haven't figured out how to pay for the money I owe Dorothy, and I'm going to make an extra expense soon...  


  Under the setting sun, Xia You was pulling her suitcase and walking on the street silently. Beside him, Ye Ye lowered her head and followed step by step.

  The girl also understood that she had just stabbed the basket.

  Due to the "selection" of the No. 7 Research Institute, recently, Karlsruhe, a remote border town, has suddenly flooded into a lot of puppets, which directly makes it difficult to find a place to stay.

  After being kicked out by the proprietress just now, several people asked about several nearby hotels, and they were all told that they were "full."

  "Oh, I'm not familiar with this place, I feel like I'm going to live on the streets tonight..."

  Finding Ye Ye's face full of guilt, Xia You stopped, touched her hair, and comforted her warmly:

  "Don't feel uneasy. In fact, it's okay. It just so happens that the weather has been hot recently, so it's cool outside."

  "Humph! Even if you want to stay on the street for the night, I don't think you can do it!" Hearing this, Dorothy, who had been hanging far behind the two, snorted softly, "Because you are sure that 040 will be regarded as a homeless person. Throw it in the police station!"

  Xia You patted his head helplessly, and only then did he remember that the traffic in Karlsruhe was too high recently, and they were all special beings with extraordinary powers such as puppets and magicians. If an accident happens, there will definitely be a lot of patrolmen here to maintain law and order.

  Although the night is not as strict as the "no curfew", there must be people patrolling everywhere.

  He was already undercover, and he had just had a fight with someone during the day, so he really didn't want to meet the official inspectors.

  "Forget it, I really can't help you!" After a while, Dorothy stepped forward suddenly and grabbed Xia You's hand: "Come with me!"

  "Where to go?"

  "Of course I'm going to where I live! The idiot is in the service!"

  Although the girl's voice was blunt, under the golden sunset light, a faint blush and red clouds appeared on that delicate little face.

  The so-called arrogant, probably like this.

  Xia You smiled silently in her heart, and squeezed Dorothy's little hand.

  In the palm, a piece of softness.

  He actually didn't understand why the girl in front of him would treat him differently, the stranger he met for the first time, but he accepted it happily.

  As for the reason... well, it can always be figured out later.

Chapter 68

  In the early morning, the sunlight poured into the room through the bright glass windows and fell on the sofa in the living room.

  "Hey! Hurry up and get me a chuang, don't pretend to be dead anymore..."

  With this sweet and cold drink coming from her ear, Xia You, who was sleeping, suddenly felt that her body was being shaken violently.

  He opened his eyes quickly.

  The morning sun, with its traces of heat, was a bit dazzling, and it was dazzling white in the field of vision.

  "Why? Today is not the day for selection, right?"

  Turning her head, squinting her eyes, trying her best to see the black dress loli standing in front of her, Xia You yawned, turned over slowly, and replied angrily.

  Originally, he was about to sit up from the sofa, but he noticed that his body was being used on both hands and feet by a warm and delicate girl's body, hugging him tightly, unable to move at all.

  There is no doubt that this guy hanging like a sloth must be Ye Ye.

  Hearing the movement around, the girl also opened her eyes in a daze, and then without looking, she buried her head in Xia You's arms, revealing only a long black hair draped over Snow White Xiang's shoulders. Muttering sound.

  Well, maybe because she was half asleep, she used Japanese:

  "Xia You, according to the plan, there are no other arrangements these days, we can sleep more... woo woo-"

  Before he could finish speaking, he was quickly embraced by someone.

  Xia You's drowsiness almost completely dissipated, and she reminded helplessly:

  "Lily, don't always make some meaningless noises, otherwise no one will understand."

  After he finished speaking, he raised his head, smiled at Dorothy who was confused not far away, and explained calmly:

  "Sorry, Lily is a little bit anemic. When she wakes up occasionally, her state will be very confused..."

  Ye Ye, who was lying in Xia You's arms, also reacted instantly, blinking her big light red eyes, revealing an innocent look.

  "The doll is also anemic~"?

  Dorothy, who didn't understand Japanese at all, didn't pay much attention to it. She was puzzled for a while, and then she looked at the man and woman hugging on the sofa with a look of contempt:

  "Sure enough, he is a wretched guy, he really doesn't even let the dolls go..."

  As she spoke, she seemed to remember the sentence "seeing the color" yesterday, and quickly stepped back carefully, holding her hands in front of her.

  "...I'm too lazy to care about you. The sofa is only so big. How can we sleep without hugging each other? Are you going to let the bedroom out?"

