"You bastard!!!"

  After a few minutes of daily fuss, the two gradually stopped.

  Glancing at the messy room around, Xia You shook her head helplessly, poked her fingers with her arms, and was still clasping Dorothy with an angry expression on her face:

  "Look, this is an impulsive end. I estimate that when the lease is cancelled tomorrow, the landlord will charge a large amount of garbage cleaning fee..."

  "Humph!" Dorothy turned around dismissively.

  After a while, she remembered something, suddenly turned around, looked at Xia You coldly for a while, and asked:

  "What does loli mean?"

  "Cute, pure and beautiful, and extremely well-behaved girls will be affectionately called 'Lori'!" Xia You knew that Dorothy didn't like to be looked down on by others, so she explained indiscriminately, Then quickly changed the subject:

  "Okay, your stupid bear is still in the last few steps, I'll try my best to get it out before lunch!"

  After speaking, he smiled at the girl, walked quickly to the edge of the workbench, and picked up the well-sealed magic circuit.

Chapter 71 Kindness

  The installation of the magic circuit is not very complicated. Xia You opened the glass jar, carefully took out the three-dimensional geometric pattern from the inside, and gently placed it on the edge of the heart of the black bear.

  There is the node connecting the magic power channel of the whole body - just like human blood, all the magic power of the ingenious doll needs to pass through the "heart of Eve".

  Carefully checked the details of the edge, and found that there was no omission, and he began to slowly input magic power into the black bear's body.

  After a while, the geometric circuit formed by the group of lines slowly began to expand, and the tiny lines that were crystal clear like spider silk continued to extend, and finally penetrated the entire body of the black bear along the blood vessels of the heart.

  After sending magic power to check again, seeing that the circuit was running normally, Xia You showed a relaxed smile, picked up the last few parts, and quickly blocked the big hole beside the black bear's heart.

  "very good!"

  Standing up, he looked at the quiet "Seven Six Zero" for a moment with satisfaction, the huge and ferocious bear-like ingenious doll lying quietly at his feet, and he was slightly excited.

  Even if he doesn't really care much in his heart, this is his first "work" anyway.

  "Everything is ready, as long as you input magic oil into its blood vessels, it should be activated!"

  After finishing speaking, Xia You carefully raised a large oil can from the corner, pulled the conduit and plunged it into the black bear's body, just like refueling a car, some kind of black liquid quickly flowed into the black bear's blood vessels.

  Except for the biological ingenuity like Xueyuehua, and a small number of forbidden ingenuity dolls containing biological parts, most of the other ordinary gear ingenuity dolls will have a magic material called "magic oil" entered into their bodies.

  It is like the blood of the human body, which can continuously circulate in the body of the doll, transporting magic power, nutrients, and lubricating the internal gears of the doll.

  Of course, there are many types of magic oil. Karlsruhe can only buy common types of magic materials, so the oil in Xia You's hand is dark in color.

  And high-level magic oil can't even be called "oil" at all, no matter its color or smell, it's almost exactly the same as human blood.

  After fiddling for a few minutes, Xia You finally turned around and waved to Dorothy who was on the side, and said as if offering a treasure:

  "Come here, this is the black bear I made, you can activate it now, and then run a few laps with magic power to try it out!"

  Perhaps because of what happened just now, Dorothy still had a sullen face and did not answer. She walked to the black bear's side, slightly raised her small white hand, and a wave of magic power suddenly came out of her body.

  The black bear lying on the ground trembled, and suddenly his eyes that had been closed all of a sudden widened, roared softly, and slowly stood up with his heavy body supported on all fours.

  Dorothy used her magic power to issue various commands to it, and also experimented with the activation of the magic circuit. Finally, she raised her brows, nodded, squinted at Xia You, and said indifferently:

  "The idiot's servants have not eaten rice for the past few days. Although it cost me almost twice as much material, I can barely make a low-level puppet!"

  "Miss, making dolls is a technical job..." Xia You spread her hands and complained: "Even if you have enough materials, you may not be able to assemble it successfully if you call someone else!"

  He was about to say a few words, but found that the black bear suddenly bypassed Dorothy, ran to his feet to smell it, and then gently arched his furry head, as if he was acting like a spoiled child.

  "Huh?" Xia You snorted, her face a little puzzled: "Why does it seem to be closer to me?"

  Because of the material and the type of the doll, the IQ of this black bear is not as high as that of other humanoid dolls, and it probably belongs to the level of ordinary beasts.

  Originally, this kind of low-intelligence and clever doll of beasts should not be too kind to others except the owner. After all, most of the beasts can't speak, and humans lack a way to communicate with them.

  "You do not know?"

  Dorothy was stunned when she heard the words, and then her eyes were full of contempt:

  "I really doubt what you have learned in the six years you have been in the academy of ingenuity... When a puppet master makes a puppet, he will constantly send his own magic power into the puppet to adjust it."

  "Once the magic power enters the heart of the puppet, even if it will eventually dissipate, the feeling in the dark will be directly recorded, so each puppet will be innately close to the puppet master who made it, even It's closer than the doll who will use it in the future!"

  "So it is!" Xia You nodded slightly.

  In the original book, the magic dragon Sigmong once told Ye Ye that because of "magic power", dolls generally have special feelings for their dolls, but doll masters do the same.

  This may be the same reason that children will be close to their parents, and the puppet master can be regarded as the existence of giving life to the doll.

  At this moment, the door of the room was gently pushed open from the outside.

  "Finn, Dorothy, lunch is ready!"

  A crisp voice full of vitality echoed in the ears of the two...

  Xia You looked up in the direction of the door, and Ye Ye stood there pretty, showing him a gentle smile.