  However, Xia You didn't appear flustered at all, she defended herself, and raised her hands to hold Ye Ye in her arms in a more comfortable position.

  Just as he was about to fall on the sofa and continue to fall asleep again, he was hit hard on the head.

  "Have you forgotten what I told you yesterday?" Dorothy leaned beside Xia You and stared at him gloomily: "Where's my breakfast? Next! Servant!"

  "This is a hotel, Miss!"

  Grabbing her hair, Xia You let go of Ye Ye in her arms and stood up from the sofa.

  It was the summer season in July. Although there was a clever cooling facility similar to an "air conditioner" in the room, it was placed in the bedroom, and the living room was still a little stuffy.

  So before going to bed last night, Xia You was only wearing big pants.

  At this time, the thin blanket was lifted, and his slender, tall and well-proportioned figure from practicing kendo was immediately exposed to Dorothy's eyes.

  "Insolent, rude!" The girl in the black dress subconsciously took two steps back, her face flushed red, her eyes dodged and turned to one side, the scolding was not enough, and she added angrily: "Rude servant!"


  At this time, Ye Ye also came over. She, who was only wearing underwear, and regardless of the presence of others, she stretched out her hand to hold Xia You's neck so generously, her soft figure was tightly pressed against his back, and she asked suspiciously. :

  "Why did Dorothy call you a servant?"

  She went out to wash the teacup last night and didn't hear the conversation between the two at all.

  Before Xia You could answer, Dorothy glanced at the night and said slowly:

  "The money you owe me is not enough, so naturally you will be my servant... Besides, it is not the kindness of this lady to let you live here! At least you have to work for me for a longer period of time to make up for the accommodation. fee!"

  "Well, that's about it."

  Xia You spread out his hands, then smiled and leaned into Ye Ye's ear, and whispered:

  "Although the eldest lady in front of me has a bad temper, she is stupid and has a lot of money, um, so we are going to work for her for a few months..."

  How could this guy refuse, he was still thinking about dressing Loli and bathing with Loli...

  Dorothy didn't know what he was thinking at all, she rolled her big eyes twice, looked at Ye Ye who was unhappy, squinted slightly, remembered what happened yesterday, and suddenly said with a smile:

  "'How about it, stupid puppet, your master has already surrendered to my feet, now it's up to you whether you dare not listen to me!"

  Lolita, don't worry, we won't surrender until you lift up your skirt and let us see it...

  Xia You thought funny in her heart.

  On the other hand, Ye Ye took it seriously, Liu eyebrows were upright, and she stared at Dorothy with resentment, looking like she was full of anger.

  But after a while, she quickly calmed down, and just spit out a sentence in her mouth:

  "You still give up! There is such a proverb in the Middle Ages - the vassal of my vassal is not my vassal!"

  "...Dare to refuse (Wang Lizhao) me? Do you want to be dismantled into skeletons?"

  The two girls, one big and one small, began to confront each other again, and the eyes that collided were so intense that sparks seemed to burst out.

  Xia You, who was isolated in the middle, felt a little headache, and quickly took two steps forward, patted Dorothy's head lightly, and asked:

  "By the way, why did you call us so early?"

  "You actually forgot?"

  Dorothy patted Xia You's hand away and looked at him with an unbelievable look, her expression was extremely annoyed, she put her hands on his shoulders frantically, and shook it vigorously: "You idiot! It's not just yesterday. Did you promise me? Hurry up and get the doll ready!"


  Since then, a day full of plain but interesting, in this lively morning in this foreign country, slowly unfolded like this.

Chapter 69 Assembling Dolls and Ideas

  After breakfast, Xia You went out with the two girls, found the nearby puppet sales area, and picked out ingenious parts one by one.

  For people in this era, the clever doll is a kind of high-tech stuff, and all high-tech have several common characteristics-low output and high profits.

  Merchants were chasing profits, and Karlsruhe suddenly flooded in a large number of dolls, and naturally there would be many shops selling dolls.

  But it can only be prosperous for a while. After all, this is not a clever city like Liverpool.

  After being busy for a long time, at three or four in the afternoon, Dorothy finally chose the parts she was satisfied with, and after some enthusiastic introductions from the shop owners, she rented a small magic workshop nearby.

  Making puppets in a magic workshop is both a practice and a necessity, just like the fact that workers are required to work in a dust-free workshop when making precision machinery in modern society.

  "Start your show, get down!"

  Squinting at Xia You for a while, Dorothy pointed to the ingenious parts that almost covered the entire room, and commanded in a arrogant tone:

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