  The girl was still wearing a beautiful black dress, but she wore a light blue and white plaid apron around her waist. The little cook looked very cute.

  After she finished speaking, she glanced at the room and found that the doll parts were scattered everywhere, and she couldn't help blinking her eyes, showing doubts:

  "What's the matter, Finn, did the production fail?"

  "No, the black bear has been successfully activated. As for these things on the ground... Ha! It's just a little accident, you should pay attention to that side." Xia You touched her nose, coughed dryly, and pointed at Tao Le The black bear at the west foot said, "Look, our new companion!"

  Following the direction of Xia You's finger, Ye Ye immediately met the round eyes of the black bear. After looking at it for a while, she showed a heartfelt happy smile:

  "Fin is amazing, he can actually make ingenious dolls, if the glass... uh!"

  The girl also understood that she had slipped again just now, and quickly stuck out her tongue playfully, and turned around quickly:

  "By the way, there should be a portion of the stupid bear for lunch. I'll go help him prepare a basin, Xia You, you have to come and eat quickly, the room can be cleaned up after a while!"

  Stupid Bear is the name of the black bear. This was Dorothy's decision after buying back the materials.

  "it is good."

  Nodding with a smile, Xia You walked out of the door first, and Dorothy standing behind her stomped 0.7 feet and muttered softly:

  "Damn idiot servant, obviously just a servant, but walks in front of me every time!"

  After speaking, he kicked the black bear under his feet lightly, and was about to take it out with him.

  Unexpectedly, as soon as she looked up, she found that Xia You was parked in front of her.

  "How could you forget Eldest Miss!" He ignored Dorothy's petty struggles, grabbed her little hand tightly, and smiled again: "Let's go!"

  The two stepped out.

  In the yard, the scorching hot sun fell on the body, which was still unbearable, but the sky seemed bright and bright, full of splendid and energetic atmosphere.

  Perhaps because of the weather, Dorothy's mood was inexplicably much better, and a beautiful smile like a soft cloud was rarely seen on her delicate little face.


  The last chapter hangs up, which is really tragic.

Chapter 72 Classes of Magic

  After lunch, Dorothy took Stupid Bear for a walk in the yard, getting familiar with the control of the new doll, volunteered every night to clean up the dishes, while Xia You headed into the messy workshop.

  Not wanting to clean up, he found a clean corner in the room and sat on a chair to meditate.

  Questions about the magic circuit of the Machine Wound world.

  The reason why he was able to say that the black bear's magic circuit belongs to "regeneration" is not because he has amazing eyesight or a solid foundation in magic, but because Jiuyuanji Yuzhu has studied "regeneration magic".

  When I taught Xia You magic, Jiuyuan Temple Youzhu lived in Xia You's house for a while. After seeing the ability of "photosynthesis", she was very envious, so she drew Xia You's blood several times.

  With the limitations of the system, the witch naturally couldn't research anything, but she found Xia You's abnormal recovery speed, so she started to explore this "regeneration" ability.

  Perhaps it was because the regenerative ability came from Xia You. During the research process, Yuzhu of Jiuyuanji, who had always been serious and serious about magic, did not shy away from him.

  That's why Xia You can remember the general appearance of the "regeneration" circuit - of course, with his extremely strong resilience, he didn't take that magic to heart at all.


  "The magic circuit of the world of machine damage is actually similar to the world of Xingyue!" 06

  This is also the reason why he came up with a whim and prepared to record the ingenious magic circuit into his own imprint.

  Originally, Xia You didn't really care about the various magics in the world of machine damage, because the magic here is too deeply involved with Dayuan, and you need to rely on Dayuan to successfully perform it.

  The great source of each world is different, just like Xingyue - Xingyue's great source is not as active as the machine wound world, those magic that is realized by promoting the great source, when it reaches Xingyue, it can't be used at all, remember It is also a white note.

  But now it's different. The ingenious puppet actually uses a different technique in the body, and it is basically the same as the mysterious side of Xingyue, which completely aroused Xia You's interest!

  When he thinks of all kinds of ingenious dolls with powerful abilities in the world of machine injury, his heart is full of excitement.

  If you can get all the magic circuits of those sky-defying puppets, it will be a hair!

  Magicians use magic and need to sing incantations and prepare rituals.

  And once the magic circuit is successfully recorded in the engraving, it can greatly compress the use process and make the magic release more smoothly - some simpler spells can even be instant.

  In addition, there is no such thing as 'thin and mysterious'. It is estimated that it will be easier to find out the details of the doll circuit.

  "Um... Then again, why is the magic used by the clever dolls different from the magic used by many magicians in this world?"

  The black bear just now, the circuit in its body is similar to the magic in the moon - it is not communicating with the source, but communicating the concept.

  Presumably the various magic circuits in other ingenious dolls are also communicating concepts.

  After being excited for a while, Xia You quickly calmed down, propped her face with her hands, and slowly began to sort out the mysterious side of the world of machine injury.

  "Because of the activity of the great source's magic power, the human magicians who machined the world naturally used 'elemental' magic at first."

  "However, after the birth of the ingenious civilization, their research has become more and more 'conceptual' magic! The magic placed in the puppet circuit should all belong to the magic of communicating concepts. As for the reason..."

  Thinking of the "incoordination of magical activity" that has been emphasized in the ingenious civilization, Xia You finally realized in her heart:

  "So it is! The mysterious power of any world basically ends up in the same way. For something as simple and easy to use as magic engraving, the magicians in the world of machine damage must have had various ideas, and even studied it for many years. "

  The most troublesome thing for magicians is the lengthy spell-casting rituals. Magicians of every world must have discussed ways to shorten the spell-casting process.

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